The Power of Words – Change the Words You Use and Change Your Life

Change the Words

Are you aware of the Power of Words? “Change the words you use; change your life.” It’s such a simple yet assertive sentence. Words are the most effective tool to start transforming our lives instantly. Words are tools to call an image into your mind. There are two main kinds of words. These are the words “Key” and “Assistant”. The assistant words, such as Big, Red, and Minion, are Assistant Words and are included in the adjectives category. Assistant words cannot create a clear image in your mind when used alone. But Key Words can directly call a clear image into your mind. In this way, words alone can conjure up a clear image in your mind are keywords. However, the image becomes more precise when keywords are used together with Assistant words. For example: If your spouse is talking about your Red sweater, the image that comes to your mind directly. For this reason, negatively charged words will directly provide you with negative images.

Positive Words

If there is a negative situation that you want to express, it is possible to do this without calling negative images by just using your mind a little more. It will be worth your effort. This is not Polyannaism. However, instead of words that wear and weaken your psychology over time and contain negative images, you will benefit if you express the situation with positive comments that do not carry these images. The Brainusermanual team would like to point you to the simple way of doing this so that you can quickly move forward in your struggle for life. If the power of words hasn’t been convincing to you, or if you haven’t paid any attention to the fact that there is something about this subject everywhere, this article can help you change your perspective.

keyphrase idea

The history of humanity is full of stories of leaders who use the power of words to transform the feelings of societies, shape their destinies, and provide support. From Winston Churchill to Martin Luther King, the world’s most outstanding leaders and progressive thinkers have harnessed the power of words. Yet, the most important thing we have learned from the speeches of successful people worldwide is that what we believe is shaped by the power of words and can only be changed by terms.

“Language shapes our behavior, and each word we use has countless personal meanings. Using the right words in the right way brings us love, money and respect. Wrong power of words or using the right words in the wrong way leads us to a conflict. To achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams, we must carefully conduct our speeches like a conductor.”


These words are from Dr Andrew Newberg’s famous book “Words Can Change Your Brain”. The book draws attention to the fact that with the right power of words, we can change our brains and lives, achieve anything we want, and our dreams are hidden in the words we use.

To attract your dreams into your life, you must change your words. Why would you prefer negative ones when there are thousands of words you can use to express your feelings, thoughts and experiences, right?

word positive Power of Words

When you choose your power of words carefully, you find the key to shaping your life. You can take control of your life when you choose carefully instead of giving automatic reactions and using the first sentences that come to your mind. “Damn, again!” Or, when you say, “I’ll never be successful at this…” you’re preparing yourself for more negative situations. However, if you prefer to say, “I will keep trying, and I will be more successful”, you can prepare your mind for positive developments and plant the right seeds in your subconscious. It’s more than motivation, and it’s elementary to do.

idea Power of Words

Here are a few more examples to help you improve your life.

“I gained experience.” instead of “I failed.”

“I will try a different method.” instead of “I am not good at this job.”

“I learned.” instead of “I made a mistake.”

“I am enough as I am.” instead of “Everyone is better than me.”

“I will try.” instead of”I can’t do it.”

“I am grateful for what I have.” instead of “Everything is going badly.”

Examples can be multiplied. It would be best if you tried to speak a little more positively or at least try to find a non-negative word. Thus, what will be revealed from your brain will be more valuable. Don’t be angry or upset at all. Intelligent people with Brainusermanual don’t get mad. When you start to express your feelings, thoughts and actions with the power of words you consciously choose, you can shape your experiences in line with your wishes.


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