10 Most Common Assumption-Based Thinking Mistakes

fantasy assumption

Assumption Causes thinking mistakes. In the most general definition, misconceptions are delusions. For example, you think something does not exist. But actually, there is something. It is undeniable that thought is an obligation on human beings and is an uninterrupted flow. It is against the life process for the human mind to continue its function by being isolated from thoughts. Considering that thoughts are constantly present, it becomes difficult to filter each thought by choosing meticulously. In connection with this, the generalization “Every thought that comes to mind is true or logical” will not be accurate. If the idea you have in mind is based on social conditioning, it needs to be re-evaluated. Assumptions are a mind function with the most dangerous consequences that can happen to you in this lifetime. Your assumptions, which accord with Reason-Logic, the organic workings of life, are usually correct. But this is often very costly when your assumption needs to be corrected. Therefore, you should exercise your brain and evaluate every event by thinking. Also, it’s delightful. Brainusermanual owners can make the closest choice to the truth through their minds by filtering the super-position system in their brains in the Universal System, whether the assumptions are true or not.


When individuals focus on thoughts more than usual and try to manage, direct and reject them, this may cause psychological disorders. On the other hand, it is seen that reviews are automated in daily life routines in terms of both time management and convenience in human relations. This automatization consists of ideas that the person adds his interpretation in connection with his past experiences, is shaped in line with his own fundamental beliefs, cannot be proven true, and has assumptions and inferences. Just as focusing on thoughts more than usual can cause psychological disorders, automating reviews more than average can cause psychological disorders. Automation of ideas is called “cognitive distortion” in mental health and is defined as several thought errors that occur in the human mind. A person may have more than one cognitive distortion. Let’s take a look at the most common thinking mistakes.

1- Exaggerating Generalization

Exaggerating Generalization Assumption Thinking Mistakes

The individual makes inferences from one or more events, including all other events. For example, a person whose friend wrongs in an event may realize this cognitive distortion with the thought, “No one supports me”.

2-Making Irrational Contexts

Irrational Contexts Assumption Thinking Mistakes

Although the person has no evidence, they generate ideas about events and how they want to perceive them. However, the thoughts it produces have little to do with reality. “He takes care of me because he takes pity on me” and “Only people with good diction come to good places” are examples of this.


Enlarge-Reduce Assumption Thinking Mistakes

It can be defined as a person seeing an event as bigger or smaller than it is. “I indeed passed this exam, but everyone can do it” and “I could not do what even a small child can do” are examples.

4-All or Nothing

All or Nothing Assumption Thinking Mistakes

One’s thoughts can be compared in black and white. An event is either complete or non-existent for a person. For example, beliefs such as “If I am not perfect, I am a failure” and “If he refuses to meet with me, I will never meet him again” are seen in this cognitive distortion.

5-Imaging Reading Minds

Imagine Reading Minds

The individual makes sure and definite inferences as if he is reading the other person’s mind. The sentences “He didn’t like me because he didn’t come” and “He thinks I’m an emotionless person” are examples of mind-reading thought errors.

6-Assumption Thinking Mistakes: Bad Labeling

Bad Labeling

The person makes some labels by making inferences about himself or others. An example of this is when someone who made a mistake once labelled himself as “I’m stupid”.

7-Personalizing Everything

Personalizing Everything

In this cognitive distortion, the individual takes responsibility for even the situation unrelated to himself or slightly. For example, if a friend of the individual says that he has a headache, the individual may think that he is the reason, that his friend is bored with him, and that he is not a good friend.

8-Assumption Thinking Mistakes: Probably Like This

Probably Like This

The individual creates strict and unchangeable rules and fixed ideas in his mind and expects himself and his environment to comply with these rules. Otherwise, he thinks that some disaster awaits him or the person who does not fit. Sentences such as “I should never make mistakes” and “No matter what happens, people should treat each other with respect” are examples of this thinking mistake.

9-Assumption Thinking Mistakes: Prophecy

Prophecy Assumption Thinking Mistakes

The person predicts the outcome of an event negatively. He thinks he is predicting future events. For example, the sentence “He won’t pick up my phone; something bad has happened” is an example of this thinking error.

10-Assumption Thinking Mistakes: Disaster Scenarios

Disaster Scenarios Assumption Thinking Mistakes

It is a cognitive distortion in which anxiety is intense because the person thinks that bad things will happen by producing negative scenarios outside the perception of reality. The sentence “Everyone will hate me” is an example of catastrophizing.


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