Developing Intelligence in 19 Steps to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's Disease

If you are afraid of Alzheimer’s in the future, you are in the right place. Develop intelligence to prevent Alzheimer’s with Brainusermanual. Alzheimer’s is also related to genetic predisposition. If your family has it, you are at risk too. The Brainusermanual team is with you, we have prepared this guide for you to protect you from wrong behavior and tell you the right behavior now please relax. If you treat your brain the right way, you certainly won’t get Alzheimer’s, even if you have a genetic predisposition.

Dementia Alzheimer's

The brain, the most complex organ of the body and regulating all our vital functions, is also the center of emotions, intelligence, memory, and creativity. Although we give our brain a lot of exercise in many of the actions we do every day, we need a little more to prevent our brain from aging. Support the formation of new brain cells, prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and forgetfulness, to develop our creativity, to improve our cognitive skills, in short, to protect our brain from age-related degeneration and make it fitter. Here are brain exercises to support your cognitive skills and scientifically proven ways to improve your intelligence

Alzheimer trees

Did you know that cooking or listening to music can help you improve your intelligence? And there’s more. Here are some amazing exercises for the brain that you should include in your life.

1-Just Dance to Prevent Alzheimer’s

dance to Prevent Alzheimer's

Many studies point out that dance not only nourishes the soul and moves the body with music, but also activates all the nerves in the brain thanks to its rhythm, coordination, and balance. In addition, according to research, dance stimulates the parts of the brain that develop skills such as planning, memorization and creativity.

2-Make Puzzles to Prevent Alzheimer’s


If you have enough patience, doing puzzles can be an enjoyable activity for you. And if you are, you can improve your cognitive skills thanks to puzzles. According to research, puzzles play an active role in improving the spatial functions of the brain, as well as preventing the emergence of cognitive diseases, especially Alzheimer’s.

3-Increase Your Vocabulary to Prevent Alzheimer’s


Taboo, scrabble, or the name-city game if we go back to our childhood… We can say that they all support vocabulary; functions of the brain as well as the developing vocabulary. You can change your vocabulary with the books you read with word games or movies that deal with different themes, and you can continue to train your brain effectively.

4-Brainstorm(Mindmapping) to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Brainstorm to Prevent Alzheimer's

Perhaps one of the most effective exercises we all do on a daily basis to train the brain can be brainstorming. The ideas we share, the steps we follow, the comments we make, or the solutions we produce to the difficulties we face while planning a job, working on a project alone, or with our teammates, help us to use our brains more actively. Whether you’re alone or together with your friends or colleagues, it doesn’t matter.

5-Meditate Yourself to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Meditate Yourself to Prevent Alzheimer's

Meditation involves focusing attention in a calm and controlled way. In addition to many physical and mental benefits, it also has a brain-enhancing effect. According to many studies, meditation slows down the aging of the brain and increases its ability to process information.

6-Play an Instrument to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Play an Instrument to Prevent Alzheimer's

Have you always wanted to play the violin or give a concert to your loved ones with the guitar? So now is the time to get started. Especially if you want to activate your brain muscles… Learning an instrument helps the brain stay fit by working on the areas responsible for coordination. According to many studies, playing an instrument contributes to the development of cognitive skills in young brains and prevents cognitive impairment in aging brains.

7-Learn a New Language to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Learn a New Language to Prevent Alzheimer's

If you want to keep your brain active and improve your cognitive skills as well as contribute to your personal and professional development, you can start making preparations to learn a new language right away. A 2019 study suggests that knowing more than one language strengthens connections in different areas of the brain, improving cognitive skills, as well as delaying Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and forgetfulness.

8-Cook Food to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Cook Food

You may be a little surprised, but you can strengthen your brain by cooking. How? By paying attention to details to create a balanced taste, engaging your problem-solving skills when things go wrong in the kitchen, using your motor skills to mix and whisk, getting creative to come up with new recipes, and of course, using your memory to know how much of each ingredient to put in…

9-Solve Sudoku to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Solve Sudoku to Prevent Alzheimer's

If you enjoy spending Sundays with newspaper crosswords, this type of exercise is for you. According to many studies, sudoku and similar number puzzles are the most fun way to challenge the brain. Studies reveal that people who solve number puzzles more often have more advanced cognitive functions than those who don’t.

10-Listen to Music for Brain Activation

Listen to Music to Prevent Alzheimer's

Music is undoubtedly food for the soul. But it is not only good for the soul, but also for our minds. Many studies show that listening to music increases the connections of neurons in the brain. Points out that warned different parts of the brain. If you want to train your brain as well as feel good, you can turn on your favorite songs right away.

11-Dream More to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Dream More

If you want to exercise your mind more and strengthen your brain, do it without lifting a finger. There is one more way you can do it is to dream. Yes, you can activate your brain muscles by creating images in your mind. According to research, mental exercises with visualization help improve the brain’s mechanisms for organizing information and making decisions.

12-Make Room in Your Brain for Chess

Play Chess to Prevent Alzheimer's

Perhaps one of the most popular ways to train the brain is the game of chess, which encourages strategic thinking. Many studies show that chess not only improves cognitive skills, but also improves the brain’s ability to watch, observe, recognize moves and adapt, and also increases information processing speed.

13-Get a New Hobby

Get a New Hobby to Prevent Alzheimer's

Acquiring new skills stimulates different parts of the brain, encouraging it to stay busy and work to perform different functions. A 2014 study suggests that hobbies such as photography and crafts improve memory and improve brain function. You can develop different hobby areas to acquire new skills, use your time efficiently and strengthen your brain connections.

14-Play Card and Board Games

Board Games to Prevent Alzheimer's

Playing a board game may sound like a little exercise, but games (not all of them, of course) can serve as a fun mental exercise. You can train your brain and push your limits with card and board games that help you develop your strategic thinking skills.

15-Challenge Your Memory to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Challenge Your Memory to Prevent Alzheimer's

Taxi drivers, who need to know all the streets in the city by heart, can be a good example of this item. Studies point out that taxi drivers have larger-than-normal hippocampus, which boosts memory use and intelligence.

16-Drink Water All Day to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Drink Water All Day to Prevent Alzheimer's

It is obvious how beneficial drinking water is for the body. In addition to the benefits of drinking water throughout the day, some recent studies have shown that; It shows that by adjusting the body’s fluid balance, it carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain more effectively.

17-Sleep for a Better Functioning Brain

Get Enough Sleep to Prevent Alzheimer's

Getting enough sleep every day (depending on the body, on average, 7-8 hours) strengthens memory by processing what happened during the day in the brain and helps neurons work more effectively. To strengthen your intelligence with sleep; you need to find the optimum sleep time for yourself, do sports for healthy sleep, and stop caffeine and alcohol intake before going to bed. What you need to pay attention to improve your intelligence habits A balanced and regular diet and adequate sleep are not only necessary for our body health, but also for our brain. The foods listed below are very effective in protecting brain functions and increasing intelligence.

18-Eat Healthy to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Eat Healthily to Prevent Alzheimer's

Vitamin B: Vitamin B strengthens memory and raises the mood. Research results show that vitamin B deficiency decreases mental activity in adults. It is beneficial to include foods rich in B vitamins such as bananas, turkey, fish, beans, lentils, and potatoes in your diet.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps protect your brain health as it works as an antioxidant. You can also find vitamin E, which has a depression-reducing and Alzheimer’s-slowing effect, in hazelnuts, fibrous green plants, kiwi, and mango.

Breakfast: Breakfast is known as the healthiest meal of the day. Recent research has proven to be the most effective meal for the brain. Eating breakfast every day improves focus, memory, creativity, and overall performance.

Fish Oil: Research shows that fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is the oil that helps the brain work most effectively.

Avocado: Since it contains monounsaturated fats known as good fats, it increases blood circulation. Strengthening the brain with the effect of increased blood circulation, avocado also improves cognitive abilities by balancing blood pressure.

Pure Green Tea: Matcha, a green tea powder with a bright green color, keeps the mind clear and increases the ability to focus. The taste is good too.

Antioxidants: Consuming antioxidant-rich foods by fighting free radicals in the body; It strengthens your focusing ability, problem-solving ability, and memory. Red-colored fruits and artichokes are delicious foods containing antioxidants.

Ginkgo Biloba: This herb, which was used in ancient times, increases blood flow to the brain, regresses dementia, strengthens short-term memory, and increases the ability to focus.

Meat and fish: Consumption of meat and fish strengthens memory and intelligence by providing the creatine your body needs. Although it has been proven that athletes and students who take creatine are more effective in physical and mental activities; take it naturally by consuming meat and fish instead of supplements
more effective.

Ginseng: Used as a mental stimulant in Eastern countries, ginseng also protects the brain, according to a study conducted at Baylor College. It also fights toxins that increase the effect of diseases such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s.

If you want to access more detailed information about brain nutrition, Click Here.

19-Quit Smoking to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Quit Smoking to Prevent Alzheimer's

If you can quit smoking, you will reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 60 percent. Degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease take years to develop. Some factors that predispose people to dementia, such as the genetic profile, cannot be changed.

Over the years, modifiable risk factors have been identified to help reduce the risks of developing dementia. Another modifiable risk factor to be considered important is smoking. Research so far shows that smoking increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

As important as drinking enough water, sleeping well, and eating a balanced diet, it is important to include healthy habits too that help develop intelligence in your life, but it is just as critical to remove harmful habits from your life. A study of one million students in New York showed that students who ate foods without artificial sweeteners and colors had an average IQ of 14% above the rest. Therefore, it is important to stay away from artificial sweeteners and colors too.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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