Combine Mind Reset with Positive Thinking in 9 Steps

brain reset thoughts

Do you know what you can achieve with mind reset and Positive Thinking power? If we told you that you would have the ability to go forward and achieve anything you want, would you accept it? Or would you start thinking about all the ‘possible’ negativity coming your way? If you believe that the negativity that might come your way will come to Mind, now is the time to free yourself from the clutches of this negative mindset. Brainusermanual users can stay away from Negative thoughts as they take care to use their brains correctly. They almost format their brains if necessary and know they can change their old bad memories. And they can do this simply by accessing the brain’s old memories, using the Mind’s imagination function. If you also want to live life more pleasantly and successfully by using your brain more effectively, and you are reading a part of this guide right now, you are a real Brainusermanual user. You won’t be sad anymore! Welcome to the Brain Club!

negative thoughts

We all have good things in our lives; We want beauty, happiness, success, and riches, but to get them, we focus on negative thoughts, which is very wrong. So, when we want to achieve something, instead of focusing on what we can do or imagining how we will feel when we do, we start making lists of things that are likely to prevent us from reaching it. So, how possible do you think achieving a positive result with negative thoughts is to achieve a positive impact? Just as the sum of minus and minus makes more minus, It is impossible to get anything positive from the combination of negative reviews. So what needs to be done is pretty simple in theory, change your perspective to the positive.

brain crash mind reset

Yes, we said quickly in theory; because, in practice, it may be challenging for us all. However, you can focus on the positive by improving your awareness and making a few minor but effective adjustments. You can start by clearing your Mind of everything negative before trying to change your perspective to the positive. So by resetting your Mind. Let’s take a closer look, as Brainusermanual users, first at simple ways to reset the Mind and then at tips to turn one’s perspective into a positive one.

Ways of Mind Reset

Brain reset

If your Mind has been full of negativity for a long time, it will not be easy to suddenly clear such a badly energized brain and train it to focus on the positive. Therefore, it must first be purified from everything harmful and then filled with positives. You need to give yourself suggestions throughout the day, as listed below.

1. Let Your Prejudices Go for Mind Reset

Prejudices Go mind reset

Usually, our personal biases comprise two layers: past experiences that have influenced us and the core beliefs these experiences create within us. Your past experiences can positively or negatively affect how you perceive yourself; This leads to ideas that make your limits, fears, and doubts. Therefore, you must first get rid of these limiting beliefs and values ​​that hold you back; that is, to break your prejudices. Our prejudices make perception difficult, sometimes even completely destroying our perception. It is a great prejudice to think that there is a situation that does not exist, or to think that an existing situation does not exist. If you want to work on how to get rid of all the causes that make your perception difficult in detail, we recommend you to take a look at the link for 5 minutes, “Get Rid of Causes That Make Perception Difficult and Remove Barriers to Your Brain in 5 Steps”

2. Re-imagine your past to Mind Reset

Re-imagine your past

Did you know that 50% of our memories are distorted? Yes, a large part of our memories is distorted, according to a study by Dr. Julia Shaw, a psychology scientist at University College London. This is because the brain cannot fully distinguish between real and imaginary. So, you can trick your brain. You can put your memories that you remember in the past and that have had adverse effects on you into a brand new form. So, instead of focusing on what happened something negative in your past, please put it in a form acceptable to you today; reinterpret. In other words, release the pain, and the sadness, forgive, and nourish yourself with the strength that your experiences have given you.

Bad experiences in the past produce limiting beliefs. If you can change these negative experiences in your mind, your mind will stop producing limiting beliefs about them. You can find details about stopping sabotaging yourself with your limiting beliefs in our “Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs and Stop Self-Sabotaging” article.

3. Imagine You Are Starting Over at You

Imagine you mind reset

Your values ​​are a list of things that are important to you in your life. Kindness, honesty, loyalty, compassion, or ambition may be on this list. Your core beliefs are rules about yourself and how you want to live your life. Happiness, success, or wealth may also be on this list. Write down the values ​​and beliefs you want to have in your life without limitations. Decide what is important to you and what is indispensable. Make a long list and create a new you by incorporating everything on the list into your life.

When you take time for yourself, your whole world starts to change. Because of your Mind, she finds the time she needs to heal, overcome everything that is (or is happening) and think about what she wants to happen next. Taking time for yourself allows you to think, learn, grow, challenge yourself, question your beliefs, and plan your future. By making it a habit to take time for yourself, you can train your Mind in the direction you want. As long as you listen to him, understand, and realize his needs. Give yourself the time you need to discover where is right and where is wrong.

Focus Only on the Positive After the Mind Reset Process

positive thumbs up

If you have reset your Mind to factory settings; So if you’ve taken a clean format, now you can explore how you can direct it to focus on the positive. Perhaps at the end of your Mind reset process that lasted for days, you feel that your Mind is empty. Do not put even the smallest negativity into your immaculate Mind. Thus, you can feed and develop your clear and bright brain with positive thoughts

4. Silencing Your Negative Inner Voice

negative inner voice

Perhaps one of the most common behaviors we all do is negative self-talk. When a negative thought enters our Mind, we nurture it, nurture it, multiply it, and let it take over our Mind. We can enter ‘I failed this job.’ and exit ‘How incompetent I am. It reinforces the negative cycle. To break this cycle, it is necessary to silence the negative inner voice. As soon as you start to burden yourself, find an occupation that will distract your mind immediately. Don’t let your inner voice overwhelm you and magnify negativity. Get up, move, change location, go out to nature, listen to music, take care of your hobbies, and silence the negative voice inside you. Actually, you don’t need to force yourself. You don’t need to make promises to yourself to silence your negative inner voice. Instead of making promises to yourself, try talking candidly with your brain. You can click to reach the related article “Speak to Your Brain Instead of Making a Promise to Yourself.”

5. Develop a Routine That Inspires You

Make this day great

Some people start their day with exercise; others need music or a cold shower. Some people do not leave the house without drinking their coffee. So how do you evaluate your mornings? How do you motivate to get out of bed? Do you get out of bed in the morning saying ‘I couldn’t sleep again’ or be grateful for that beautiful day? For example, make your bed, ventilate your house, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and practice a 5-minute yoga flow. Develop a routine that will inspire you and start your day cheerful. Thus, you can maintain positive energy in the following hours. Otherwise, a day that you will begin by getting out of reverse can bring along annoying setbacks, making it difficult for you to focus on the positive.

6. See Challenges as Opportunities

Challenges Mind Reset

You may face difficulties in your work, social life, and romantic relationships from time to time, like everyone else. The important thing is not to have a life without any difficulties, which is not possible but to know how to meet the challenges. If you allow them to intimidate you, they become permanent difficulties; but if you focus on what you can learn from them, they become opportunities. If you see the challenges, you encounter in any area of ​​life as an opportunity to grow, develop, progress, or learn, you will not lose your positive perspective, even in a seemingly negative situation.

7. Discover the Power of Gratitude


Many people forget to be grateful for what they have in life and focus on what is not. Of course, it is not wrong to be ambitious, to want more from life; however, everything does not become ‘more’ or ‘better’ all at once. It takes time. Although it is normal for your expectations, wishes, and desires to increase over time, all this is not an excuse not to appreciate what you have. As you continue to work to achieve what you want, don’t forget to be grateful for what you have. In this way, you can remember how far you have come, what you have achieved, and what you have; maybe you realize that everything is much better than you think.

8. Spend Time With Positive People

Friends Mind Reset

You may have noticed that negativity and positivity are contagious. You can also be demoralized by being with someone in a bad mood. Conversely, when you are with someone cheerful, enthusiastic, and radiating happiness, your spirit automatically rises. Therefore, you need to be careful about who you surround yourself with. You start to have a negative attitude next to people who constantly complain, have unhappy moods, always look at the negative side, and see the glass as half empty. Therefore, surround yourself with people who nurture your positive side and help you stay in high spirits at all times.

9. Be Yourself’s Best Friend

Woman best friend

When everything goes wrong, when severe troubles surround you, when you experience loss, when you are grieving, when you are going through really challenging times, trying to stay positive can seem like the hardest thing in the world. You are right. But in difficult times like these, it’s essential to do something to take the pressure off you. Positive thinking is not about burying every negative thought or emotion or avoiding complicated feelings; instead, you accept them and move on. Try to see yourself as a good friend who needs comfort or advice as you go through tough times. What would you say to him? You would probably acknowledge his feelings and remind him that he has a right to feel sad and angry and that things would get better. So do this for yourself too.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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