Accurately Reach Success by Identifying the 3 Most Accurate Steps

accurate steps

Being passionate, determined, and over-eager while looking for ways to achieve success sometimes accurately puts us in the “how not to be successful” dilemma. Most of the time, a successful person can sometimes feel dissatisfied despite all their success. One of the reasons behind this is that he takes the goal one step further every time he approaches whatever he wants to achieve and constantly increases his self-expectation. This is one of the dangers that await people with a growth mindset.

Another illusion on this path is “If we work hard if we are willing enough if we use our strengths if we continue tirelessly, if we try to do better, we will accurately reach success.” However, when it comes to a goal that is not set correctly, is it not possible for us to fail even if we do all of the above and then face more significant disappointments?

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“Success” and the sense of satisfaction it will create are only natural when you achieve a goal that you sincerely believe (or at least share) you have set (or at least shared). Focusing on concepts such as “target” and “desire” is applicable at this point. The higher our awareness, the clearer we know what we want and why, and we can convince everyone involved (mother, father, spouse, manager, etc.), including ourselves first; In the face of opposing opinions, we are equipped with well-founded justifications. Thanks to this awareness, we can overcome obstacles and accurately reach success results by reviewing our route when necessary, going directly to the barriers when necessary, and worrying about the challenges that come our way.

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Now let’s come to the most important of the threats we will face on the way to success: Focusing on negative experiences. It is undeniable that every individual has a predisposition to this issue. However, as with any obstacle, there are ways to overcome it. One valuable exercise is listing our small, medium, and significant achievements. Although this may seem like a straightforward exercise, I would like to point out that it is tough to implement correctly due to our high standard of success.


That’s why it’s essential to include all of the “small,” “medium,” and “large” categories in this list; for this exercise, a quiet cafe, a bench under the tree, a sun lounger by the sea, an excellent library corner, etc. Take your time by finding out and sitting down and listing the things you feel successful in writing, one by one, without saying big or small. Then, after preparing this list retrospectively, updating it after each win, and reading it, incredibly when you encounter discouraging situations will keep your belief in yourself alive.

money Accurately Reach Success

But will this effort be enough? What if you experience the most successful, productive period of your life but still feel dissatisfied?

Is there something wrong? If the answer is yes, I will review your definition of perfectionism. The purpose of perfectionism can be a mask, and behind it can be found a perpetually dissatisfied person. This dissatisfaction can disrupt the balance in our lives, causing insomnia in some, a constant state of anxiety in others, and a constant desire to sleep in others. After a point, everything we have accomplished on the way to our goal loses its meaning, and we may find ourselves in an impasse. In this case, the question is: Is the path to the goal correct?

Stairs heaven Accurately Reach Success

If you find yourself in this situation while chasing big goals, changing your perspective and turning to smaller, shorter-term goals will be beneficial.

For those struggling with goal setting, we include a simple exercise from Thomas Erikson’s book:

Thomas Erikson's book

1-First of all, which problem do you want to solve or what do you want to change with this goal? What feelings does the problem cause in you? Examining this problem thoroughly will help you find the right solution and target.

2-You may have set a few goals, but choose your primary goal and write it down on paper.

3-List the 20 steps required to achieve this goal. While doing this, it may be easy to identify the first steps, but even if you find it challenging to find the 20 steps, try to write them down the 20 steps.

4-When you have completed 4-20 steps, look at your list and determine the step that can get you to your goal as quickly as possible.

Success Accurately Reach Success

5- Look at your list again and also determine what is the second best step to get you to your goal.

6-Review the list one last time and identify the 3 best steps.

7-Now, write down your goal and these three steps on a new piece of paper and throw away the list of 20 degrees. You probably won’t do those remaining 17 steps. (Through this step, Thomas Erikson emphasized throwing it away.)

8-Now, spend all your energy on the first three steps you have determined. Then, when you start completing them, re-establish your goal and the steps leading to it. You will likely find different stages in this new list than the 17 steps you have identified because you may have gained new knowledge and experience when you follow those three priority steps.

Step by step Accurately Reach Success

As we mentioned at the beginning, although the article gives an air of dampening enthusiasm, it contains some acceptance; It may be suitable for all of us to see that the world is much more complicated than the rules of logic; we know most things happen outside of our control, and not all successes can be achieved by just hard work and to continue with these inputs.


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