18 Practical Ways to Happiness and Keep Your Brain Always Young with Brain Training

unhappy woman

Has anyone ever told you the real reason for your unhappiness? Even if the sessions take longer, your psychologist will not tell you about it. As the authors of the Brain User Manual, we can assure you that our primary focus is the brain. We know very well why your brain is unhappy and why you age. And you will learn about it in this article! We have to give our brains some preoccupation; otherwise, we will get bored and feel worse than we have ever felt before. You have two options in front of you: train your brain or numb your brain. If you numb your brain, it will calm down for a while, but then? You feel worse and worse. There is no limit to feeling bad about yourself. It can get progressively worse! Sounds scary, right? That’s a terrible thing, in our opinion, and that’s why we strongly do not recommend numbing your brain. We strongly recommend that you train and develop your brain instead. Because as you grow, new openings will occur in your brain, and you will begin to feel new sensations and emotions you never expected. How do we know that these new emotions and feelings are formed? We know what we recommend because we tried it on ourselves and our students! These high emotions (all of which include happiness) will bind you to life so much that you won’t be able to stop asking yourself why you haven’t developed your brain before!

brain muscle

Your brain is like a muscle. We’re sure you’ve heard this before. The more you use your brain, the more it will develop so you can continue to use it more efficiently and better. New learning causes new connections to form in the brain. Not understanding causes the brain to start disconnecting from itself. But knowledge will give you great relief and a massive reward for every workout! Whatever your age, mind exercises have a detailed and highly positive effect on your brain.

human brain

We want to tell you about a study done at Berkeley. Hear the research of Marian Diamondbey, a renowned neuroscientist at the University of California with over thirty years of brain research. “We now know that with appropriate stimulation and an enriched environment, the human brain continues to develop at all ages,” he said at a conference on aging to the community in 2001. His study is on middle-aged mice, which corresponds to a human being sixty years old, and aged mice, which corresponds to a ninety-year-old human. Dr. Diamond and his team demonstrated that added enrichment (such as colorful toys and exercise equipment, mazes, and other rodents for companionship) improved the size and cognitive capacity of the mice’s brains.

rat toy

Socially bred rats with varying toys and experiences were much better at running through mazes than rats bred in a stimulus-deprived and isolated environment. Their brains also looked very different. They had sprouting fibers leading to more nerve cells, blood vessels, and a much thicker cerebral cortex. “We used middle-aged rats partly because they have cortices similar to humans,” Diamond said. It was comforting in the early ’70s when Diamond found that we can change the brain at any age. He says that if you use your brain, you can vary as much as a younger brain. He says that an older brain may take a long time to respond, but change still happens. According to him, it would be wise for people to think of their brain as a muscle. He also proved with similar findings that brain cells shrink or shut down while remaining isolated.

Now, as Brain User Manual owners, let’s start learning 18 practical methods that will activate your brain cells every day in the most appropriate way to the results of the experiments.

1-Start Getting Used to Not Doing the Same Things the Same Way Always!


The best brain exercise is to do things you haven’t done before and gain new knowledge. New learning helps the brain. Doing what you always do is not suitable for your brain, no matter how complicated it is. When the brain does something repeatedly, it learns how to do it using less and less energy, even if it is a very complex task. For example, learning a new medical technique, a new hobby, or a new game helps make new connections, thus improving the brain and the function of other often less used brain areas.

brain neurons

Have you heard of the famous Sisters Study, led by researchers at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago? This is proof of the “use it or lose it” principle of mental exercise. Researchers studied how often, over five years, 800 nuns, priests, and other religious officials engaged in a mentally stimulating activity such as reading the newspaper. As a result, they discovered that those with tends to be Alzheimer’s disease reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by one-third. In addition, individuals with more mental activity had a fifty percent increase in all cognitive abilities, a sixty percent increase in the concentration and attention curve, and a thirty percent increase in mental processing speed.


Learning has a natural effect on neurons: it keeps them ready to fire and makes it easier for them to fire. The brain has about a thousand trillion neurons that converge (biote), each going out or dying if they are not actively fired. Like unused muscles, empty nerve cells become atrophied. This is because there are so many different circuits in the brain. Any new circuit group becomes weak. For example, middle-aged people returning to college often feel slow and stupid initially, but after a few semesters of mental exercise, they find academic work easy again. As age progresses, the level of enzyme activity in a person’s cells begins to decrease.

brain cell

The cells become less, and the brain is not quite as agile as that of eighteen-year-olds. But somehow, younger people are also at a disadvantage. In certain respects, fifty-year-olds may be better at academic studies because the older they get, the better their frontal lobes develop. More developed frontal lobes allow you to benefit from new information, know what to focus on, and engage with life experiences that add more practical value. Eighteen-year-olds may find it easier to memorize, but their frontal lobes are not very good at choosing which facts to remember. If a person wants to grow up, develop and grow old in a healthy way from childhood to death, he must continue to read and think.

2-Try to Make a Picture!

drawing picture

Painting is a great way to stimulate your brain and help it make new neuron connections. Forcing yourself to paint activates unused parts of your brain, increasing your brain’s capacity and rejuvenating you. But you can say that I don’t have a talent for painting. Everyone says so. The difference between you and the so-called talented people is that you didn’t spend the necessary overtime! If you practice enough, you can become a great painter, so don’t be surprised.


We had a former student who complained to us about his lack of painting skills while teaching him how to make mind maps. He stuck in a chalet with his family on the mountainside for four months during the summer vacation, where there was no television or internet access; he started to draw magnificent cartoons. Because he had found five pocketbooks and a set of pencils in the drawer of the house, he told us that he spent hours with his drawings on these blank notebooks out of boredom. After months of practice, the artist himself had already emerged without training! You can do it too; take half an hour a day, keep going and be patient. If you want to progress faster, you can get a basic tutorial on technical drawings or check out the video tutorial series on drawing.

3-Try to Write a Poem!

write a poem

You haven’t written poetry since elementary school, have you? It does not matter! You are a poet. Yes, we are all candidates for painters and poets. You don’t need to write great poems. We see poetry writing as a great exercise that stimulates your brain. Every time you do this, you make new connections between your neurons and strengthen your brain. Your brain will go a long way as you add your emotions, loved ones, and imagination to your poems. Go back years in your mind, walk the old roads and peek at your vocabulary.

poem art

Your Verbal intelligence will gradually improve as you write. Feel free to write poetry or paint. The more you paint, the better you paint. The more you write, the better you write! As you write poetry, you write better poems and want to share them with your loved ones. As we said, the only difference between you and good poets is practice.


So the only difference between you and them is the poems written on the back and front of the paper in hundreds of crumpled pieces of paper in their trash cans!

4-Learn How to Make a Mind Map Immediately!

mind mapping

If you want to go further than keeping your brain young and becoming mentally literate, you must introduce mind maps into your life. With mind maps, you can summarize a book, make a reminder of a movie, documentary, or educational video you watched, or prepare a speech. You can keep great retrospective logs. You can do anything with mind maps, including shopping lists, and it’s good for your brain! Mind maps are also a painting and a poem. Yes, you heard it right, it is poetry and painting! Mind maps are non-linear structures on paper made up of keywords and colors. It may seem strange when you first start, but it is a great exercise that stimulates the right and left brains at the same time.

mind map

It makes you feel odd because of the communication between your brain lobes. It is like a poem when you choose the correct word to describe a massive paragraph with one harmonious single word. This is a skill you can gain with practice. The Big picture is complete as you place colorful words and small doodles on the neuron-like spiky branches. And here is your unique map, ready! Your mind map is now a photograph of your thoughts in your brain!

5-Learn to Stimulate Your Neurons Correctly!


When you stimulate neurons correctly, you make them more competent; they work better, and you’ll more likely have an active learning brain throughout your life. A long-term potential strength (LTP) is the psychology of learning. Brain User Manual users know the psychology of learning very well. As long as you follow our site and practice what we say, you are a user of the Brain User Manual!

Learning is easily accomplished by repeating a movement that causes fundamental physical changes in neurons and biomes. LTP causes nerve endings enlargement, creating a distinct advantage in the three frontal lobes. One, it’s harder to damage. Second, the larger surface area in neurons improves adequate communication, allowing more significant signals to pass between cells.

learning psychology

And three, picking up neurons in potential power processing may dissipate their signals with less input in the future; As soon as this LPT occurs, it means taking less energy to do something well. For example, a pianist who practices a piece by Rachmaninoff will be able to play it without thinking and effort after a year because it regularly stimulates biots in the neurons that control finger movements so that he can perform the appropriate order to play the piece. They have correctly powered neurons to achieve this goal. To continue learning, he must work on a new part.

6- Develop Smart Friendships!

smart friendship

People and the mind are contagious. Intelligent people with improved thinking will make you smarter. You become like the people you spend time with. Work on developing friendships with new and exciting people. You exchange ideas and gain new perspectives, which often expands your mind if you’re into fascinating children. If you want to be better at playing any game, you have to play with better people than you to push your limit forward. There is the same basic principle in making your brain to higher heights. Spend time with people who challenge you.

7- Dedicate Yourself to Learning Something New!

Learning Something New

Try to read at least a little something new every day. Or listen to brand further information from somewhere. Start by dedicating just twenty minutes to learning something new each day. You can increase this time if you wish. Einstein said that if a person spends fifteen minutes a day learning something new, he will become an expert in a year. Because at home, school, and work, the size of the neuron connections in your brain (or a great brain) is essential to success.

8- Improve Your Existing Skills You Are Already Doing


A few repetitive mental stimulations are appropriate if you try to improve your skills and knowledge. Everyday activities such as gardening, sewing, playing bridge, reading, painting, and solving puzzles have value. Still, you can use different gardening techniques, more complex sewing patterns, play bridge with talented people, read new authors on various subjects, a new painting technique, and more. Challenge yourself to work on complicated puzzle solving. Pushing your brain to new heights will help it stay healthy and strong.

9- Limit the Time You Watch TV!

watch tv

It would be best if you reduced the time you watch television, especially for your children. Television does not actively train your brain and may even have the opposite effect. A study published in a journal called Pediatrics reported that a child who watches television has a ten percent increased chance of being diagnosed with ADD for each hour of the day. This means that if children watch television for five hours a day, they have a 50 percent chance of being diagnosed with ADD. What is this terrible thing? According to the American Academy of Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry, children spend three or four hours a day watching television.

television children

Another study put people at risk as adults with increased television viewing in childhood, the department of preventive and social medicine in Dunedin, New Zealand. R. J. Hancox and colleagues evaluated approximately one thousand children born in 1972-73 at regular intervals up to the age of 26. They found a significant link between higher mass content, lower physical fitness, increased smoking, and increased serum cholesterol.

television bedroom

All these factors are related to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Another study found that adults watching two or more hours of television daily had a significantly higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Watching television is generally a non-brain activity. These studies don’t measure whether watching shows that teach you something has the same effect as comedy or sports.

10- Limit Video Games!

video games

As the authors of the Brain User Manual, we have been researching Video games for a long time. Action games that require attention seemed to us to stimulate and develop the brain at first. So at first, we found them very fun to play with. But we started working on Action video games using brain image examinations to look at blood flow and activity parts. Video games have been found to work in the basal ganglia, one of the pleasure centers in the brain. So, these studies have shown that when a person injects cocaine, it’s the same with the glowing parts. In addition, he showed that especially for those prone to play in children, the more they play, the more they disrupt their schoolwork, work, and social time like a drug.


Some adults and their kids get hooked on the game. Some scientific literature has reported that video games can increase the frequency of seizures in people who are sensitive to them. You may recall the seizure scare that occurred one evening on December 16, 1997, when the Japanese cartoon (Pocket Monster) showed an explosion of red, white, and yellow lights that sent 730 Japanese children to the hospital for new seizures. This condition is called sensitivity to light (light-induced attack). We think video games often cause behavioral and learning problems, leading to asymptomatic seizures in vulnerable children and adults.

children video games

Two studies at the University of Missouri examined the effects of violent video games (a significant percentage) on aggression. One study found that video game with a forceful real-life warning was associated with aggressive behavior and delinquency. The more people played, the more problems they seemed to have. Academic performance deteriorated with increased time spent on video games.

violent video game

In the second study, exposure to overt and vividly violent games in a lab setting increased aggressive thinking and behavior. The results of both studies indicated that exposure to violent games would increase aggressive behaviors in the short term (such as laboratory aggression) and in the long term (such as delinquency). A comprehensive review of other studies found that repetition and timing of exposure to violent games were significantly associated with increased aggressive behavior, aggressive thinking, aggressive emotions, cardiovascular drive, and decreased assistive behavior. None of this is suitable for all brain health. There are many reasons why there has been a doubling in learning and behavior problem incidents over the past two decades. We believe video games are part of this plight.

11- Join a Reading Group That Holds You Responsible for New Learning!

reading group

Pretty much any mental activity you enjoy can be used to protect your brain. The essential requirements are activity in different brain regions, including the hippocampus, which records new information for later correction in the temporal lobes. By remembering information (using the hippocampus), you are protecting your brain’s memory centers. As long as you learn something new and try to remember it later for discussions, you effectively preserve your brain’s short-term memory.

think together

Reading stimulates a wide variety of brain regions that activate what you are reading, recording it to understand, analyze and then recall it if you find it worth remembering. Activated neurons in these regions are excited by specific parts of the information. When you read, you further strengthen the activated neuron biots in your brain’s visual circuits to continue what you are reading with increased proficiency. When you trying to understand what you are reading, and neurons in working memory circuits amplify the biots so that you can understand the material you are reading with increased proficiency.

teach something

Every time you try to learn something you read to remember later, neurons in the hippocampus strengthen the biomes more, so you encode and record new information with increasing proficiency. You always try and try to remember what you just learned. After a delay of at least two minutes, neurons in the frontal lobe amplify the biomes more so that you can access recorded information with increased proficiency. In short, if you try to remember what you learned later, it will have a fantastic effect on your brain! You will have permanent learning! Once this information is given, it is excellent to join a group where you are forced to remember what you read to discuss it later and then read a book or even read the newspaper you might forget.

12- Learn Someone Else’s Business!

business team

Yes, Here is learning different jobs and maybe even changing jobs for a few weeks. This also helps to equalize work and workers because both workers will develop new skills and better brain function. For example, in a grocery store, those who work at the cash register, place products on the shelves, take product orders, and work in the production department can be taught to work alternately in the grocery store and dairy products department.

13- Strive to Do Excellent Practices!

guitar girl

Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, and Perfect Practice Makes Perfect. Your brain doesn’t interpret what it feeds on. It just translates. When you’re learning to play the guitar, your brain doesn’t care whether you will be a good guitarist or a bad one. As a result, if you’re repeating it using the missing finger, you’ll be fine playing it imperfectly, yes. If you’re training yourself to be a great guitar player, it’s essential to practice perfectly and not learn bad habits and fiddly fingering the strings. To play well, it’s helpful to work with a professional who can correct your mistakes.

practice basket

Your brain doesn’t care what you give it, so if you’re interested in doing something good or bad, you can be sure that you are training your brain right. This is why these children must have good teachers who monitor and record their development and why we must have good teaching programs in the workplace. Educating someone to do something well in the beginning, prevents them from developing the bad habit that hardens in the brain and is difficult to retrain.

14- Change the Routine in Your Life to Stimulate New Parts of Your Brain


Do the opposite of what feels natural to activate the other side of your brain and gain access to both hemispheres. Type with both hands, throw the ball with both hands, hit the baseball with your left hand (if you’re right-handed), play table tennis with your left hand, shoot with a rifle with your other eye, hold the mouse with your other hand. Make your brain feel uncomfortable. Break the sample routines in your life to challenge your brain to make new connections. Here are some more ideas for you:


-Go to the opera or a concert
-Take a lesson on a subject you know nothing about
-Learn new recipes
-Make love with your partner in another way (not with anyone else)


-Participate in volunteer work – see how helping others makes you feel good
-Try a different shampoo / soap / shaving cream / razor / toothpaste / perfume / cologne (natural ones)
-Go to church or a different church or even go to a mosque
-Join the self-improvement group

-Spend time reading a dictionary or reference book. Learn a new word every day

friend go out

-Go out with a loved one, family member, spouse, child, or friend every day to strengthen a special relationship
-Do a sport you’ve never tried before
-Find a new friend-Call someone and ask if they will do anything with you
-Connect with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while

idea puzzle

-Propose a new idea
-Have mercy and forgive someone you have held a grudge for a long time. This creates new connections for many brains and is a whole recent activity.

15- Compare How Similar Jobs Work!

baseball sunset

Evaluate similar operations – how different (in baseball) the batsman can throw the ball crookedly, how many painters can paint ocean views, and how varied meal seasonings can give your brain a sensory workout. Looking for similarities and differences helps our brain’s capacity to think abstractly and challenges our frontal lobes. Learning to see, hear, feel, or taste subtle changes will improve your sensory capacity and stimulate brain growth.

16- Travel to New Different Places

different places

Traveling to new and exciting places helps the brain by exposing it to new experiences, smells, sights, and people. Using maps stimulates the brain in new and different ways and also exercises our parietal lobes responsible for visual-spatial guidance.

17- Help with Learning Problems to Help Children and Adults Stay in School!

learning problems

Many studies have shown that more educated people have less cognitive decline and a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, millions of children, adolescents, and adults suffer from ADD and learning problems in school that make them struggle, or those with average or even high intelligence who have trouble learning. Recognizing these problems and getting the help they need is essential to the reality of life-long learning. Mental exercise is as important as diet and physical activity to keep your body and brain strong.

18-Take a New Exciting Lesson

horse riding girl

In many parts of the country, colleges and groups such as the Learning Annex (www.learningannex.com) offer low-cost classes in various subjects. Join a new course on a topic completely unrelated to your daily life. You have to challenge your brain to learn something new and unusual. Examples include square dance (American folk dance—a great exercise), chess, tai chi (a form of meditation for stress relief), yoga, and sculpture. Working with shaping a lump of clay or dough can be suitable for kids and adults alike to develop new connections. It helps develop agility and hand-brain control.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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