100 BrainUsers Rules to Improve Your Life Positively

No matter how successful, happy or healthy your life is, you can find many ways to improve yourself. If you want to make changes that will enhance your life, looking at the 100 suggestions we have put together for Brainusermanual followers is helpful.

1-Have Breakfast Every Morning

Breakfast Every Morning

Start the day with breakfast to provide the energy you need during the day and to protect your physical and mental health.

2-Sleep Regularly

Sleep Regularly

To lead a happy and productive life, you need to be energetic. So build your sleep pattern to get enough sleep.

3-Drink Water

Drink Water

Drink plenty of water to feel better, revitalize, and have healthier skin.

4-Eat Slowly

Eat Slowly

Eat your food in small bites and chew it thoroughly. So you’ll be more satisfied by eating less.

5-Reduce the Consumption of Junk Food

Junk Food

Instead of snacks that are harmful to your health, consume vegetables and fruits.

6-Take Care of Dental Health

take Care of Dental Health

Doing your daily oral and dental care will help you prevent many diseases and beautify your appearance.

7-Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink tea to improve memory and prevent tooth decay, cancer, and heart disease.

8-Do Sports

Do Sports

Exercise not only to lose weight or get in shape but also to improve your quality of life and live a healthy life.

9-Be Energetic

Be Energetic

The lower your energy, the lower your mood will be. Discover and practice ways to be active.

10-Intensify Your Workout

Intensify Your Workout

Research shows that intense training programs are just as beneficial as long-term ones.

11-Consume Fish Several Times a Week

Fish Several Times a Wee

Fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also helps prevent heart diseases.

12-Wear the Right Shoes

Wear the Right Shoes

Wear shoes that fit your feet and are comfortable in them.

13-Protect Your Skin

Protect Your Skin

Do not neglect your skincare and sun protection.

14-Eat at Home

Eat at Home

Make it a habit to eat at home to be able to eat healthier and contribute to your budget. Sometimes it’s nice to eat out, of course.

15-Get Your Diabetes Risk Test Done

Diabetes Risk Test Done

Get tested for diabetes, a fairly common disease.

16-Take a Walk Every Day

Take a Walk Every Day

Take a daily walk to clear your mind and increase your creativity and productivity.

17-Lose Weight

Lose Weight

One of the most effective things you can do to lead a healthier life is to get in shape.

18-Attend Course

Attend Course

Socialize while increasing your knowledge and skills.

19-Get Out of the House

Get Out of the House

Do not spend your time sitting at home to increase your social interaction.

20-Become a Volunteer

Become a Volunteer

Participate in volunteer activities for an experience that can benefit you and your environment.

21-Don’t Get Angry at Little Things

Don't Get Angry at Little Things

For example, even if you don’t like being stuck in traffic or waiting in line, try not to worry about the little things.

22-Write a Blog

Write a Blog

Blogging allows you to relax by expressing your thoughts and enable you to meet new people.

23-Meet New People

Meet New People

Don’t forget to meet new people, make new friends and have fun.

24-Don’t Be Biased

Don't Be Biased

Don’t judge people by their appearance. Do not discriminate based on language, religion, race, or gender.

25-See Your Old Friends

Old Friends

Make up for your longing by calling friends you haven’t seen in a long time.



Praying is not just a religious practice—positive thinking and prayer release beautiful energy.

27-Throw a Party

Throw a Party

Bring your friends and loved ones together by throwing a party at your home. Offer your favorite foods to people.

28-Get a Hobby

Get a Hobby

A hobby that you take time for regularly allows you to improve yourself and use your creativity.

29-Join a Club

Join a Club

Spending time with people interested in the same subjects will make you feel good regardless of your interests.

30-Make an Effort to Be Happy

Make an Effort to Be Happy

Whatever your mood, make an effort to be satisfied. It will make you comfortable and positively affect those around you.

31-Grow Spiritually

Grow Spiritually

Whatever your beliefs, do not neglect to develop yourself spiritually.

32-Don’t Take It Personally

Don't Take It Personally

Although situations may seem the opposite, not everything may be aimed directly at you.

33-Be Optimistic

Be Optimistic

Having positive thoughts about the future helps you get closer to your goals.

34-Sacrifice Your Sleep

Sacrifice Your Sleep

Sometimes the things you need to do are more important than sleep. The important thing is to correctly determine the times when you need to give up your rest.

35-Get Out of Your Safe Zone

Get Out of Your Safe Zone

From time to time, step out of your comfort zone and gain new experiences.

36-Wear What Suits You

Wear What Suits You

Clothes that don’t fit you can make you feel bad. Have your tight or loose clothing fixed on you.

37-Spend Time With Children

Spend Time With Children

Seeing the world through a child’s eyes inspires you to be happy with the little things. It helps you get excited and excited.

38-Pamper Yourself

Pamper Yourself

Take care of yourself. Pamper yourself with a little getaway once in a while.

39-Celebrate Your Achievements

 Your Achievements

When you achieve something beautiful, enjoy your success and reward yourself.

40-Don’t Be Addicted to Technology

Don't Be Addicted to Technology

Review your relationship with the Internet and electronic devices.

41-Be Grateful

Be Grateful

Recognize the good things in your life—big or small—and be thankful.

42-Set a Goal

Set a Goal

Setting your goals helps you create your plans for the future and keeps you motivated.

43-Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Enjoy being yourself by finding ways to boost your self-confidence.



Don’t stress yourself by setting rules you’ll feel bad for if you don’t follow them.

45-Leave the Past Behind

Leave the Past Behind

Free your emotional space by letting go of your anger or regrets about the past.

​​46-Don’t Be Dramatic

Don't Be Dramatic

Don’t put yourself in more significant trouble by making minor problems bigger.

47-Express Yourself

Express Yourself

Discover a creative way to express yourself, like writing, painting, or music.



Take time to meditate so you can improve your inner dialogue.

49-Pay Off Your Debts


Paying off your debts, even in installments, puts your mind at ease.

50-Create an Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund

You never know what will happen to you. Also, be prepared for negative surprises.

51-Track Your Spending

Track Your Spending

Budget planning controls your expenditures at the beginning and end of each month.

52-Be Humble


Be humble and live.

53-Don’t Neglect Your Payments


Get rid of extra expenses by paying your installments and debts on time.

54-Increase Your Income Sources

Income Sources

Secure yourself by exploring different ways of earning income.

55-Save Up

Save Up

Saving money gives you more financial freedom.

56-Shop Regularly

Shop Regularly

Create a shopping system to make up for the deficiencies of your home.



One of the most innovative ways to increase your resources is to invest.

58-Plan Your Budget


Set yourself a specific savings target and plan your budget accordingly.

59-Prepare for Your Retirement


Make a retirement plan to meet your needs when you are not working.

60-Continue Your Education


Do not forget to attend online classes or seminars. Improve yourself constantly.

61-Read the Classics


Develop your creative world by reading the classics, even if you’ve read them before.

62-Plan Your Life

Plan Your Life

Always have a plan to guide you to move forward on the right path.

63-Don’t Procrastinate


Get moving and start somewhere. Don’t put extra stress on yourself by limiting your time.

64-Get Inspired by Art

by Art

Make positive changes in your life by being inspired by painting, music, or books.

65-Learn From Your Mistakes

Your Mistakes

Instead of feeling sorry for your mistakes, see them as lessons from which you can learn.

66-Don’t Worry

Don't Worry

Get rid of your worries about the future.

67-Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Musical Instrument

Besides being a fun activity, music also helps you develop your intelligence.

68-Invest In Yourself

Invest In Yourself

Improve yourself by taking advantage of your opportunities and increasing your experience.

69-Think Slow

Think Slow

Do a detailed assessment of the situation rather than focusing directly on the outcome.



Develop yourself intellectually by participating in discussions within your interests.

71-Learn New Language

New Language

Expand your horizons by learning a new language.

72-Use Dictionary and Encyclopedia

Dictionary and Encyclopedia

Learn new things online or in print by mixing some dictionaries and encyclopedias.

73-Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Quit smoking to improve your appearance and health and increase your energy.

74-Get Up Early

Get Up Early

Make it a habit to stay up before and save time for what you’re going to do.

75-Spend Time Outside

Time Outside

Go out more for a more active and fun time.

76-Be Organized


Make things easier by putting your life in order.

77-Improve Your Relationships with Your Colleagues


Expanding your circle is one of the essential elements of developing your career.

78-Improve Your Writing Skills

Writing Skills

Improve your writing skills to communicate more effectively and increase your persuasion ability.

79-Be Helpful


Don’t be afraid to ask for help and help others.

80-Empty Your Inbox

Your Inbox

Find what you’re looking for more quickly by clearing your inbox from junk mail.

81-Don’t Think About Work Anymore Back From Work


To get away from the stress of business life, leave work at work and do not take work home.

82-Join Professional Club

Professional Club

Invest in your career by meeting people in the business world.

83-Ask for a Raise

Ask for a Raise

Don’t hesitate to ask for a raise if you think you deserve it.

84-Edit Your Resume

Your Resume

If you are unsatisfied with your job, look for a new job by editing your resume.

85-Organize Your Workspace


Working at a messy desk reduces your concentration and desire to work. Instead, create a productive environment by making your layout.

86-Start Your Own Business

Own Business

Starting your own business is the way to climb the career ladder faster. When you have the opportunity, start a business within your experience and interests.



Do not forget to vote in line with your views.



Donate your unused items to those in need.

89-Do Charity Work

Charity Work

Contribute to charity not only financially but also by taking your time.

90-Provide Education

Provide Education

Do not hesitate to share your experiences in an area where you have sufficient equipment.

91-Go to the Library

Go to the Library

Don’t forget to visit the libraries once in a while to contribute to your budget and increase your knowledge.

92-Reduce Carbon Emissions

Carbon Emissions

Find the factors that cause carbon emissions in your vehicle or consumption habits and make the necessary changes to reduce them.

93-Reduce Gasoline Use

Reduce Gasoline Use

Reduce your fuel consumption by driving your vehicle more slowly.

94-Turn Off the Lights

Turn Off the Lights

Reduce your energy consumption by turning off the lights you are not using. In addition to its contribution to nature, you will also see its contribution to your budget.



Contribute to the protection of nature by separating your garbage and waste.

96-Reduce Your Trash

Reduce Your Trash

Do not buy or cook more than you can eat.

97-Eat Organic

Eat Organic

Protect yourself from the harm of chemicals by turning to local and organic foods.

98-Reduce Your Water Consumption

water Consumption

Try to consume less water while washing your car.

99-Don’t Use Plastic Bags

Don't Use Plastic Bags

Instead, get a shopping bag that you can use repeatedly.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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