Tagged: Thinking Different

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What is Complex Thinking Capacity and How Can It Be Developed?

Complex thinking is not as complex as you might think. We have made incredible discoveries to make visible the universe that we see with the naked eye but cannot understand or witness from the very beginning. Our naked eyes are unfortunately not the most reliable guides for this world. If we just believed our eyes, we might conclude that a louse is the smallest thing in the world. Still, at least we became aware of these sensory limitations and found microscopes that can even document the presence of microbes such as bacteria. Our view of the universe with telescopes has...

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Why Do Intelligent People Have Fewer Friends?

Maybe you’ve noticed before that very smart people make fewer friends. As the Brainusermanual team, we investigated the scientific reasons for this. Smart People, unlike ordinary people, have long-term goals. The people we call extremely intelligent people can socialize whenever and in any amount they want. They have fewer friends, not because they can’t fit into society, but simply because they want to. This way, they want to move forward long-term and do more valuable work for themselves. We all wonder from time to time the answer to the question: What is that fantastic key thing that makes life more...