Tagged: talking your brain

making a promise 0

Speak to Your Brain Instead of Making a Promise to Yourself

Making a promise to yourself means declaring that you will do something. How important is it to make a promise to your spouse, friend, boss, colleague, mother, or father and keep that promise? Have you ever thought about it? For most of us, keeping promises reflects values ​​such as reliability, honesty, and integrity. These values, which society glorifies, are passed on to another side as care, attention, and love. That being the case, making a promise becomes a weight, even a burden. It sits on your shoulders. Well, do you ever promise yourself? We asked this question to some brain...

brain dialogue 0

Start Everything You Want In Life By Talking To Your Brain

Talking to your brain?? How so?? It sounds a little crazy, yes. So how could this be? Well, am I not already the “me” I call the brain? Yes, Brain is just “you.” Talking to your brain is similar to talking to yourself, with the only difference being that it is purposeful and with reasoned questions as opposed to mundane conversations. When done, it is a proven and highly effective method. Brain User Manual is in front of you and tells you to talk to your brain. If you try to follow this fantastic Manual, you will begin to use...