Tagged: stress

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The Pressure to Make Everything Perfect Perfectionism

Many people now describe themselves as perfectionists. They characterizes perfectionism as a positive trait. However, perfectionism is not a feature that contributes positively to the person as it is thought. Underlying this feature lies the feeling of inadequacy. Perfectionism is harmful. People we describe as perfectionists avoid making mistakes to cover up their feelings and always strive to reach perfection. Perfectionism focuses on failure, not success. Perfectionists think that they will only be accepted if they do excellent work. This is not true. Yes, making mistakes is very scary for perfectionists. For people of this nature, the need for approval...

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Learning Is One Of The Best Stress Relief Methods

Learning is the Best Stress Relief! “When was the last time you bothered to learn something new?” If we ask, we guess the majority will point to the near times. There may be different triggers for large numbers of people to adopt this behaviour at the same time. The most common reason is the desire to fill the time gained from decreased activities, especially during the pandemic. For some, it is an opportunity to focus on a subject that is always postponed and of interest. It is an obligatory activity for those whose jobs are decreasing, ending and preparing to...

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7 Amazing Habits to Live Better

We all wish for a good life. To spend our time to the fullest, we want to build a healthier, happier, more vibrant life. So how do we do it? Let’s start today with seven suggestions for a good life that will be good for us! 1-Choose Foods That Are Good For Your Body Do we feed it with real foods, or do we constantly harm the perfect functioning of our body with refined sugar, processed products, and packaged foods? Let’s reduce the foods that will cause inflammation, that is, fire in the body. Let’s replace it with plenty of...

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The Positive Effect of Stress Can Make Your Life Easier

A positive Effect of Stress is possible with a perspective you can bring into your life if you want. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal thought that stress was at risk of causing various ailments in people and warned her patients about this. But new research has caused him to change his mind. Stress can also have positive effects. Well, can stress positively affect your life? We, as the Brainusermanual team, have compiled 7 different studies that reveal this and the results of these studies for you. Of course, the dose of stress is very, very important here. High levels of stress that...

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Become a Genius by Protecting Your Brain Completely in 4 Simple Steps

Welcome back to your Brain User Manual! We are all born with great potential. Yes, as you guessed, this potential is our Brain! It’s like a treasure chest. It is impossible to Access the magnificent protected treasure inside without the key. This is the most important reason we are preparing this guide for you. With the Brain User Manual, you will have the key to the safe and get the treasure inside to the extent that you apply what we say. The Brain User Manual says: You must protect your Brain from anything that can harm it! Doing so is...