Tagged: self sabotaging

Accep Happiness by Removing Barriers 0

Accept Happiness and Life Enjoyment by 4 Removing Barriers

Do you have any blockages in accepting pleasure and happiness? Let’s bring some awareness to Accept Happiness issue as Brainusermanual users. In our time, without realizing it, we act contrary to the working principles of our brain and the universe. Because our brain is not something that comes with a user manual, and using our brain correctly is not taught in schools. Keep reading the Brainusermanual to use our brains in a way that works. According to a story, one day, a person sits down to rest under a tree after a long walk and falls asleep. When he wakes...

limiting beliefs 0

Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs and Stop Self-Sabotaging

We will share some practical information to make it easier to stop self-sabotaging. Read on for a minute, maybe you’re sabotaging yourself, but you don’t realize it. When you were successful, even if you sabotaged yourself, think about it, you could have achieved much greater success if you stopped sabotaging yourself. Have you ever held yourself back when you could do something? Did the anxiety you experience because you were not sure of being able to succeed but kept you from moving forward? If the answer is yes, you may be sabotaging yourself. The unresolved traumas you have had since...