Tagged: routine

Productive Day 0

The Formula for a Productive Day

We all are intrinsically motivated to make the most effective use of our limited time on earth. Doing more in less time, not letting time pass without doing anything, and being busy with activities that can improve ourselves is among our most important issues. Studies on time management in work environments where productivity and efficiency are most important show that 40% spend all day doing non-productive work. So what makes the remaining 60% more productive? Based on the daily plans and research of the most productive people in the world, this daily program flow and recommendations will help you use...

daily routine 0

Life Routines to Help You Reach Your Best Self

Life routines make your life easier. Contrary to popular belief, people who can use their time more productively and in a balanced way cannot do a lot in a short time; Did you know that there are people who can use all hours of a day most effectively? You will find that you can use your time much better when you follow certain routines and, more importantly, discover what your own needs and wants are. There is only one magic word, Routines, that will help you to organize your home life, get more efficiency from your work, or strengthen your...

Decision Fatigue 0

Get Rid of Decision Fatigue in 8 Steps

Decision fatigue, the inability to make a choice that narrows you, is a situation many people are in. Is it blue or yellow? Should I wear navy blue? Should I wear stripes? Heels? Undercooked or overcooked? Should I take a taxi or walk? However, people who read and apply the Brain User Manual do not suffer from decision fatigue. Did you know that an adult person makes an average of 40,000 decisions every day? If seeing one more question mark makes your heart beat faster, you are not alone. Decision fatigue is one of the mental health problems that is...