Tagged: Productive

awareness 0

A Fast and Aware Mind for a Productive and Enjoyable Life

Is it possible to act both quickly and with deep awareness? Can awareness be increased with techniques such as meditation? We cannot activate our brain’s Diffuse thinking mode because we live in Focus thinking mode. Diffuse thinking can give such a great gift that you can’t imagine. Solving problems at the speed of light, generating extraordinary thoughts in seconds, reading dozens of books in a month… These are all great skills, aren’t they? The enormous abilities of a fast-working mind… But does being fast always mean that it is wise and productive? Our education system rewards the minds that solve...

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The Formula for a Productive Day

We all are intrinsically motivated to make the most effective use of our limited time on earth. Doing more in less time, not letting time pass without doing anything, and being busy with activities that can improve ourselves is among our most important issues. Studies on time management in work environments where productivity and efficiency are most important show that 40% spend all day doing non-productive work. So what makes the remaining 60% more productive? Based on the daily plans and research of the most productive people in the world, this daily program flow and recommendations will help you use...