Tagged: Opportunities

We Spend Opportunities 0

What Do We Spend Apart From Money?

We spend anything and everything ruthlessly. This attitude we show towards money is reflected in everything in our lives. We consume and increase the dopamine level of our brain, although this is perfectly normal. It can have dire consequences, as we keep wanting more each time with the changes made by the consumption culture in our behaviours and habits. Have you ever thought about your behaviour pattern in terms of spending your relationships, time, sleep, health, effort and opportunities that come your way? How Can We So Easily Consume Things That Are So Priceless? The fact that we try to...

business 0

10 Effective Steps for a Better Quality Business Life

If you want to ruin your life, the easiest way is to be negative. The same goes for business life. Business life inevitably brings challenging experiences for all of us. When things don’t go your way, your stress level rises, resulting in health problems and even fewer opportunities to improve yourself because you’re unable to see opportunities because of your negative perspective. When you have a negative perspective, it becomes difficult to unleash your potential. To be positive in business, you must first consciously change your thinking. Here are 10 effective Brainusermanual steps for a better work-life 1-Work Hard in...