Tagged: negative word

Negative Thoughts 0

9 Negative Thoughts You Should Leave Behind

Negative Thoughts have never benefited you. As we leave behind a whole year of good and evil, it is a matter of curiosity for us to see what kind of surprises the year 2023 will come with. It is an inevitable fact that most of us will face this year with anxiety as we continue to feel the impact of the difficulties that came with the pandemic and have difficulty maintaining our hope and optimism due to the uncertain environment. However, before saying ‘hello’ to a new year with new beginnings, review what the year 2022 has taught you, brought...

word power 0

The Power of Words – Change the Words You Use and Change Your Life

Are you aware of the Power of Words? “Change the words you use; change your life.” It’s such a simple yet assertive sentence. Words are the most effective tool to start transforming our lives instantly. Words are tools to call an image into your mind. There are two main kinds of words. These are the words “Key” and “Assistant”. The assistant words, such as Big, Red, and Minion, are Assistant Words and are included in the adjectives category. Assistant words cannot create a clear image in your mind when used alone. But Key Words can directly call a clear image...