Tagged: Move Your Body

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Humans Are Made To Move 13 Scientific Facts That Will Keep You Move

Move and be healthy! We are the descendants of a two million-year-old human being; there is no significant difference between the genes they carry and ours. Humanity has come to this day by moving, walking and running. And when he wanted to rest, he squatted, cross-legged, or lay down. The body and genes have also evolved according to this movement. But especially after the industrial revolution, with the introduction of vehicles and workplaces into our lives, we started to sit and sit more. We always sit while having breakfast, on the road (in the car, on public transport), at work,...

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5 Tips to Recharge Yourself with Deep Rest

When was the last time you rested? All the work you have to do aside, and a state of complete deep rest. Most of us see rest as laziness and do not allow ourselves to rest. Again, most of us do not know what to do to relax. For example, we see watching violent TV series and movies or surfing Instagram on weekends as activities for relaxation. Make a change today and create appropriate moments during the day and take time to rest. How about we should pay attention to charging ourselves as well as charging our phones? Here are...