Tagged: meditation

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A Fast and Aware Mind for a Productive and Enjoyable Life

Is it possible to act both quickly and with deep awareness? Can awareness be increased with techniques such as meditation? We cannot activate our brain’s Diffuse thinking mode because we live in Focus thinking mode. Diffuse thinking can give such a great gift that you can’t imagine. Solving problems at the speed of light, generating extraordinary thoughts in seconds, reading dozens of books in a month… These are all great skills, aren’t they? The enormous abilities of a fast-working mind… But does being fast always mean that it is wise and productive? Our education system rewards the minds that solve...

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Words You Should Think About Every Day To Be Happy

We keep fighting to be happy, but what to do is actually so simple. Every day, thousands of words pass through our minds and languages. While communicating with others, talking to ourselves, thinking, dreaming… We can use our words as they come into our language, sometimes by choosing carefully and sometimes without thinking. However, there is something we should not forget; that is the power of words. Paying attention to our terms while forming sentences that determine our actions and help shape our lives can help us feel much better, take steps that do us good, and do good to...