Tagged: fear

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How Can You Stay Calm When Your Emotions are Triggered?

Your actions when you are calm are always wiser. Do you suggest to yourself to stay calm but still can’t stay calm? Have you ever wondered why you repeat the same reactions over and over to a similar event even though you know it will have dire consequences? For example, you get angry when you can’t find the report you’re working on. You blame your company for not providing you with enough workspace, the cleaners for moving things, or your boss or manager for giving you this ridiculous task. While doing all this, you do not accept that you are...

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12 Perspectives That Help Unleash the Absolute Power in Your Brain

Our lives are indeed susceptible to loss of control, but not for those who have discovered the absolute power within. Of course, it is impossible to control every moment of your life and live every second as you want. Those who can unleash and live the powers of their brain in a way that comes from their Nature are the people closest to real happiness and satisfaction. When you can realize and use these powers in yourself, nothing can upset you or wear you down because now you have learned what you are and what you are not. It is...

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Become a Genius by Protecting Your Brain Completely in 4 Simple Steps

Welcome back to your Brain User Manual! We are all born with great potential. Yes, as you guessed, this potential is our Brain! It’s like a treasure chest. It is impossible to Access the magnificent protected treasure inside without the key. This is the most important reason we are preparing this guide for you. With the Brain User Manual, you will have the key to the safe and get the treasure inside to the extent that you apply what we say. The Brain User Manual says: You must protect your Brain from anything that can harm it! Doing so is...