Tagged: control yourself

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7 Brainusermanual Tips for a More Peaceful and Happier Work Life

There is no end to the things on our to-do list in a busy work schedule. But still, Happier Work Life is possible. Stress factors in our lives, full of jobs, bring psychological and physical disorders that can lead to severe problems. However, in all this hustle and bustle, it is possible to make your life simpler with a few minor changes in your lifestyle. If you follow the suggestions below, a more peaceful business life awaits you… 1-Donot Focus on More than One Job at the Same Time Develop your awareness by giving your full attention to your work....

Accep Happiness by Removing Barriers 0

Accept Happiness and Life Enjoyment by 4 Removing Barriers

Do you have any blockages in accepting pleasure and happiness? Let’s bring some awareness to Accept Happiness issue as Brainusermanual users. In our time, without realizing it, we act contrary to the working principles of our brain and the universe. Because our brain is not something that comes with a user manual, and using our brain correctly is not taught in schools. Keep reading the Brainusermanual to use our brains in a way that works. According to a story, one day, a person sits down to rest under a tree after a long walk and falls asleep. When he wakes...

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Recognize The Anger And Get Rid Of Bad Consequences And Pain In 10 Steps

Do they say that emotions rule people, but is it so? Do your emotions rule you too? Do you think you use your brain as a prisoner of your feelings? The first thing you need to realize is this: Anger has no other result than harm and pain. And guess who suffers the most? The so-called You! Do you know how you look from the outside when you are angry? I’m sure if you saw yourself angry, you would have sworn never to be angry again! We know how to show ourselves in such a vulnerable situation to people we...