Tagged: brain user manual

We Spend Opportunities 0

What Do We Spend Apart From Money?

We spend anything and everything ruthlessly. This attitude we show towards money is reflected in everything in our lives. We consume and increase the dopamine level of our brain, although this is perfectly normal. It can have dire consequences, as we keep wanting more each time with the changes made by the consumption culture in our behaviours and habits. Have you ever thought about your behaviour pattern in terms of spending your relationships, time, sleep, health, effort and opportunities that come your way? How Can We So Easily Consume Things That Are So Priceless? The fact that we try to...

awareness 0

A Fast and Aware Mind for a Productive and Enjoyable Life

Is it possible to act both quickly and with deep awareness? Can awareness be increased with techniques such as meditation? We cannot activate our brain’s Diffuse thinking mode because we live in Focus thinking mode. Diffuse thinking can give such a great gift that you can’t imagine. Solving problems at the speed of light, generating extraordinary thoughts in seconds, reading dozens of books in a month… These are all great skills, aren’t they? The enormous abilities of a fast-working mind… But does being fast always mean that it is wise and productive? Our education system rewards the minds that solve...

transform 0

14 Tips to Help Your Transformation

What are you doing for your Transformation? How much time do you spend thinking about something other than what you’re doing? Or have you ever woken up with a dream of something different from your current life? Here are the photos with the theme of “dreams…, realities…”, which we see a lot as caps on social media because they show us a section of our lives we are interested in and like. Although we live in wonderful frames when viewed from the outside, we can create a world with entirely different dreams inside our heads. And even though we don’t...

perfectionism 0

The Pressure to Make Everything Perfect Perfectionism

Many people now describe themselves as perfectionists. They characterizes perfectionism as a positive trait. However, perfectionism is not a feature that contributes positively to the person as it is thought. Underlying this feature lies the feeling of inadequacy. Perfectionism is harmful. People we describe as perfectionists avoid making mistakes to cover up their feelings and always strive to reach perfection. Perfectionism focuses on failure, not success. Perfectionists think that they will only be accepted if they do excellent work. This is not true. Yes, making mistakes is very scary for perfectionists. For people of this nature, the need for approval...

stress relief 0

Learning Is One Of The Best Stress Relief Methods

Learning is the Best Stress Relief! “When was the last time you bothered to learn something new?” If we ask, we guess the majority will point to the near times. There may be different triggers for large numbers of people to adopt this behaviour at the same time. The most common reason is the desire to fill the time gained from decreased activities, especially during the pandemic. For some, it is an opportunity to focus on a subject that is always postponed and of interest. It is an obligatory activity for those whose jobs are decreasing, ending and preparing to...

Psychological Resilience 0

5 Tips to Increase Your Psychological Resilience

The Brainusermanual team shows you ways to increase your psychological resilience. In life, things don’t always go the way we want. A sudden change or uncertainty can upset all our plans. Before reading the article, it may be helpful to remember a situation that is more personal and difficult to overcome. While many people have a hard time dealing with these unexpected, uncertain, and stressful moments, some can manage such situations with surprisingly calm. So, what is the underlying skill of this calmness? What is Psychological Resilience? Psychological Resilience is the ability to perform consistently in changing environments, even under...

backache 0

Can Emotions We Ignore Make Us Sick?

Sometimes you get sick even though you haven’t done anything wrong apparently. These are psychosomatic diseases. There is a phrase we hear frequently from those who have gone to the doctor, especially in recent years, “You have nothing,” he said, “it’s psychological.” All this negative charge, which cannot go out unless we can express and solve the psychosocial or emotional problems in our lives, manifests itself with bodily symptoms. Negative emotions that cannot be expressed, and uncompensated intense stress can change places and present themselves as pains, nausea, and tension. What Are The Types of Psychosomatic Diseases? Migraine, fibromyalgia, and...

patience fishing 0

3 Types of Patience in Our Lives and Their Effects

Patience can completely change your life. All your experiences are completely renewed. The Brainusermanual team recommends calmness and patience. Because what comes right after patience is wonderful comfort and satisfaction. In that world that we think flows outside of us, the impatient ones draw all our attention. However, if we could take a closer look at nature, which progresses step by step and prepares for the target with cycles, we would observe Patience in its true and pure form. Time is subjective to us. When we enjoy pleasure, it flows quickly, but when we suffer, we perceive it as interrupted....

habits 0

7 Amazing Habits to Live Better

We all wish for a good life. To spend our time to the fullest, we want to build a healthier, happier, more vibrant life. So how do we do it? Let’s start today with seven suggestions for a good life that will be good for us! 1-Choose Foods That Are Good For Your Body Do we feed it with real foods, or do we constantly harm the perfect functioning of our body with refined sugar, processed products, and packaged foods? Let’s reduce the foods that will cause inflammation, that is, fire in the body. Let’s replace it with plenty of...

Personality types 0

Personality Types and Traits

What Personality Type Do You Have, and What Does It Mean? Personality types have been discussed in psychology for years, and there are different approaches. Although some scientists argue that personality cannot be divided into classes and that the degree to which people have the same personality traits should be judged, many agree that there are different personality types and that each individual has some behavioural and emotional characteristics in common. The Myers-Briggs approach is a personality theory developed to enable women to choose the most suitable and productive area for themselves after they entered business life in industrial areas...