Tagged: brain power

business 0

10 Effective Steps for a Better Quality Business Life

If you want to ruin your life, the easiest way is to be negative. The same goes for business life. Business life inevitably brings challenging experiences for all of us. When things don’t go your way, your stress level rises, resulting in health problems and even fewer opportunities to improve yourself because you’re unable to see opportunities because of your negative perspective. When you have a negative perspective, it becomes difficult to unleash your potential. To be positive in business, you must first consciously change your thinking. Here are 10 effective Brainusermanual steps for a better work-life 1-Work Hard in...

word power 0

The Power of Words – Change the Words You Use and Change Your Life

Are you aware of the Power of Words? “Change the words you use; change your life.” It’s such a simple yet assertive sentence. Words are the most effective tool to start transforming our lives instantly. Words are tools to call an image into your mind. There are two main kinds of words. These are the words “Key” and “Assistant”. The assistant words, such as Big, Red, and Minion, are Assistant Words and are included in the adjectives category. Assistant words cannot create a clear image in your mind when used alone. But Key Words can directly call a clear image...

toxic people 0

Stand Close to Nutritious People and Avoid Toxic People

The Brainusermanual team recommends avoiding toxic people because they harm your brain and body health. Among the brain-body protection methods we frequently include in our user guide, there is a rule about staying away from toxic people. Human beings are social creatures by nature and want to receive positive energy from the people with whom they interact and spread this energy. However, some people can absorb all your happiness with the bad energy they emit and make you feel bad. These people, defined as toxic people, are among the characters you should stay away from with their constant negative attitude...

hobby 0

Intelligence Developing Hobbies-Improve Your Intelligence with Fun

There is a belief in society that intelligence hobbies are innate and nothing can be done to change it. However, this is not true. We can improve our intelligence hobbies. Moreover, having fun. When you learn memory techniques, you can take your life much higher. These are just simple memory games. For example, if you can only make Mind maps and memory approaches as your hobby, you will become a much more awesome person than you used to be. Acquiring intelligence-enhancing hobbies allows you to have a fun time and much sharper intelligence. Here are the pursuits that develop intelligence...

Loneliness 0

Benefits of Loneliness-What Does Being Alone With Yourself Do For You?

If you’ve been working among people for long periods, it’s time to take a break for the benefits of loneliness. The benefits of loneliness are more than you might imagine. Brainusermanual users know they need to be alone from time to time. They experience the benefits of loneliness. This way, they refresh their minds and allow their bodies to heal. The number of people living alone is increasing daily, and the number of people who feel alone in crowds is increasing. Some are lonely out of necessity, while for others, loneliness is a choice. Accustomed to the noise and complexity...

get in touch 0

Get in Touch with Yourself Through the Mind Map Diary

Keeping a Mind Map Diary Is More Useful Than You Think You can contact yourself by Mind Map Diary. All types of diaries are significant in your life. Because it can help you establish a mind-body balance, when you achieve this, the doors of a long and, more importantly, healthy life will open for you. Scientific research shows that the effects of writing are much more significant than we expected. There are thousands of books on the secret of long life. As the Brainusermanual team, when we look at the people around us who live longer, they cannot explain their...

good bacteria 0

The Path to a Healthy Brain Is Through the Intestines and Gut Bacteria

Intestine and Gut Bacteria are your second brain. As the Brain User Manual team, we attach great importance to Intestine and Gut Bacteria. We now know that our Intestine and Gut Bacteria, which we thought for years to be no use other than digestion and excretion, and which were slightly despised, are the touchstone or touch pipe of our health. In the last 10-20 years, many publications and books have been published on this subject. But what we still know is much less than what we do not know. However, we now know that the deterioration of the balance of...

cat therapy 0

Cats are good for Brain and Body Health

Did you know you can get rid of your diseases with cat therapy? Brainusermanual users know that cats are extraordinary creatures. Using their minds, they take precautions with cat therapy before many problems occur. With cat therapy, your life can change completely. You can eliminate many situations that make you suffocate and upset with cat therapy and be like the happy people you envy. Investigating the bond between humans and animals has discovered that owning a cat has some health benefits. Here are 12 benefits of owning a cat: According to studies, feeding cats has various benefits for human health....

dopamine 0

Dopamine Is The Brain’s “Save Button” Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Be Happy

Dopamine Is The Brain’s “Save Button”. In case you were wondering, learning is now very close. And when learning begins to happen, that wonderful chemical that is your brain’s save button is released. “Curiosity is the most important thing we have.” James Cameron, director of Oscar-winning films like The Terminator and Titanic, gave a TED talk in 2010. Contrary to his expectations, he talked about creativity, discovery, innovation and leadership rather than how to make a movie. In fact, like Cameron, most of us have an insatiable desire to seek, learn, to explore. As humans, we are natural explorers and...

Productive Day 0

The Formula for a Productive Day

We all are intrinsically motivated to make the most effective use of our limited time on earth. Doing more in less time, not letting time pass without doing anything, and being busy with activities that can improve ourselves is among our most important issues. Studies on time management in work environments where productivity and efficiency are most important show that 40% spend all day doing non-productive work. So what makes the remaining 60% more productive? Based on the daily plans and research of the most productive people in the world, this daily program flow and recommendations will help you use...