Tagged: brain potential

stress relief 0

Learning Is One Of The Best Stress Relief Methods

Learning is the Best Stress Relief! “When was the last time you bothered to learn something new?” If we ask, we guess the majority will point to the near times. There may be different triggers for large numbers of people to adopt this behaviour at the same time. The most common reason is the desire to fill the time gained from decreased activities, especially during the pandemic. For some, it is an opportunity to focus on a subject that is always postponed and of interest. It is an obligatory activity for those whose jobs are decreasing, ending and preparing to...

Life Lessons from Nature 0

10 Priceless Life Lessons We Can Learn From Nature

Indeed, we have a lot to learn from nature, which always appears in harmony, embraces and loves all living things unconditionally, and never ceases to maintain its calmness… Nature is our most vital spiritual teacher; Don’t we feel much better whenever we take shelter in it? The rustling of leaves, the breeze of the wind, the chirping of birds, and the way the sun warms our bodies and souls make our lives more meaningful. Taking on different colours every season, not afraid of Change, and accepting everything in it as it is, nature is our most significant source of inspiration...

Small Changes 0

10 Small Changes That Will Make A Big Difference In Your Life

You may find it overwhelming when you want to make some changes in your life. Whether it’s losing weight, starting a new career journey, or cleaning a house, it doesn’t matter. But some minimal changes can lead to considerable improvements in your life. It is not always easy to make the start that will take the first step toward change. But you don’t need to take significant and radical measures in the beginning. You can start with small and simple changes because they are easier to adapt. Here are ten small changes that will make a big difference in your...

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How Can You Stay Calm When Your Emotions are Triggered?

Your actions when you are calm are always wiser. Do you suggest to yourself to stay calm but still can’t stay calm? Have you ever wondered why you repeat the same reactions over and over to a similar event even though you know it will have dire consequences? For example, you get angry when you can’t find the report you’re working on. You blame your company for not providing you with enough workspace, the cleaners for moving things, or your boss or manager for giving you this ridiculous task. While doing all this, you do not accept that you are...

Power in Your Brain 0

12 Perspectives That Help Unleash the Absolute Power in Your Brain

Our lives are indeed susceptible to loss of control, but not for those who have discovered the absolute power within. Of course, it is impossible to control every moment of your life and live every second as you want. Those who can unleash and live the powers of their brain in a way that comes from their Nature are the people closest to real happiness and satisfaction. When you can realize and use these powers in yourself, nothing can upset you or wear you down because now you have learned what you are and what you are not. It is...

lonely 0

Why Are Intelligent People Happier When They’re Alone?

If you are among the intelligent people, you may like solitude more. At least, that’s what a study published in the British Journal of Psychology claims. So why are smart people happier when they’re alone? Evolutionary psychologists Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Li ask, “What makes a good life?” and “How do intelligence, population density, and friendships affect happiness?” While searching for answers to their questions, they came to the following conclusion based on the lifestyle of our ancestors: “The situations that increased the life satisfaction of our ancestors can increase the satisfaction we get from life today.” Psychologists conducted a...

business 0

10 Effective Steps for a Better Quality Business Life

If you want to ruin your life, the easiest way is to be negative. The same goes for business life. Business life inevitably brings challenging experiences for all of us. When things don’t go your way, your stress level rises, resulting in health problems and even fewer opportunities to improve yourself because you’re unable to see opportunities because of your negative perspective. When you have a negative perspective, it becomes difficult to unleash your potential. To be positive in business, you must first consciously change your thinking. Here are 10 effective Brainusermanual steps for a better work-life 1-Work Hard in...

word power 0

The Power of Words – Change the Words You Use and Change Your Life

Are you aware of the Power of Words? “Change the words you use; change your life.” It’s such a simple yet assertive sentence. Words are the most effective tool to start transforming our lives instantly. Words are tools to call an image into your mind. There are two main kinds of words. These are the words “Key” and “Assistant”. The assistant words, such as Big, Red, and Minion, are Assistant Words and are included in the adjectives category. Assistant words cannot create a clear image in your mind when used alone. But Key Words can directly call a clear image...

toxic people 0

Stand Close to Nutritious People and Avoid Toxic People

The Brainusermanual team recommends avoiding toxic people because they harm your brain and body health. Among the brain-body protection methods we frequently include in our user guide, there is a rule about staying away from toxic people. Human beings are social creatures by nature and want to receive positive energy from the people with whom they interact and spread this energy. However, some people can absorb all your happiness with the bad energy they emit and make you feel bad. These people, defined as toxic people, are among the characters you should stay away from with their constant negative attitude...

life 0

Questions to Ask Yourself to Understand Life

Is it possible to understand life? Have you ever heard the saying that the entire universe can fit in your brain? Can you find the whole of everything, even in a speck? As the Brainusermanual team, we have come to confuse you a little today. In our experience, people who ask questions about existence are much happier and more peaceful than happy, compared to people who don’t think about these questions. The happiest and most peaceful person we have ever seen was telling us that the whole of existence is present in every particle. He said existence consists of a...