Tagged: anger management

Self development 0

Brainusermanual Tips for Self Improvement

“How can I improve myself” “How can I invest in my self improvement in the best way” “How can I turn into a better self” If you are looking for answers to these questions, the first condition for development is learning how to use your brain. Just as no one can take forward someone who does not want to progress, no one can keep someone who wants to move in their place. The main thing is to see that it is possible to get better and find the courage to set out. We’ll do the rest together. The Brainusermanual team...

Anxiety Couple 0

Words Not to Say to Someone Struggling with Anxiety

Struggling with Anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders in the world today. According to a study conducted in the UK, one in five people suffer from anxiety. Moreover, many people who experience anxiety do not know how to deal with it. The first point of contact for people with anxiety is often their friends. When this is the case, the person who is struggling with anxiety, as well as his relatives, has a job. Some sentences we use with good intentions can sometimes be things that shouldn’t be said to someone struggling with anxiety. Sometimes, it may...

Respect Emotions 0

Just Respect Emotions to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Do you know how easy it is actually to develop your emotional intelligence? Even if you do it easily using memory techniques to improve your verbal intelligence, you will eventually need to memorize many words. You will need to practice various maths to improve your numerical intelligence. But to develop your Emotional Intelligence, which is within Social Intelligence, you just need to continue living your daily life with people. As soon as you respect the feelings of other people and yourself in your relationships, you will remove the biggest obstacle to your developing emotional intelligence. As a child, were you...

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The Abandonment Cycle to Understand Relationship Problems

A relationship is one of the most basic human needs, but the abandonment cycle makes most people feel helpless Healthy relationships are where we can meet our basic emotional needs such as attachment, loving-being loved, trusting, respect, sharing responsibilities, and having fun. When we become adults, we meet these needs, expected to be satisfied in the relationship between the parents and the child, with our romantic partner. In this sense, romantic relationships have a therapeutic effect on the person’s essence and increase the quality of life. But relationships can sometimes, unfortunately, have a destructive pattern. Have you ever found yourself...

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With Drama-Free Relationship Live a Long and Happy Life

Do you notice a constant state of drama in your romantic relationships or the relationships around you? We all dream of a drama-free relationship; We want to increase the happiness and peace in our relationship, but we still cannot escape from being a prisoner of drama from time to time. We can compare our relationship with the relationships around us, we can be influenced by the posts of couples we see on social media, or we can nurture that constant drama-seeking aspect within us because we can’t control our reactions. We experience jealousy; We can get into arguments and fights...

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Recognize The Anger And Get Rid Of Bad Consequences And Pain In 10 Steps

Do they say that emotions rule people, but is it so? Do your emotions rule you too? Do you think you use your brain as a prisoner of your feelings? The first thing you need to realize is this: Anger has no other result than harm and pain. And guess who suffers the most? The so-called You! Do you know how you look from the outside when you are angry? I’m sure if you saw yourself angry, you would have sworn never to be angry again! We know how to show ourselves in such a vulnerable situation to people we...