Tagged: anger management

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How Can You Stay Calm When Your Emotions are Triggered?

Your actions when you are calm are always wiser. Do you suggest to yourself to stay calm but still can’t stay calm? Have you ever wondered why you repeat the same reactions over and over to a similar event even though you know it will have dire consequences? For example, you get angry when you can’t find the report you’re working on. You blame your company for not providing you with enough workspace, the cleaners for moving things, or your boss or manager for giving you this ridiculous task. While doing all this, you do not accept that you are...

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7 Brainusermanual Tips for a More Peaceful and Happier Work Life

There is no end to the things on our to-do list in a busy work schedule. But still, Happier Work Life is possible. Stress factors in our lives, full of jobs, bring psychological and physical disorders that can lead to severe problems. However, in all this hustle and bustle, it is possible to make your life simpler with a few minor changes in your lifestyle. If you follow the suggestions below, a more peaceful business life awaits you… 1-Donot Focus on More than One Job at the Same Time Develop your awareness by giving your full attention to your work....

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Benefits of Loneliness-What Does Being Alone With Yourself Do For You?

If you’ve been working among people for long periods, it’s time to take a break for the benefits of loneliness. The benefits of loneliness are more than you might imagine. Brainusermanual users know they need to be alone from time to time. They experience the benefits of loneliness. This way, they refresh their minds and allow their bodies to heal. The number of people living alone is increasing daily, and the number of people who feel alone in crowds is increasing. Some are lonely out of necessity, while for others, loneliness is a choice. Accustomed to the noise and complexity...

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Humans Are Made To Move 13 Scientific Facts That Will Keep You Move

Move and be healthy! We are the descendants of a two million-year-old human being; there is no significant difference between the genes they carry and ours. Humanity has come to this day by moving, walking and running. And when he wanted to rest, he squatted, cross-legged, or lay down. The body and genes have also evolved according to this movement. But especially after the industrial revolution, with the introduction of vehicles and workplaces into our lives, we started to sit and sit more. We always sit while having breakfast, on the road (in the car, on public transport), at work,...

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21 Ways to Get Rid of Fatigue and Reluctance by Raising Your Dopamine Levels

Dopamine Levels change based on what you do. You will take the right steps by using only your mind. Brainusermanual owners use their minds and get the most out of their dopamine levels, thus making the most of the future. Everyone is tired, everyone is reluctant, and everyone is without energy. Could we be without dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a tiny chemical molecule that allows communication between brain cells. Like all neurotransmitters, it’s small, but its work is extensive. Dopamine; takes part in many bodily functions, from our physical performance to our mental health, from feeling good to the...

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7 Habits Scientifically Proven to Boost Brain Development

Brain Development happens automatically when you learn a few very simple habits.For many years, it was believed that people were born with a certain intelligence and would live within the limits of this intelligence level. But according to scientific research, people can increase their potency. We now know that by learning new skills, we can develop new neuronal pathways in the brain, thereby increasing our intelligence level. Here are seven habits that are scientifically proven to boost brain development. As Brainusermanual owners, we recommend you continue these habits throughout your life for a healthy and happy life. 1-Reading Something By...

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Words You Should Think About Every Day To Be Happy

We keep fighting to be happy, but what to do is actually so simple. Every day, thousands of words pass through our minds and languages. While communicating with others, talking to ourselves, thinking, dreaming… We can use our words as they come into our language, sometimes by choosing carefully and sometimes without thinking. However, there is something we should not forget; that is the power of words. Paying attention to our terms while forming sentences that determine our actions and help shape our lives can help us feel much better, take steps that do us good, and do good to...

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10 Most Common Assumption-Based Thinking Mistakes

Assumption Causes thinking mistakes. In the most general definition, misconceptions are delusions. For example, you think something does not exist. But actually, there is something. It is undeniable that thought is an obligation on human beings and is an uninterrupted flow. It is against the life process for the human mind to continue its function by being isolated from thoughts. Considering that thoughts are constantly present, it becomes difficult to filter each thought by choosing meticulously. In connection with this, the generalization “Every thought that comes to mind is true or logical” will not be accurate. If the idea you...

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5 Tips to Facilitate Decision-Making Processes for Those With Indecision

Decision-making is a need in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we have to make big decisions about our family, work, and lifestyle, which is important to us, but we make countless decisions daily, from which brand of spice to buy in the market to which stall to shop in. It is normal to set aside a certain amount of time and have difficulty making big decisions that will affect our lives deeply. Sometimes, even in daily decisions, there may be minor difficulties. But when the inability to make a decision becomes chronic, it affects life negatively. The most common...

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5 Real Reasons to Stop Controlling Others’ Lives

Stop Controlling Others’ Lives and lighten up by getting rid of the heavy weight on you. Parenting may have put that burden on you, but by the time your children are through puberty, you should have finished controlling them too. The development of your children’s brain and personalities is much more important than the legacy you will leave them. And in order for this development to be achieved, your child needs to be able to make their own decisions. Above all, bequeath to your children a developed personality and the ability to make good decisions for themselves. Otherwise when you...