Tagged: anger control

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How Can You Stay Calm When Your Emotions are Triggered?

Your actions when you are calm are always wiser. Do you suggest to yourself to stay calm but still can’t stay calm? Have you ever wondered why you repeat the same reactions over and over to a similar event even though you know it will have dire consequences? For example, you get angry when you can’t find the report you’re working on. You blame your company for not providing you with enough workspace, the cleaners for moving things, or your boss or manager for giving you this ridiculous task. While doing all this, you do not accept that you are...

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The Positive Effect of Stress Can Make Your Life Easier

A positive Effect of Stress is possible with a perspective you can bring into your life if you want. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal thought that stress was at risk of causing various ailments in people and warned her patients about this. But new research has caused him to change his mind. Stress can also have positive effects. Well, can stress positively affect your life? We, as the Brainusermanual team, have compiled 7 different studies that reveal this and the results of these studies for you. Of course, the dose of stress is very, very important here. High levels of stress that...


Why Keeping a Journal Is Useful Open the Retrospective Window

Keeping a journal, which is associated with childhood or adolescence, is a habit that benefits every stage of a person’s life. You can express your thoughts and feelings with sentences or pictures by keeping a diary. Although we call it “keeping a journal”, the main focus is that the period is in a certain routine and includes expressive writing or drawing action rather than being every day. Journaling is also used in psychological therapies and helps bring deep thoughts and feelings to the surface. Some studies state that writing down a difficult situation or a trauma helps improve the person’s...


Ways to Add Color to Your Life

Things to do to add color your life are actually very easy. Monotony can be one of the most tested challenges in our lives. And the boredom, the sense of meaninglessness, the lack of motivation that followed it… When we are in a certain order; For example, our monotonous life between double, triple or quadruple destinations such as home-school or work-home or home-sports can start to get boring after a while. We need to look for something that will make our lives more interesting and have out-of-the-way experiences. However, sometimes we feel so overwhelmed that we can’t find the energy...

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What Is Actually Semantic Saturation?

What is actually what we call Semantic Saturation? Read both Theories. What happens in your brain when you repeat a word over and over? Do you think the word is losing its meaning? So what is your opinion? When you evaluate the working principles of the brain, is there a thing as Semantic Saturation? THEORY 1: There Is Semantic Saturation “Because I was lying in the dark, I began indulging in the wildest fantasies… I repeatedly said the word ‘Jersey’ until it became silly and meaningless. If you’ve ever repeated a word over and over, thousands and millions and hundreds...

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10 Most Common Assumption-Based Thinking Mistakes

Assumption Causes thinking mistakes. In the most general definition, misconceptions are delusions. For example, you think something does not exist. But actually, there is something. It is undeniable that thought is an obligation on human beings and is an uninterrupted flow. It is against the life process for the human mind to continue its function by being isolated from thoughts. Considering that thoughts are constantly present, it becomes difficult to filter each thought by choosing meticulously. In connection with this, the generalization “Every thought that comes to mind is true or logical” will not be accurate. If the idea you...

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The Zeigarnik Effect: Turns the Stress of Unfinished into Efficiency

The Zeigarnik Effect exists in all of our lives. In essence, completing a job depends on the limit you set in your brain. We all have a love we can’t forget, right? Or the phrase “I wish I had said this” after an unsuccessful job interview… What about eagerly awaiting the new episode of the series we watch with pleasure? Of course, we can diversify the examples more, but the subject I want to mention is what lies at the center of all this. In other words, the common point of all of them is that they are incomplete or...

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Just Respect Emotions to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Do you know how easy it is actually to develop your emotional intelligence? Even if you do it easily using memory techniques to improve your verbal intelligence, you will eventually need to memorize many words. You will need to practice various maths to improve your numerical intelligence. But to develop your Emotional Intelligence, which is within Social Intelligence, you just need to continue living your daily life with people. As soon as you respect the feelings of other people and yourself in your relationships, you will remove the biggest obstacle to your developing emotional intelligence. As a child, were you...

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With Drama-Free Relationship Live a Long and Happy Life

Do you notice a constant state of drama in your romantic relationships or the relationships around you? We all dream of a drama-free relationship; We want to increase the happiness and peace in our relationship, but we still cannot escape from being a prisoner of drama from time to time. We can compare our relationship with the relationships around us, we can be influenced by the posts of couples we see on social media, or we can nurture that constant drama-seeking aspect within us because we can’t control our reactions. We experience jealousy; We can get into arguments and fights...

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Recognize The Anger And Get Rid Of Bad Consequences And Pain In 10 Steps

Do they say that emotions rule people, but is it so? Do your emotions rule you too? Do you think you use your brain as a prisoner of your feelings? The first thing you need to realize is this: Anger has no other result than harm and pain. And guess who suffers the most? The so-called You! Do you know how you look from the outside when you are angry? I’m sure if you saw yourself angry, you would have sworn never to be angry again! We know how to show ourselves in such a vulnerable situation to people we...