Words You Should Think About Every Day To Be Happy

beautiful people

We keep fighting to be happy, but what to do is actually so simple. Every day, thousands of words pass through our minds and languages. While communicating with others, talking to ourselves, thinking, dreaming… We can use our words as they come into our language, sometimes by choosing carefully and sometimes without thinking. However, there is something we should not forget; that is the power of words.

happiness landscape

Paying attention to our terms while forming sentences that determine our actions and help shape our lives can help us feel much better, take steps that do us good, and do good to the world. Mantras, defined as “instruments of the mind” in Sanskrit, are considered sacred sounds in the form of syllables, words, sentences, or chants and are believed to have the power to heal our lives. Here are phrases and mantras you need to remember to feel good and do good to the world.

“I will meditate every day to be happy.”

I will meditate every day to be happy

The first step is to stay in the moment more, live with awareness, implement your dreams and goals, and become happier. You don’t need to meditate for hours every day to do this practice. For example, while walking, waiting for the elevator, during checkout at the supermarket, and even in short moments, you can do mindfulness meditation by focusing on your breath. To make it a habit, you can often remind yourself of this mantra.

“I will be grateful for everything to be happy.”

I will be grateful for everything to be happy.

You recognize the beauties in your life, be grateful for them, and work in a motivating way for your goals. Establishing this balance is the formula for feeling happy and good permanently and sustainably. Would you like to remember or take notes on the five things you are grateful for in your life when you wake up every morning? You will not believe the positive changes in your feelings when you eliminate your prejudices and make this practice a habit without seeing it as funny or Pollyannaism!

“I will be the best version of myself every day to be happy.”

I will be the best version of myself every day to be happy

If you have some unhealthy habits you don’t like, don’t blame yourself for being unable to change them in a day. Instead, notice each time you repeat these habits and remind yourself of this phrase. Then, strive to be better every day than the day before. You can start with small changes and make a big difference.

“Beginning with myself, I will forgive, to be happy.”

Beginning with myself, I will forgive to be happy

Being forgiving can be one of the toughest tests in this world. For this, it is crucial not only to forgive the people around you who made mistakes but also to forgive yourself and embrace your mistakes because you cannot do to others what you cannot change for yourself in the first place.

“I will try to be kind, no matter what my instincts say to be happy.”

I will try to be kind

Sometimes we can be very cruel to our loved ones. Our impulsive motives in arguing trigger us, and we can be hurtful. However, not just to be correct at such moments, but to be kind. For this, you can often remind yourself of this mantra.

“I will not judge… neither myself nor anyone else.”

I will not judge

We have a terrible habit in our minds that we sometimes do incessantly. To criticize and judge ourselves harshly! Sometimes we can do this bad behavior for other people. Judgment is the most potent nurturer of unhappiness… So in the new year, notice every moment you judge yourself and others. In these moments of awareness, you can use this mantra.

“I will remember death every day.”

I will remember death

Although it may seem like a negative mantra at first glance, remembering death is one of the first steps to happiness and peace. Remembering how insignificant and temporary the feelings that make you unhappy are, helps you enjoy life more and understand how precious each moment is. It will support your life.


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