Stand Close to Nutritious People and Avoid Toxic People

toxic people

The Brainusermanual team recommends avoiding toxic people because they harm your brain and body health. Among the brain-body protection methods we frequently include in our user guide, there is a rule about staying away from toxic people.

Human beings are social creatures by nature and want to receive positive energy from the people with whom they interact and spread this energy. However, some people can absorb all your happiness with the bad energy they emit and make you feel bad. These people, defined as toxic people, are among the characters you should stay away from with their constant negative attitude towards life and their manipulative nature.

Toxic People

Toxic people, with great negativity in their behaviours and expressions, project their unhappiness and pessimism onto those around them. These individuals, who build their relationships on self-interest, can use you in any way to achieve their goals, and they don’t care about how you feel. Toxic people who play the victim and use people for their own benefit can be pessimistic, intolerant, gossipy, and liars.

toxic relations

The concept of toxic people appears, especially in social media. Well, what exactly does a toxic person mean? First, it should be underlined that a toxic person is not a concept in psychology. Instead, this popular cultural concept describes people who spread negativity around them with their behaviours and make people in their lives feel bad. Yes, toxic people are not scientific, but well-established mental health organizations such as “Mental Health America” also publish articles about toxic people.

toxic relations

If you know someone whose actions arouse negative emotions and cause stress, you may be dealing with a toxic person. There can be many different reasons why a person may be harmful. For example, a person who had a traumatic childhood may turn into a poisonous adult who spreads negativity. Or the person’s toxic behaviour may be caused by underlying mental problems, including a personality disorder.

Toxic People Can Harm Your Brain and Body Health

-If their behaviour towards you is unstable,

-If you can’t act like yourself around them,

-If they have a selfish nature,

-If she doesn’t respect your borders,

-If he/she never admits his mistakes,

toxic relations

-If they act as if there is something wrong with your character,

-If they are trying to control you

-If they don’t care about your feelings,

-Uses gaslighting, a method of psychological manipulation,

-If they exaggerate your mistakes and belittle your successes,

-Most importantly, if you feel bad every time you see him, it could be a toxic person.

toxic relations

By the way, we can be toxic people, too. We must be honest and analyze our behaviour to determine if we are harmful. For example, if we talk to people around us in a generally harsh and unloving way instead of lovingly and softly, if we are generous with criticism and stingy with praise, if we have a judgmental attitude towards people, if we spend our life constantly complaining and playing the victim role, we are likely to be a toxic person.

vitamin person

If our friends are leaving our lives one by one, it may be because we are toxic people. The famous French philosopher Voltaire said, “I chose to be happy because it is good for my health”. We are all aware that chronic negative emotions are not suitable for us. If we are toxic people, we must consciously stop harming our psychological well-being, following Voltaire’s words. One of the best methods for this may be to get the support of a psychologist working on these issues.

nutric person

Recently, a new concept has emerged that is the opposite of the idea of toxic people. This concept is a “nutric person”, which we can say is a “nurturing person”. Spanish psychiatrist Dr Marian Rojas-EstapĂ© defines nourishing people as vitamin people. In summary, “nurturing person” is a word used to describe someone who supports you and feeds your soul.

nutric person

Unlike toxic people who suck your energy and weaken you, you can feel spiritually recharged thanks to a nurturing person. The characteristics of nutric people include being good listeners, having high empathy skills, and being optimistic. Our psychological well-being needs to identify toxic people and protect ourselves from them. It will also be good for us to be aware of the nutritious vitamin people in our lives and to strengthen our relationship with them. But what is more important than all this is that we give ourselves love, become our best friends, and feed our souls first.


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