3 Types of Patience in Our Lives and Their Effects

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Patience can completely change your life. All your experiences are completely renewed. The Brainusermanual team recommends calmness and patience. Because what comes right after patience is wonderful comfort and satisfaction. In that world that we think flows outside of us, the impatient ones draw all our attention. However, if we could take a closer look at nature, which progresses step by step and prepares for the target with cycles, we would observe Patience in its true and pure form.

Time is subjective to us. When we enjoy pleasure, it flows quickly, but when we suffer, we perceive it as interrupted. Our inability to be alone with the pain experienced in that paused zeptosecond causes impatience and grief. Epic films glorify the virtues of courage and compassion, but since Patience is perceived as passive waiting, it is not preferred to tell a story about it. Since most of us consider Patience a stagnant attitude, we do not try to change our relationship with the circumstances that cause harm and pain. Patience is not combining “acceptance” with “comfort of heart”. Acceptance is often used as an excuse for being indifferent to social perception. However, those who remain indifferent are those who flee from the truth and do not accept them.


If someone is on fire, the indifferent person sees the fire but does nothing to relieve the suffering of those burned. However, those who have experienced active Patience first accept that someone is on fire and then start preparing to find water to put out the fire. Patience is the name of the path that shapes that preparation and leads to a solution step by step.

We were brought up by internalizing the oppressive approaches of a labour-exploiting, discriminatory and sexist society. Either we rebelled impatiently, or we waited without moving a finger. Our expectations have been shaped by our complaints and our disappearance in this world where we are constantly told. However, thanks to the active Patience we can apply, we can shape the essence that permeates our whole life from the slightest moment of our daily life, and we can initiate that process that will enable us to carry the responsibility of expressing ourselves and producing solutions in the face of problems with awareness.

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The “perception of patience”, one of the virtues that religions and philosophers have praised for ages, has also been the subject of scientific research. Researcher in psychology and neuroscience, Dr According to Sarah Schnitker’s findings, Patience is interpreted under three main headings.

1-Interpersonal Patience

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Interpersonal Patience is Patience with other people, their demands and failures. You may think that some people act slowly, obscurely, or even downright irrationally or have bad habits that drive them crazy. But most of us have experienced that losing our Patience with them can worsen things.

It is difficult to be patient with others because we experience ourselves as the centre of the universe. And as long as we look at it from this point of view, we can get hurt, upset, and angry when others don’t seem to fit us. So to cultivate Patience with others, we must move beyond selfishness and begin to see that true self-interest includes the interests of others.

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We must be willing to question our anger and resentment. It also covers many important areas, such as Patience, listening skills and empathy. When dealing with difficult people, you will also need self-awareness and emotional intelligence to understand how your words and actions affect the situation. You can’t expect things to develop better by behaving in the opposite direction.

To tolerate someone kindly is also to be free from expectations and consequences. Impatient thoughts go by themselves, just as the breath comes and goes by itself.


When we feel conflict with others, understanding their pain; is the first step to being able to communicate, forgive and start over. The practice of forgiveness happens when we know the underlying cause of our anger and impatience. Peace and calm will develop as we learn to accept the flaws in others and ourselves. The important thing here is that what you tolerate does not threaten your vital rights.

2-Patience for Ordinary Life’s Difficulties

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We can use the term perseverance to summarize Patience in facing life’s challenges. It means having the Patience needed to overcome a severe setback, such as waiting a long time for the outcome of a lawsuit or the healing power of medical treatment.

But it also includes your ability to work towards a long-term goal; for example, when you want to get promoted or on a path to staying fit, you’re in the zone of perseverance. Whatever obstacle you have to overcome will likely take determination and focus to succeed. And keeping your emotions under control throughout the journey will also help. Your enthusiasm for success may change due to the disappointments you encounter along the way, and over time, you may lose your Patience.


Being able to continue on the road even with troubles by focusing attention brings a remarkable transformation. Of course, the nature of problems and difficulties here is healthy if one can choose. Oppression, violence, etc., may also tell us that we must take a different perspective. As we go through the process, we must have inner awareness, understand what the heart shows, and know when to give up. When we are not aware of it, our right to choose is lost.

Patience is an active state of being motivated by acceptance of pain and self-compassion rather than a desire to avoid pain. When we feel impatient about our relationships, work, or spiritual practices, we must realize that we resist the truth. We must remember that we can practice relaxation in all the joys and sorrows of our lives and set aside our need to know what will happen next.

3-Patience for Daily Challenges


Sometimes you also need to be patient to deal with situations beyond your control. You may need to be patient as your Metro is delayed in the middle of the night. These are the challenges of your life. Patience may be necessary even in the face of something as trivial as, for example, waiting for a computer program to load. Overcoming these tedious but inevitable daily tasks that do not contribute to your personal goals is part of the path called life. Maintaining self-discipline and paying attention to needed details, no matter how mundane, are hallmarks of Patience. Research shows that people who can remain calm in the face of minor disappointments are more empathetic, fairer, and less depressed. Impatience is rooted in frustration.

A feeling of increased stress begins when you feel that your needs and wants are being ignored. This is a growing problem in a modern environment where we are used to instant communication and access to data. Physical factors such as hunger, thirst or fatigue also affect Patience. Remember these the next time you start to feel impatient. Recognizing the warning signs that trigger you can help you avoid impatience. If your impatience is rooted in physical resources, take deep, slow breaths and count to 10. Doing so will slow your heart rate, relax your body, and emotionally distract you from the situation. Sometimes you may need a longer count, or you may need to repeat the process several times. Consciously focus on relaxing your body, as impatience causes you to tense your muscles involuntarily. Force yourself to slow down. When you are emotionally triggered, remember that you always have a choice in how you react to certain situations.


Instead of allowing your impatience to build up, you can counteract your negative assumptions. Allowing yourself to reevaluate circumstances in a more positive light may benefit you. In our century, we live with a strange disease that we can call “Don’t Be Overvalued”. Of course, we are valuable, but our value is only meaningful if we are all valuable. Being practical alone is poisoned by the view that others can never reach your rank. Our ego, created by our feelings of inadequacy, which we cover up by giving such high honours, shows that our attitude towards an ailment or difficulty is generally not to accept the facts and to avoid change. Because pain and distress are genuine, and change can disrupt the comfort zones of our precious uniqueness. We are afraid that people and events will turn us into a doormat and crush us if we are patient. That’s why we impatiently show it to the outside world without thinking about the reaction of every awakened emotion. However, every emotion needs time before it can be expressed. Being patient will offer us that preparatory stage you can create between your feelings and reactions. We must always first find suitable land, lay the foundations, plant the seeds and allow the soil to sprout.

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What will lead us to live our potential is first to accept the facts and our experiences, not as we want them to be, but as they are, with all their pain. Because our experiences are constantly changing, we can realize that we don’t need them to evolve differently than they did, and we can get one step closer to being ourselves. To approach the concept of Patience this way is to sign an active commitment to change.

As Leonardo da Vinci said, “As clothes protect against the cold, Patience is a protective armour worn in the face of wrongdoing. As the cold rises, you dress thicker, so your cold will decrease. Prepare patiently in the face of mistakes, so they do not have power over the mind.”


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