9 Negative Thoughts You Should Leave Behind

negative thoughts

Negative Thoughts have never benefited you. As we leave behind a whole year of good and evil, it is a matter of curiosity for us to see what kind of surprises the year 2023 will come with. It is an inevitable fact that most of us will face this year with anxiety as we continue to feel the impact of the difficulties that came with the pandemic and have difficulty maintaining our hope and optimism due to the uncertain environment. However, before saying ‘hello’ to a new year with new beginnings, review what the year 2022 has taught you, brought to your life, and taken away; thank him by embracing all the feelings he gives you; It is essential to feel the happiness of leaving another year behind by making a pleasant closure so that you can make a more hopeful and peaceful start.


The Brainusermanual team tells you always to avoid thoughts that will make your brain produce negative thoughts. If you have ideas that negatively work your brain, of course, your brain will produce negative results. It would be best if you eliminate these negative thoughts at all costs. Life can bring many negativities, changes we cannot accept, or moments of despair. However, if you want to leave the past behind and move forward, you must change your perspective with the new year and remove your negative thoughts from your mind. In our article, we have brought together all the thought patterns you need to get rid of with the new year, which connects you to the past and is an excellent opportunity to make a fresh start. Remember, changing your perspective and mindset will be the key to any change you aim for in your life, big or small.

1- “I wish.”

I wish negative thoughts

‘I wish I hadn’t been late,’ ‘I wish I had been more careful,’ ‘I wish I had never met this man,’ ‘I wish I had a nicer house,’ ‘I wish I had been thinner,’ ‘I wish I could go back to 10 years ago.’… Have you ever thought about how often you use these and similar sentences during the day? When you read it, do you think that sentences containing wishes help change your life? One of the most positive steps you will take for yourself in the New Year is to stop saying, “I wish.” And then motivate yourself by saying “I will and will” and taking action. You have to be determined to change the situations you don’t like. Stop saying “I wish,” and take action to change.

2-“It’s Too Late Now.”

Too Late Now negative thoughts

Thinking that the things you want to do are out of date is the end of the road; Believing in yourself is an endless journey. Everyone lives in their own time, and the expected successes, loves, future goals, and what you want to do can get you what you want with much less effort when the conditions are right. Believe in yourself and break your chains. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Do not listen to those who doubt you. And most importantly, remember that it is never too late to try, change, or achieve anything.

3-“I Have No Other Choice.”

 No Other Choice negative thoughts

It is the choices you make that shape your future. Your personality is based on what you do regularly, which direction and how you go on the path of life is much more important than getting there quickly. When faced with similar problems, it’s natural to respond similarly. However, if you want to change the results you will get, you also need to change your perspective and behavior. The question you need to find an answer to should be “staying stuck in the past or looking to the future.” If the important thing for you is to shape your future, leave the past behind, and turn a white page, you should learn to evaluate alternatives, change your behavior and mindset, and make new choices instead of your reactions. Your options are limitless; all you have to do is give a chance to the ones that can make your life better.

4-“I Can’t.”

I Can't negative thoughts

Life can sometimes catch you off guard, causing you to hit rock bottom. However, it cannot be kept there unless you allow it. The feeling of inadequacy is a situation that causes us to lose our belief in ourselves, which everyone experiences at some point in their life. However, this feeling and the accompanying lack of self-esteem, incompetence, and even shame can prevent you from maintaining relationships, achieving success in school or work, and living a happy and peaceful life. Remember, the important thing is not how hard life hits you but how resistant you are to the blows in the ordinary course of life. The real power that will take you forward in the struggle of life is your belief in yourself and your determination.

5-“Everything Is Going So Bad.”

Everything Is Going So Bad

When everything is fine in your life, it’s easy to accept the idea that everything happens for a reason. But when things go wrong, it’s hard for many of us to hold on to the same mindset and stay strong. Life is a journey full of ups and downs, and just as we can quickly embrace it when everything is going well, we must accept negative experiences as an integral part of life’s journey. No matter what kind of situation you are in, keep your hope alive and try to stay brave and strong. Accept that there is a reason for everything, that it is good in every bad, and never stop moving on.

6-“I Have to Be Realistic.”

Be Realistic not imagination

To succeed, sometimes you have to put aside realism, be a bit of a dreamer, and believe that circumstances can change. Scientific research shows that daydreaming strengthens memory and improves our creativity and empathy. The fact that most scientists in the world have uncovered their most significant discoveries, mainly due to daydreaming, is the most concrete example of the benefits that imagination brings to our lives. While being realistic can’t change anything, daydreaming can vary a lot.

7-“It Couldn’t Be Better.”

It Couldn't Be Better

It’s your point of view that makes something good or bad. When you constantly turn your perspective to negative thoughts, you can say, “everything is going very badly,” or focusing on seeing the positive things in the same situation can strengthen your hope and happiness. No matter what situation you are in, when you are determined to be happy, you will see that much more beautiful blooms in your life when you put aside the disaster scenarios and the ‘why is everything bad coming together’ or ‘why me’ statements. And keep this in mind; Happiness or unhappiness is not shaped by your living conditions but by your character and perspective.

8-“Everybody Is Better Than Me.”

Everybody Is Better Than Me

“Look at the beauty of this photo. How lame I look in my photos compared to him. How can one earn in all areas of life? How can everything be so perfect? He has a great job, travels freely, the decoration of his house is so elaborate, and he earns a lot of money. He did not neglect to take care of himself. What a fit body she has. She doesn’t have a belly or cellulite like me.” Do these sentences sound familiar to you from somewhere? There is a voice inside us that shouts with all its might, ‘Everyone is better than me,’ Whenever we meet someone who meets these qualifications, these sentences immediately reverberate in our minds. That thoughtless, critical, unkind voice begins to judge and make comments. It makes you feel worthless inside. But the more you feed your insecurity; the more insecurity will consume you. Sometimes the reason you feel insecure is to compare your circumstances with the “apparent” lives of others; It could be listening to what the people around you are saying, not your inner voice. At this point, you need to stop making comparisons and turn within and listen to your soul. Remember, everyone’s life, experiences, and personality are unique and valuable enough as you are!

9-“Nothing Changes.”

Nothing Changes War negative thoughts

As the famous philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only thing that does not change is changing itself.” It would be best if you did not confuse the path you want to take with your destiny. The difficulties you are experiencing now do not have to continue in the future. The important thing is to be patient. Because no matter how long it takes to reach your goal, the happiness you will experience will be worth all the hardships you experience. As long as you do not lose faith in the existence of change, in the fact that everything in life can change, and that you can transform your own life. As soon as you accept the change, you will see that some things in your life will automatically convert.

Positive vs. Negative Thoughts

We shared some of the biggest negative thoughts with you. Now it’s time to get rid of these disgusting negative thoughts. As we leave behind a whole year, we know that it is not easy to forget the difficulties that have left deep traces in your life like never before and completely change your mindset. However, there is a long road ahead for change, and to open a brand new page for a new year and make a pleasant start, you must first close the cover of your finished notebook. An instructive farewell with the thoughts you need to remove from your life and leave behind; We wish you a pleasant start with your new goals and hopes.


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