Speak to Your Brain Instead of Making a Promise to Yourself

Making a Promise to Yourself

Making a promise to yourself means declaring that you will do something. How important is it to make a promise to your spouse, friend, boss, colleague, mother, or father and keep that promise? Have you ever thought about it? For most of us, keeping promises reflects values ​​such as reliability, honesty, and integrity. These values, which society glorifies, are passed on to another side as care, attention, and love. That being the case, making a promise becomes a weight, even a burden. It sits on your shoulders. Well, do you ever promise yourself?

power inside

We asked this question to some brain user manual users. Usually, they said “No.” “I make no promises to myself.” This was perfectly normal. Because brain user manual owners do something else unique beyond promising themselves, with this approach, brain user manual owners implement an effortless way to use their brain effectively. If you want to go one step further and keep your promise to yourself in dialogues, you can start using your brain in a much better way by beginning to talk to your brain. You can also look at our article Talk to Your Brain.

“There is no such thing as making a promise to yourself,” says the famous guru. A promise is an unwritten agreement between you and another person. Mutual words serve as a signature. So you don’t give up the next day or week. The responsibility of your promise binds you. So why do I promise myself as if I’m someone else?

fitness Making a Promise to Yourself

-I’m going down to that weight.
-I won’t let him treat me like that.
-I will quit smoking.
-I’ll find a new job.
-I won’t eat gluten.
-I will sit in meditation every day.
-I’m going to start yoga.

Our determination when I make a promise to someone else fires us. In the promises you make to yourself, if you perceive your brain as an entity you respect and talk to, you can be even more determined than you promised someone else. On the other hand, if questions we have written below come to your mind, you have not started a conversation with your brain yet.

signature Making a Promise

-Who will know if I don’t keep my promise to myself if I break the deal?

-How committed am I to my decision?

-Who do I promise what?

-Am I not the only one responsible if I keep my word or break it?

-Is there anyone who will be offended or offended?

While this mentality facilitates sabotaging behaviors, broken commitments negatively affect my self-belief and confidence. How important it is to believe and trust in yourself for success! Once you break the promise, “Okay,” your inner voice says: You are weak!

Some never break their promise; some are captive of their word without hearing their body and needs, without realizing it. They are tiring, unkind, demanding, and harsh. His inner voice convinces him by saying, “I pay a kind of price for my promises,” “If I yawn, I may not be able to continue with the same commitment and determination,” and he keeps himself on the road. If you have noticed, our relationship with ourselves determines our direction in both cases.

Self Satisfaction

self satisfaction

This is the secret to happiness, inner peace, and success. If you believe in yourself and can do it, you will succeed! So do you need words? It is enough to be aware and conscious of the moment, and a very calm conversation with your brain is enough. FirmlyFirmly tell your brain what you want. Mindfulness practices effectively regulate one’s relationship with oneself and the outside world.

Decide First and Speak With Your Brain Instead of Making a Promise to Yourself

power inside

Your desires when making a promise and breaking the promise are in conflict. It is essential to look at that contradiction. It is finding the real need and making conscious choices accordingly. A new determination and a unique selection every time. You can make choices that support you, or you can make choices that hold you back. It’s all your decision. Just be determined. Supporters raise awareness as well as non-supporters. There are lessons to be learned and messages about the moment’s needs. Approaching yourself with compassion and being able to close yourself is the absolute satisfaction with yourself.

talking to your brain

This is where it’s so important because “That Compassion” is transformative. Compassion is the state of being able to embrace the side that made that choice. Compassion doesn’t have to be cottony, soft, and enveloping. He can also be “hard” sometimes to support you. Make room for conscious choices. Not be a prisoner of my word. Hear my needs and desires to take responsibility for my choices. No more words!

Let’s end with a short Zen story by inviting you to reflect:

The student asked his master, “What is Zen?”
The answer was, “You can break this promise.”

The teacher said, “Zen is not spoken. It is lived. He wants to say, “Give up on words. Bring them to life.”


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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