Be Tough As Steel: Increase Your Mental Endurance with the 7C Mechanism

Brain Chain

Do You want to increase your mental endurance to be like steel? Steel is an alloy with superior physical and chemical properties, consisting of a solid element of iron and carbon. It is among the most potent substances found in nature. Sometimes in life, situations that require being “solid,” like steel, can be encountered. To be prepared for these challenging situations, it is necessary to be mentally tough. As the Brainusermanual team, we will tell you about the 7C Mechanism in this article. With each “C,” we will give you essential tips to help you increase your mental toughness. Keep reading the brain’s manual pages.

What is Mental Endurance?

mental endurance

Mental toughness is the ability to overcome difficulties. This ability must be developed if you want to be successful in life. You must be mentally strong to cope with the challenges and overcome your fears and anxieties while achieving your goals. Mental toughness is a trait that can be strengthened just like your muscles. If you find achieving your goals challenging and giving up everything quickly, you may not use your full potential.

brain training

This is called the “40 Percent Rule”. An entrepreneur who lived with a navy for a month explains this rule in his bestselling book Living with a Navy Special Forces Soldier: “My instructor used to say, ‘If your mind tells you you’re exhausted, you’ve just used 40 percent of your capacity.’ My instructor’s motto was, ‘If it doesn’t suck enough, we don’t do it. He meant that a goal that doesn’t bother you enough doesn’t push you out of your comfort zone and won’t strengthen you mentally. Everyone has the potential to transcend themselves; the important thing is to spread this into our daily lives.”

Boost Your Mental Endurance Using the 7C Mechanism

training for Increase Mental

So how can you improve your mental toughness? Again, neuroscience states that you need to do these 7 C’s very well for mental toughness. The consensus is that mental toughness depends on the 7 Cs: Control, Challenge, Commitment, Confidence, Comprehension, Cheerful, Convenience


the creator of universe control universe

Knowing that the creator of the universe created all that is and will be. Control the situation and continue without being under the control of external influences. Everything is already under control every second. Can you control your heartbeat? Think about how little you can control in this life. And realize many things we can control that we say controlled and managed. Did you manage? Did you control it ultimately? The universal system continues to operate. Everyone is already programmed to do what is easy for them. At this point, the following question may come to your mind: So the universal system continues to operate independently, and why should we work if we cannot control anything? The System will continue to reveal various events through the people and the whole being who are part of the System. This behavior that occurs in you is one of the manifestations. You behave, and then you say I did it. However, what you say you did is exactly what the system revealed to you. For example, if being immoral is easy for you, you show immoral behavior. On the contrary, if being moral is easy for you, you will behave morally. Be aware of external factors and do as much as you think you can control.


challenge Mental Endurance

Realizing that each of the challenges is an opportunity in essence. When you overcome difficulties, your brain releases high levels of dopamine. You feel outstanding, and as the degree of this challenge increases, your well-being continues to increase. So as you progress, everything will become much better for you. And as a result, if these difficulties did not exist, everything could not be so beautiful, and with it, we would be deprived of much happiness. Obstacles are there to overcome, progress, and release dopamine after progress. View these challenges as dopamine sacs. Every challenge has the potential to bring hours and even days of happiness and peace as it progresses. Just notice it!


Mental Endurance friends

Being faithful to its purpose and duty. Your progress is possible by sticking to the event you are dealing with. You achieve what you can faithfully stick to the task until you get close to the result. In every event, you start, as you progress, the opportunities, what you have, what you have achieved, all your feelings, in short, the scope of the event continues to expand. This may seem like an increased responsibility, but if all of this sounds fun to you, then the scale of the event will be greatly appreciated.


success confidence

 Having high self-confidence and maintaining self-belief. Self-confidence only should not remain as something you increase in your own imagination. The key is to nurture your self-confidence with your actions. This leads to the formation of real and robust self-confidence. You must go with the flow and act immediately to gain that self-confidence. As we say, real self-confidence is fed by your actions. If you have good memories, in an event where many people say, “I can’t do this, it’s impossible,” you can make a sentence like “I’ve done something like this before, I can do it again.”

5-Cheerfulness for Increase Mental Endurance

Cheerfulness for Increase Mental Endurance

Having a strong mind means that it has exceeded its limits, is creative, and can produce solutions to problems. For this, the mind needs to be secure and flexible. A flexible sense can only be achieved with an optimistic and compassionate perspective. A joyful and loving attitude is also a fun way of looking at things. You can use the power of a smile for this. You don’t have to be happy first to smile; move your facial muscles. Smiling and showing compassion to people makes you empower each other and the other person.

6-Comprehension for Increase Mental Endurance

Comprehension for Increase Mental Endurance

Your brain is also a muscle. Just as you need to exercise to develop your muscles, you should also exercise continuously for comprehension. Working out a little harder each day builds this muscle even more. Doing the same things over and over becomes dull over time and causes a loss of motivation. That’s why you must expose your mind to different stimuli, try new things, and think differently, as we’ve written before. The development of your understanding will cause you to learn everything much more accessible and win in the game of that. This is a fantastic thing!

7-Convenience for Increase Mental Endurance

Convenience for Increase Mental Endurance

Overthinking what has happened to you or what you will do complicates things and consumes your strength. The easiest way to deal with difficulties is to change how you view what you see as a challenge. Recognize situations of convenience. See this situation quickly and conveniently. So that you can see it that way, look carefully at the amenities that come with this challenge. With every difficulty, there is ease. See the obstacles not as unnecessary but as a game. That’s also the trick. After all, isn’t life itself a game? The condition for a happy and good life is to be mentally tough. The purpose of life’s challenges is to develop and mature you. Unfortunately, staying in your comfort zone will not improve you. Because life is not static, it is flexible and changeable. The way to adapt to this is through mental flexibility and endurance. You don’t need to be made of steel to be durable. Just follow the tips we gave above.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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