Step into Happiness by Adopting 10 Persistent Habits

It is possible to be happy just as you were in your childhood. If you can think and act the way you were created, you can return to your feelings (that is, your happiness) at that time.

happy child to Be Happy

What do we call happiness? We each have different ideas about what it is and how to achieve it. However, we are all obsessed with satisfaction by nature. Everyone wants to be happy, right? People with Brainusermanual have no difficulty in joy because they know how to use their brains. Thanks to the manual, they know how to operate the happiness function well. When the necessary conditions are met, they can experience the happiness that is revealed in the brain just by touching the right keys of the brain. As the Brainusermanual team, we explain the guideline information that will make you happier than scientific studies.

1. Help Without Expecting Reciprocity to Be Happy

Expecting Reciprocity happy to Be Happy

Only 100 hours a year. One of the most valuable tips to keep yourself happy is to help others. The optimum amount of time we should dedicate to others to enrich our lives is 100 hours a year. Even planning a vacation, let alone going on vacation, increases your happiness. According to a study published in The Journal of Happiness Studies, people feel happier when they spend money on others rather than themselves. When it comes to time, a study conducted in Germany on volunteering studies reveals striking results in this regard.

2. Give Thanks to the Almighty Creator to Be Happy

Give Thanks to the Almighty Creator

This is perhaps the simplest yet most effective strategy for being happy. There are many ways to remind yourself to be thankful; You can keep a diary, identify three things you need to be grateful for that day at a specific time each day, or you can respond with gratitude when you receive favors from others. For example, in a study published in the Journal of Happiness, 219 men and women were asked to write three gratitude letters daily for three weeks. At the end of the study, it was determined that the happiness and life satisfaction levels of the participants who wrote the letters increased, and their depressive symptoms decreased.

3. Get Deeper and More Sleep, Be More Resilient

More Sleep to Be Happy

Sleep allows our body to renew and recover itself at the end of the day and thus helps us focus more efficiently and be more productive. This shows that sleep is indispensable for happiness. Countless studies are proving that spending time with family and friends has a significant impact on satisfaction. A study published by BPS Research Digest shows that sleep affects our sensitivity to negative emotions. Within the scope of the research, it has been determined that people who do not take a nap at the end of the day become more sensitive to negative emotions such as anger or fear. Sleep is essential for happiness, but the quality and duration of your sleep are also crucial. Your mood when you wake up can also determine how you spend the rest of the day.

4. Meditate

Meditate to Be Happy

Meditation is often used for concentration and calm. In addition to these, meditation also has the feature of increasing your happiness. As part of a study, a group of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital examined the brain images of 16 people before and after participating in an eight-week meditation program. At the end of the study, it was found that when the participants completed the meditation program, the regions related to compassion and self-awareness improved, and the areas related to stress decreased. Meditation indeed clears your mind and makes you a calmer person. Therefore, it is the most effective way to lead a happy life.

5. Spend Plenty of Time with Family and Friends

Spend Plenty of Time with Family and Friends

When it comes to happiness, the importance of social time increases even more. Countless studies are proving that spending time with family and friends has a significant impact on satisfaction. “We are happy when we have a family when we have friends, and almost all of the things we think make us happy depend more on spending time with family and friends in some way,” said Daniel Gilbert of Harvard University, one of the authors of the studies.

6. Go Out and Feel the Good Weather to Be Happy

Go Out and Feel the Good Weather to Be Happy

Shawn Achor says that spending time outdoors at The Happiness Advantage increases happiness and continues: “It is a great advantage to go out and spend time in good weather. A study has proven that 30 minutes spent in the beautiful weather not only nurtures a positive mood but also removes bad thoughts and makes them more productive.” So if you complain about the lack of time, you can even evaluate your commute time or lunch breaks to spend 30 minutes outside.

7. Move Closer to Your Workplace

Move Closer to Your Workplace

It may be surprising, but the distance between your home and workplace has a powerful effect on happiness. It’s not very interesting to think that something you repeat twice a day, at least five days a week, makes you happier or more unhappy. Driving in traffic is overwhelming. Sometimes you may choose to live away from your workplace to live in a bigger or more perfect house. But rest assured, it will make you more unhappy in the long run. Swiss economists, who study the effect of distance between home and workplace on happiness, say that long distances between home and work bring unhappiness.

8. Make a Vacation Plan to Be Happy

Vacation Plan to Be Happy

Even planning a vacation, let alone going on vacation, increases your happiness. According to a study published in Applied Research in Quality Life, the highest level of pleasure coincides with the moments of vacation planning. The pre-holiday happiness boost lasts for almost ten weeks. However, after the holiday, the level of joy drops rapidly.

9. Exercise Even Just 10 Minutes Is Enough to Be Happy

 Exercise Even Just 10  to Be Happy

An article was published in the New York Times last year, and it raged. The report explained that 10 minutes of exercise a day scientifically meets your daily exercise needs. Furthermore, exercising has a profound effect on happiness. Within the scope of a study whose results were shared in Shawn Achor’s book The Happiness Advantage, patients struggling with depression were divided into three groups, and astonishing results were obtained. According to this, depression relapsed in 40 percent of those treated only with medication, and relapse was seen in 30 percent of those who both exercised and took the pill. In those who only exercise, the recurrence rate was 10 percent. You don’t have to be depressed to see the benefits of exercise. Exercise makes you relax, boosts brain power, and improves your body’s appearance.

10. Smile A Lot to Be Happy

Smile A Lot to Be Happy

Smiling alone can make us happier. Moreover, its effect increases even more when you support it with positive thoughts. According to a study by Michigan State University, sales representatives working in stores were asked to smile, even if it was a lie. At the end of the research, it was found that even these smiles improved their mood. But, of course, the important thing is not the fake smiles but the smiles that appear on your face after the meaning is revealed in your brain.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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