Accept Happiness and Life Enjoyment by 4 Removing Barriers

break barrier Accept Happiness

Do you have any blockages in accepting pleasure and happiness? Let’s bring some awareness to Accept Happiness issue as Brainusermanual users. In our time, without realizing it, we act contrary to the working principles of our brain and the universe. Because our brain is not something that comes with a user manual, and using our brain correctly is not taught in schools. Keep reading the Brainusermanual to use our brains in a way that works.

under the tree Accept Happiness

According to a story, one day, a person sits down to rest under a tree after a long walk and falls asleep. When he wakes up, he feels hungry and thinks, “Now it would be nice to have a nice breakfast over there.” And suddenly! A delicious breakfast comes right in front of him. He fills his stomach with his breakfast and then says, “It would be nice if I had something to drink now, a nice sherbet or wine,” Cool drinks with different tastes appear in front of him.


After drinking his drinks with great pleasure and consuming them all, he stops for a moment. From this point on, since he is whole rested, he starts to question his situation. How come so quickly in front of him everything he wishes?

ghosts in the woods

He asks, “Where does it come from,” which is the opposite of what he learned and believed before. He anxiously thinks that this is not normal and that the ones who brought them must be ghosts walking around, and suddenly! Shadows and voices appear around him in the bushes. Ultimately, he flees from the place. Moves away from the wishing tree.


Life is exactly like this wish tree, a tree that brings the thoughts in your mind to you eventually and realizes everything you believe in with a deep belief. Knowing this, why can’t we place ideas that contain ease, joy, abundance, happiness, and friendly feelings in our minds intensively and broadly?

We sabotage ourselves because of our limiting beliefs. The obstacles underlying your not accepting happiness are precisely in the category of sabotaging yourself. We recommend you also review and benefit from ” Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs and Stop Self-Sabotaging “ article.

break wall Accept Happiness

You may not accept happiness. But you should know that this is only due to some thought barriers. Because some obstacles disrupt the correct functioning of your mind. If your brain can work properly without these obstacles, you will enjoy life much more and be happy. So now, let’s recognize these four obstacles and eliminate them.

1-Not Seeing Oneself Worthy of Unconditional Love and Accept Happiness

unconditional love Accept Happiness

“I have to give something in return” Because only when I do something good, do Mom and Dad treat me well. I received love, which is how I learned to accept love mutually. Even for the Creator’s love, I must constantly worship without ceasing, not drink a drop of alcohol, and never eat sweets when I am full because I deserve love. I don’t have the slightest idea of ​​receiving unconditional love because I’ve never seen or experienced it.”

You may be thinking this way. However, the sole owner of the Realms loves you more unconditionally than you can imagine. Undoubtedly, our Creator is gracious.

2-Suffering from People for Connect Easily


The belief is that “our common pains connect us more deeply,” and being troubled is a way to communicate easily and quickly in this world. Let’s all suffer in common so we can empathize, have a topic to discuss, and have a more warm and sincere communication if we have problems.

For example, when the country’s economic situation is in such a state, a tradesman says to other tradesman, “How are you doing? How are things going?” Instead of saying, “Not bad! So-so, we try to survive.” etc., it is more appropriate to give an answer success rather than expressing mediocrity. As if it’s a shame to be in an excellent financial situation. Or as if everyone had to be in the same position. You definitely do not have to experience the pain of the person in front of you in order to get close and be friends.

3-The Belief that I Only Have to Suffer to Get Closer to the Creator

Accept Happiness

Why do we reject the belief that abundance? Enjoyment of life and joy and laughter will bring us closer to our Creator. Why are we conditioned that suffering or deprivation and poverty will bring us closer to the owner of All Things? Whose belief is this, or did our Creator say, “Come to me crying, come to me with unhappiness and misery, this is the only way to reach me”? There is no such discourse in the book of any monotheistic religion.

4-Despising Ease, Exalting Difficulty, Don’t Accept Happiness


I believe “I must achieve the hardest things to appreciate myself.” Thus, if a promotion comes to me quickly in my life, money that is easily given, I will feel unsatisfaction and say, “I think it’s easy on you!” The Difficulty has become a kind of fuel for your ego.

sunshine Accept Happiness

The more challenges you face, the more you will appreciate yourself and be appreciated in the eyes of others. However, if a person can let go of the desire to prove himself, what comes easily is also valuable. If he can say, “I know how to be grateful,” he will readily accept ease.

Accept Happiness

If a person feels easy to receive what is given unconditionally, and will be able to attract the pleasures and goodness of life more easily. Because what a person is, so is his experience. The charm and happiness of man must accept and realize that this world can be heaven and that he is worthy of it from birth. Here, we return to the first item and wish each of us to realize and accept that we are loved unconditionally in the first place.

cat and plant


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