With Drama-Free Relationship Live a Long and Happy Life

fight couple

Do you notice a constant state of drama in your romantic relationships or the relationships around you? We all dream of a drama-free relationship; We want to increase the happiness and peace in our relationship, but we still cannot escape from being a prisoner of drama from time to time. We can compare our relationship with the relationships around us, we can be influenced by the posts of couples we see on social media, or we can nurture that constant drama-seeking aspect within us because we can’t control our reactions.

mom homeless

We experience jealousy; We can get into arguments and fights with our partners. Although small quarrels or jealousy are considered the spice of relationships, they damage the structure of relationships. So, is it possible to save our relationships from these dramas? With the right approaches, yes. Here are tips for a drama-free relationship:

Manage Your Negative Thoughts

toxic thoughts

Happy couples have one thing in common, above all, a better, realistic, and healthy way of thinking about each other. This way of thinking also supports the healthy progress of the relationship, as it allows couples to improve their communication, solve problems and improve romance. On the other hand, having toxic thoughts about your partner can invite drama into your relationship. If you want a drama-free relationship, you should try to get rid of your negative thoughts.

How can you expect to feel good if you are constantly telling yourself negative things about him and believing all that? If you have convinced yourself that your partner is irresponsible or lazy even though he is not, it may become impossible for you to have good feelings about your relationship. For this reason, to manage your feelings and thoughts most correctly, you need to take the time to get to know your partner well and strengthen your relationship by improving your communication.

Don’t Try To Fix Each Other

water fire drama-free relationship

One of the biggest problems in both romantic and social relationships is trying to fix the other person. Although partners start their relationships by loving each other ‘as they are, they may try to change each other as time goes on.

They can make an effort to impose their truth by interfering with their habits, lifestyles, beliefs, thoughts, judgments, and ways of solving problems. All these efforts to fix can also trigger drama in relationships. For this reason, you can keep your relationship on the stronger ground by respecting it instead of trying to fix your partner and make your value judgments accepted. Is it possible to help the other person without trying to “fix” them? It’s possible! Don’t fight over simple and mundane things.

boxing couple drama-free relationship

Minor arguments, and frictions, of course, are the spice of relationships, but when they are in moderationā€¦ starting fights for tiny reasons, being in a constant struggle to prove your rightness will cause you to be drawn into a continuous drama cycle and wear out your relationship. For this reason, it is helpful to focus on the constructive points in your relationship instead of fighting for a friend on Instagram to change an outfit because he likes a photo or suits him. Otherwise, you may not find the energy and patience to devote to the issues that you need to discuss and solve. If you want a drama-free relationship, you have to learn not to hurt each other for simple reasons.

Review Your Unhealthy Habits

cigarettes drama-free relationship

Think about when dramas erupt in your relationship and focus on whether there are serious underlying reasons. A relatively innocent tantrum of jealousy or a dangerous addiction? Suppose you or your partner are confused by unhealthy habits such as alcohol or drugs, saying things you wouldn’t normally say, or exhibiting unexpected behavior. In that case, you can seek professional help to quit bad habits.

Accept Your Differences

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Remember that you and your partner are two different people who were brought up in different ways under different circumstances. Your needs, wishes, and expectations may be different; Just like both people areā€¦ So instead of making a fuss about these differences, try to accept them and learn from your differences. Wouldn’t your relationship be so boring if you were both the same?

You are essentially the same. You’re both human and both need a lot of love and attention. In fact, you both belong to the sea. One of you may be rising meters like waves on the sea, while the other may prefer to float calmly. Or it could be a giant iceberg, after all, it all belongs to the sea, and the iceberg is essentially water. Ultimately, you both become water and you belong to the sea.

Give Each Other Space and Time

free space

Allowing space and time does not mean that you should interrupt your relationship for the slightest problem. It just means understanding each other about the times you can be alone with yourself to listen to yourself, express yourself better, calm down, and express what you want more accurately. Since your and your partner’s lives continue apart from your relationship, small breaks that will be good for each other from time to time can help you strengthen your relationship and prevent unnecessary drama.

Don’t Play the Role of Needy

needy man drama-free relationship

Undoubtedly, attention is what everyone needs, and partners should take the time to pay attention to each other, but like everything else, it is meaningful for both parties when the attention is moderate. It is both unfair to him and unfair to you to expect constant attention, to ask your partner to come to your aid for everything. Because, if you can’t do any work without your partner, this can make you extremely dependent and cause you to take on the role of needy in your partner’s eyes. It is useful to remember that as an adult, you are strong enough to be self-sufficient. Do random favors and small gestures.

heart surprise drama-free relationship

A fun way to strengthen your relationship and maintain your excitement is to create little reasons for happiness. You can fill the place of drama in your relationship by feeding your positive emotions. A small gift, a flower for no reason, a happy message, a 10-minute massage, or your partner’s favorite snack can trigger good feelings and make you and your partner feel better. If you need a drama-free relationship, you should consider this.

Try to Empathize For Drama-Free Relationship


You and your partner both have lives; therefore it is not fair to be available 24/7 or expect him to be available at any time. Trying to understand before reacting to something and approaching it with empathy can help you find the right path for both you and him. If you think that instead of sulking because he didn’t meet you that day, he should spare time for his work, you can establish the most accurate communication instead of giving dramatic reactions. The 3 essentials for healthy relationships are empathy, enthusiasm, and support. If you need a drama-free relationship, you must learn to empathize.

If you have difficulty empathizing, if you have difficulty perceiving emotions, you can have a much higher perception by practicing the techniques in our article “Get Rid of Causes That Make Perception Difficult and Remove Barriers to Your Brain in 5 Steps”

Communicate Instead of Pouting For Drama-Free Relationship

pouting gorilla

Communication is the best tool in any relationship. We all need words to describe ourselves better and to understand the other person correctly. It cannot be the right approach to wait for the other party to understand us by tripping; Because let’s face it, none of us can read minds. For this reason, you can establish healthy communication by expressing what you want and expressing yourself clearly, and you will not wear out both yourself and your partner by acting unnecessarily.

Apply the 60-Second Rule For Drama-Free Relationship

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Relationships aren’t always rosy. No matter how successful we think we are communicating or trying to manage our reactions, sometimes we may find it difficult to control ourselves, especially when we are very angry, upset, or offended. As such, we may damage our relationship, perhaps by overreacting to what we normally would not. In such situations, applying the 60-second rule, that is, waiting 60 seconds before saying something before taking action in the face of a difficult situation can prevent irreversible reactions.

If you can’t control your anger and hurt the other person when you get angry, you need to practice anger control for a while. If you’re really interested in overcoming your anger, we suggest you do the exercises in our article “Recognize The Anger And Get Rid Of Bad Consequences And Pain In 10 Steps”.

Quit Little Kids Games For Drama-Free Relationship

Kids Games

In romantic relationships, jealousy can be perceived as an important indicator of love and affection. For this reason, partners may be trying to keep their relationship alive with little games that will make each other jealous. However, any method you use to make your partner jealous can go to the wrong places and shake the foundation of your relationship. Instead of taking such a risk and creating drama out of nothing, you can use more constructive ways to strengthen your relationship. Always be honest.

be honest For Drama-Free Relationship

Integrity is the most basic building block of any relationship. If you want your partner to always be honest with you, you must be honest with him too. Without a sense of trust, it is very difficult for a relationship to progress solidly. In order not to shake this feeling, you should always adopt a correct approach towards each other. Instead of hurting your relationship with little lies, devious words, or maybe even fun-looking dramatic games, always taking an inside attitude will strengthen the feeling of trust in your relationship.


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