Why Do Intelligent People Have Fewer Friends?


Maybe you’ve noticed before that very smart people make fewer friends. As the Brainusermanual team, we investigated the scientific reasons for this.

Smart People, unlike ordinary people, have long-term goals. The people we call extremely intelligent people can socialize whenever and in any amount they want. They have fewer friends, not because they can’t fit into society, but simply because they want to. This way, they want to move forward long-term and do more valuable work for themselves.

We all wonder from time to time the answer to the question: What is that fantastic key thing that makes life more livable? Lots of friends and family? Have you ever observed who is around very smart people?

What Makes Many People Happy?

happy and smart people

A study, the results of which were published in the British Journal of Psychology, seeks to answer the question of what makes a good life. Within the scope of the research, 15,000 people aged between 18 and 28 were interviewed. Accordingly, people living in densely populated areas are less satisfied with their lives. Also, people with more social interaction with their close friends claim to be happier.

The Difference of Intelligent People


However, there is an exception to the research results. The situation is completely different with very intelligent people.. People with higher intelligence levels are less satisfied with life as they socialize with others. So why do smart people prefer to stay at home to work and go over their plans instead of going out for an evening and having fun while pursuing their long-term goals?

Very Smart People Focus on Long-Term Goals

long term

People with a higher level of intelligence and a greater capacity to use their intelligence spend less time socializing. This is because very smart people focus on long-term goals. Intelligent people use their intelligence to create something bigger than fun and party. Sometimes they struggle for it.

long term smart people

For example, consider acquaintances who have started their businesses. These people have to limit their social interactions and focus on their goals to achieve their goals and desires. An intelligent person also needs to alter social interactions to do something bigger and better for humanity. Otherwise, they feel that social interactions will distract them from their goals and ultimately negatively impact them.

long term smart people

Very Smart people, while pursuing their long-term goals, prefer to stay at home to work and go over their plans instead of going out and having fun in the evening. This does not mean that intelligent people do not value friendship. But they indeed see socializing as a distraction when achieving goals.

How Did the Brains of Very Smart People Differ?

difference eggs

The human brain evolved to meet the demands of our ancestors in the vast lands. At that time, the population density was less, and the hunter-gatherer lifestyle prevailed. Frequent contact with friends during these times was essential for the species’ survival and reproduction. Very Smart people are also pretty good at adapting to change. Of course, the mind is a great power. Intelligent people have always understood all the requirements for a healthy and peaceful life and acted accordingly.


Today, living conditions have entirely changed, and our habits of interacting with people have also been affected. Intelligent people, as a result of this change, can better cope with the challenges imposed by modern life. That is, it is easier for them to deal with problems because they are better adapted to the issues that arise due to evolutionary change.

brain intelligent people

When you are smart, of course, you can adapt more quickly to the innovations that come your way, and you can more easily apply the magnificent features of your ancestors to modern life. Living in a highly populated area may affect very smart people less because they have less social interaction.

Smart People Thinking Differently about Relationships

happy intelligent people

Smart people value relationships and friendships just like everyone else. However, while they give this value, they become more selective about how they use their own time. But that doesn’t mean intelligent people don’t care about friendship or human relationships.

We know very well that a wise person spends most of his time in this world and in studies that will benefit him in his eternal journey. Well, don’t intelligent people have any friends? Of course, intelligent people also have friends. And possibly with other very smart people, even brighter than himself. Intelligent people can share great things while walking on the same path with people with similar goals and work. Since their friendship is full of exciting events, the value they give to each other is much more than the value that ordinary people give to each other.


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