Personality Types and Traits

What Personality Type Do You Have, and What Does It Mean?

Person type

Personality types have been discussed in psychology for years, and there are different approaches. Although some scientists argue that personality cannot be divided into classes and that the degree to which people have the same personality traits should be judged, many agree that there are different personality types and that each individual has some behavioural and emotional characteristics in common.

The Myers-Briggs approach is a personality theory developed to enable women to choose the most suitable and productive area for themselves after they entered business life in industrial areas during the Second World War. This theory was created based on the ideas of Carl Jung, one of the important names in the world of psychology, and was included in the book Psychological Types, published in 1921. According to the Myers-Briggs approach, there are 16 different personality types, and these 16 types consist of different combinations of 4 other personality traits.

Personality types

Personality Types

  • E (Extraversion)—I (Introversion)
  • S (Sensing) —N (Intuition)
  • T (Thinking)—F (Feeling)
  • J (Judging)—P (Perceiving)

Your personality type is decided based on which features you show more, with the questionnaires that include questions prepared as a result of long studies. Below are the characteristics of 16 different personality types created by combining these features and their prevalence in society.


Incidence 1%

INFJ has a complex personality. He tends to help other people around him and enjoys it.


Incidence 1%

Of all the types, he/she is the most self-confident and the most pragmatic. He/she can make easy decisions and is a leadership spirit.


The incidence is 2%

It is the type of personality that uses its thoughts and the ability to put these thoughts into words wisely. Can easily cope with indecisions and contradictions. It tries to make sense of the world and explores the purpose of living.


The incidence is 2%

He/she focuses on the positive and is satisfied with every situation. It cares about individual values and acts within the framework of these values.

Personality types


The incidence is 3%

It is innovative and defies the rules. He/she enjoys investigating everything that is going on around him and considering different possibilities.


The incidence is 3%

He/she likes to be a leader in the group and tries his best to help others. His/her perfectionism causes him/her to have difficulties in communication from time to time.


The incidence is 4%

Likes to take responsibility and manage. He/she always wants to be a leader in group work.


The incidence is 5%

He/she is a master at using the objects around him for different purposes. He/she loves fun and is fearless, likes to live his/her life spontaneously, not planning.

Person different


The incidence is 6%

ENFP like to act with the opinions of the people around them and takes their motivation from this. He/she wants to live life with the taste of drama.


The incidence is 7%

It is about the fine arts. His senses are strong, and his aesthetic sense is strong.


The incidence is 8%

He/she likes to be chosen and respected. He/she believes that his individual needs should be met by someone else.


The incidence is 9%

The decision-making mechanism is robust. He/she likes to be addicted and is sensitive about time management.



The incidence is 10%

He/she has a competitive spirit and loves competition. He/she is enterprising and accommodating. May exhibit abnormal behaviour to attract attention.


The incidence is 12%

It radiates happiness and sincerity. He/she is always cheerful and generous. They enjoy spending time together and are loved by their environment.


Its incidence is 13%

They are the people you want to be with you in difficult times because of their strong personalities. Its connections with the outside world are strong.


The incidence is 14%

It is the most friendly and adaptable of all personality types. Enjoys helping others and working for others.

Personality colors

There are many different resources you can find on the internet to determine your personality type. However, the reliability of these sources is a matter of debate. Therefore, to get the most reliable result, we recommend you seek support from an expert in this field.


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