Recognize The Anger And Get Rid Of Bad Consequences And Pain In 10 Steps

angry face

Do they say that emotions rule people, but is it so? Do your emotions rule you too? Do you think you use your brain as a prisoner of your feelings? The first thing you need to realize is this: Anger has no other result than harm and pain. And guess who suffers the most? The so-called You! Do you know how you look from the outside when you are angry? I’m sure if you saw yourself angry, you would have sworn never to be angry again! We know how to show ourselves in such a vulnerable situation to people we don’t want. But you don’t know how to do it. Because you did not have got a Brain User Manual.

angry cat

In many cases, we make calculations down to the smallest detail. We try to make a logical decision, and as we approach the result, Anger, a powerful function of our mind, can come into play. If this happens, you will throw your wise decision away and go after your Anger, which is a rebellious emotion. It is so powerful.

The only way you can overcome it is with higher mind power. Increased mental power is found in individuals who have a brain user manual. The best part of your brain is that it can easily overcome all kinds of difficulties when you know how to use them. Brain User Manual owners can easily overcome their Anger by using their minds to the highest degree. In this article, you will be reading the Anger Management section of the User’s Guide.

brain heart

Yes, emotions are powerful. It would be much better for you if you weren’t affected by your feelings for your present and future. Emotional actions often hurt you. The most rebellious of these emotions and the first thing you need to control is Anger.

The “Feeling of Anger” destroys us, that we are enslaved, that we are swept away like leaves in the wind, that we are defeated, that our nerves are tense, that we forget everything and lose ourselves. The fire of Anger first burns its owner, then its spark either reaches the enemy or not.


1. Family Life

fight marriage

The number one outlet for Anger is family lifeā€”the place where we learn about love, where we taste Anger for the first time. What kind of psychological structure will we have in the future? Our personality strength, intelligence level, and our character structure are shaped. This holy temple, where we learn everything, is also the arena where the events that poison our life begins. Children experience psychological traumas as the arguments between parents turn into violence.
When we investigate the origin of Anger, we come across family life. The starting place of Anger and the sacred arena where it is most frequently experienced. Further, it is the origin of Anger.

The first angry faces we see belong to our parents. The first angry speeches we hear are from our parents. The negative impact of Anger, which we experienced in family life for the first time, on our daily life processes negatively affected our health and success. Worst of all, we modeled the Anger we saw from our parents.

When we look at the studies on Anger in the family, we witness that the number one reason for Anger is jealousy. It is followed by a lack of love, respect, and communication errors. Arguments caused by jealousy turn into aggressive behavior and cause grave dangers. And those who suffer the most are children.

gun child

Possible Problems if Anger is Not Controlled

Personality disorders

Mental problems


Panic attack

Depression (Mental depression, depression)

Anxiety (Psychoneuretic disorder due to distress)

Inability to think analytically

Failure to make the right decision

2. Working Life


One of the indispensable features of working life is teamwork. For the partnership’s success, the harmony of individuals within the team and communication success create synergy. But, on the contrary, it causes serious problems such as personal frictions and department wars, and this situation reaches the dimensions of Anger and reduces performance.
Team spirit is the work of more than one brain to come together and produce positive values. When I first applied for this work after I became a manager, the successful results I got made me feel good. The first thing I felt was that I wasn’t alone, then I’ll trust the existence of people and, most importantly, the creation of creative projects. I looked for the reason how did this happen. My first impression was that interbrain solidarity caused the brains to relax and each brain to feel powerful. Brainstorms that started with teamwork followed each other, and different and creative ideas began to come.

Managers who cause Anger in business life are in the first place, their colleagues are in the second place, and the customers are in the third place.

Causes of Anger at work



Application errors

Despotic management

Not being valued

Being ignored


Working conditions

Customer response


3. Traffic

traffic anger

Rule violations, speeding, scissors, lane changing, not obeying the lights, stopping in the middle of the road, not observing the zipper system, sounding the horn, ignoring the other person, disrespect, insulting words and signs, lack of control, etc. All three environments in which Anger is experienced affect each other negatively, causing Anger to be shared more severely. Anger is the enemy of your heart. According to the article “Anger is the Enemy of Your Heart,” published in the

Harvard Journal, Anger is highly harmful to heart health. As a result of the studies of Professor Ichiro Kawachi and his friends, it has been determined that older people who are easily angered have a three times higher risk of heart disease than their calm peers. Kawachi states, “Irritability, the urge to hit or hurt in a fight increase these risks.” Because stress hormones increase during Anger, causing the cells in the heart muscles to need more oxygen and increasing the stickiness of the platelets in the blood, leading to clotting. This negatively affects heart health. In addition, during Anger, the heart rate rises to a level above normal and causes blood pressure to grow in the veins, thus increasing the risk of a heart attack.


anger brain

The brain, which takes precautions by producing counter-alternatives in every matter, literally falters in the face of Anger. In short, he doesn’t know what to do. She is stunned when she feels the fist of Anger on her cheek. The brain, struggling to recover, plans to respond to Anger with violence. He focuses on the reaction, forgetting everything. The response makes its decision so quickly that the difficulty of its control comes from here. One of the most successful anger management methods is preparing for Anger. You were psychologically ready for possible Anger. You can perceive this as pre-training to make a good match. The following benefit of this successful method in Anger is mentioned. By assimilating the consciousness of conditioning, please place it in your subconscious that you must be tolerant of possible Anger.

Another method of anger management is to think about the harms of the reaction to Anger because the response in the face of Anger harms the one who reacts the most. We do not have a chance to destroy the feeling of Anger. Good or bad, mild or severe, we have to live when faced with this emotion. However, if we perceive and approach this emotion as obstacles, difficulties, or undesirable situations in our life process, we can ensure that Anger is made tolerable, resolvable, and beneficial.

Anger comes suddenly like a storm; if precautions are not taken, it damages the places where it passes. When people are angry, they have difficulty expressing what they want to say because the brain is focused on the subject that angers them. Bioelectric waves force the brain into violence by drawing aggressive zigzags.


anger body

The chemicals released in the face of Anger negatively affect all systems of our body. It is an oppressive change. This change goes so far as to harm people, and our emotions begin to rule us almost entirely. You can dehumanize and act like an animal. The emotions here primarily include the feelings of violence against violence. The worst part is that our emotions are entirely out of our control. This change manages people as they want by breaking the control mechanism. In this case, the brain plans to respond to Anger with violence while thinking about acting in a fight or flight manner with the effect of adrenaline. The system fights impulse-reaction emotions.

The blood pressure rises, the heartbeat increases, the pulse accelerates, the body temperature rises, the pupils of the eyes dilate, the muscles tighten, the blood circulation accelerates, and the glucose level in the blood increases. This change, which forces the system, can leave permanent traces in our organs over time. It would help if you discouraged the psychology of Anger against the Anger that your brain has been conditioned to.


2 minutes

The aggressive zigzags of the bioelectric waves Anger creates in the brain take two minutes. So it is vital to pass the two-minute storm period. If this process is overcome, the feelings of violence are replaced by positive emotions, and the brain starts to think more analytically. Another side of the coin is our aggressive behavior when we are angry. Our aggressive behavior affects our children’s spiritual world negatively, causing them to experience some permanent psychological problems.



Anger is the emotion that preoccupies the brain the most, and it doesn’t come out anywhere. Therefore, there must be a reason for his coming. For anger control, it is necessary to learn the cause of Anger.
If we think logically about these two reasons, we can act more rationally in the face of Anger and be successful in anger control.
So What Do We Get Angry About?

  • To be despised,
  • Being ignored
  • Insult,
  • Not being valued,
  • Disrespectful behavior
  • Illegal requests,
  • Irresponsibility

Anger is like a volcano ready to erupt. It is a feeling that you cannot predict what the volcano will do when it erupts, waiting insidiously to explode. The assimilation of this consciousness is only one of the crucial developments in anger control.
Against Anger, we have two chances. Either you will have severe problems by succumbing to Anger, or you will make the negativities of Anger valid by resisting Anger. If you succeed in fighting Anger, you will protect yourself and the other person from possible harm.

The inability of a person to decide what to do in the face of Anger makes one think that Anger always carries a risk of danger. So, the first thing to do in front of Anger is to decide what to do before Anger. It is accepted that it is beneficial for a person to condition himself, considering all the possibilities before Anger. Taking this assumption seriously and preparing oneself psychologically for what to do before Anger is an essential start for anger control.

People are more attracted to extraordinary people and want to be with them. So no one is interested in ordinary people. Well, which side would you be on if you were to assess this issue? You will decide.
If you are not good at anger management, you are in the regular people class.


volcano brain

In our work on anger management, the success of the talk to your brain project caught our attention. We tried to impart to make ourselves believe that the meaning and quality of what needed to be done would bring absolute success, and we succeeded. The answer to the question of what kind of meaning is to accept the essence of what Anger will cost, and quality is to stand upright in the face of Anger, get over it without any problems, and feel quality consciousness.
It was not difficult to convince him that anger control is the achievement of self-consciousness and that this feature, one of man’s highest values, will control Anger. However, it still needed to be sure, as the square balance method “mutually validates.”

Man’s most significant power in anger control was himself, which would be achieved using his brain. Still, the important thing was that he had to believe in the theory that I would not lose control of Anger by talking to his brain about anger control.

One of the brain’s secrets is its sensitivity to conditioning theory. It is based on the principle that the brain should not give up unless it is convinced of the issues that it is conditioned to. So, we need to manage our brain by talking because we cannot be indifferent to a subject like Anger that can affect our health, success, and future.
Here the consciousness of necessity cries out why we must be successful in the face of Anger.

What You Need to Do to Control Anger

  1. First, take a deep breath for 1 minute,
  2. Remember to be calm while breathing,
  3. Anger is harmful. Think about it
  4. Feel the power of self-awareness,
  5. It would be best if you had a maximum of two minutes to get your Anger under control. Remember to be patient,
  6. Never show any verbal or physical reaction during the two minutes,
  7. During the two minutes, try understanding the reason for the Anger.
  8. If you don’t get angry, think you can benefit from this event.
  9. Think that the cause of Anger may be due to a mistake. Even though you may be the cause of the error,
  10. Generate solution alternatives in the face of Anger and apply and finish the most appropriate one with constructive approaches.
well done

Yes, remember that Anger is nothing but a strong emotion that only lasts for 2 minutes. Don’t let this feeling ruin your life. The secret is to understand what Anger is, Engage your Mind and get ahead of your emotions. When your mind is active, you act right and will be happy. The result is only frustration and pain when your feelings are at work. Just by following these ten simple steps, you can take control of your Anger entirely and activate the mind function of your mind. This won’t happen immediately, but as you continue to practice in the face of things, you can get your Anger under complete control. Please don’t give up and experience that every time you try, it is much easier than the previous one!


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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