Pay Attention to Your Emotional Needs to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence


To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence, you must give importance to your Emotional Needs. The theory of multiple intelligences has been confirmed. It has emerged over the years that IQ tests cannot measure emotional intelligence, social intelligence, creativity, and other types of intelligence, such as valuing. How?

While primary school students who score the highest on IQ tests are expected to be very successful in their work and love lives when they reach their 40s, it has been observed that students who inconsistently get low scores on IQ tests have more success in life. Of course, this does not mean that you should score low on IQ tests. Only, observations have shown that these tests are not very effective in understanding satisfaction and success in your life.

There is a type of intelligence that IQ tests or various tests cannot measure but emerges during your life. For example, it may occur while trying to convey your feelings to your lover, who you are about to break up with, in a poetic way, in tears. This is your emotional intelligence. The Brainusermanual team says that your basic emotional needs must be met for your emotional intelligence to develop.

Emotional Emotional Needs

The fact that we humans have emotional intelligence has necessitated the development of this type of intelligence. Our intelligence results depend on meeting our needs, which is one of our common points. It’s straightforward. Emotional needs are the feelings or conditions we need to feel happy. Emotional needs are part of a healthy lifestyle, and satisfying these needs is just as important as meeting our physical needs. Some examples of emotional needs are to feel part of a community, to be appreciated, and to be loved. There is no end to your emotional intelligence, which has been sharpened in various situations. You will continue to have experiences through events and people. And your evolving intelligence handles new things in any case.

Multiple intelligence Emotional Needs

Many people refer to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943, to describe the most basic emotional needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is constructed in a pyramid, with the basic needs at the bottom and the most complex needs at the top. Since Maslow’s work in the mid-twentieth century, many studies have been conducted to understand better what people need to be happy and healthy.

Multiple intelligence Emotional Needs

For example, the issue of emotional need appears in Human Givens Therapy, which was developed as a short-term therapy approach by Griffin and Tyrrell in the 1990s.

Autonomy: We want to have the will to make responsible choices.

Community: We want to belong to a large community.

Security: We need an environment that allows us to thrive fully.

Attention: We want attention from others and give it to those who need it.

Privacy: We need private time and space to reflect and consolidate experiences.

Meaning and Purpose: We want to feel that we have goals to strive for and that our lives have a purpose.

Intimacy: We must feel connected to our friends, family, and significant others.

Status: We want to feel valued and respected.

Success: We want to feel competent.

Multiple intelligence Emotional Needs

Everyone’s needs may differ due to factors such as upbringing and life experience. As we have shared an example in this article, different psychologists have created different emotional needs lists. But there is no doubt that the common emotional need of all of us is love. A child who grows up in a family where his emotional needs are not satisfied may begin to think that these needs are not necessary. When this child becomes an adult, he takes on his family’s role and, like them, does not listen to his needs. What about your emotional needs?


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