Just Respect Emotions to Develop Emotional Intelligence

boy emotional intelligence

Do you know how easy it is actually to develop your emotional intelligence? Even if you do it easily using memory techniques to improve your verbal intelligence, you will eventually need to memorize many words. You will need to practice various maths to improve your numerical intelligence. But to develop your Emotional Intelligence, which is within Social Intelligence, you just need to continue living your daily life with people. As soon as you respect the feelings of other people and yourself in your relationships, you will remove the biggest obstacle to your developing emotional intelligence.

children emotions

As a child, were you ever embarrassed by your feelings? The times when you are silenced when you want to cry, and you receive messages to suppress your emotions. The overwhelming majority of people live disconnected from their feelings; they don’t know what to do with their emotions. If we grew up in a family environment where our feelings were ignored and ignored, and we could not express our feelings comfortably, it is not surprising that we are now strangers to our feelings as adults. However, our emotions are one of the most significant features that make us human.

Emotional Intelligence

With your emotions, your brain develops, and your database expands. Make the most of your feelings. The brain also produces emotions. Each of your emotions is a function of your brain. Brainusermanual owners continue to develop their brains by using their feelings most sensibly. As wrong as it is to suppress our emotions, it is just as wrong to express our emotions without measure and to the end. Instead of expressing feelings in moderation and preferring to be understood, showing his various feelings as anger as if there is something to be angry about and missing the measure while showing this anger may indicate that you need to improve your emotional intelligence. Click for Anger Management. As the Brainusermanual team, we recommend you experience your feelings in moderation. Because it’s what’s best for your brain, keep reading the pages of the Brain manual to engage the emotions.

Allow Develop Emotional Intelligence

man Emotional Intelligence Develop

Although some thinkers argue that it is impossible to define the word emotion, according to Young (1982), emotion is a sensory process that includes physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that activate the individual’s inner world and emerge with the perception of the environment. Lazarus (1984), on the other hand, defines emotion as the inner experiences that occur due to the individual’s perception and evaluation of the stimuli around him. Undoubtedly, your emotional intelligence must be developed to know and manage your emotions and those of others.

There are various definitions of emotional intelligence put forward by different scientists. According to Goleman (1998), emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s and others’ emotions, distinguish between different emotions, label them appropriately, and use emotional information to guide one’s thoughts and feelings. Goleman (1998) defined the five components of emotional intelligence as follows; the first – includes:

  • Knowing our emotions (self-awareness).
  • Managing our feelings.
  • Motivating ourselves.
  • Recognizing emotions in others (empathy).
  • Dealing with relationships.

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence?

Multiple Emotion

Emotional intelligence develops when people know and respect their and others’ feelings for every life situation. Respecting our feelings has a significant impact on our psychological health. To see if you appreciate your feelings, ask yourself these questions: When someone is rude to you, do you ignore your feelings and trivialize the situation? Do you force yourself to feel more positive emotions when you feel sad or angry instead of accepting them? Do you prefer to suppress your feelings because you are uncomfortable with them? If your answers to these questions are yes, you may not be respecting your feelings.

Accept Your Emotions As They Are

woman Emotional Intelligence

Respecting our feelings is accepting them as they are, without judgment. Respecting our feelings is having the ability to express them healthily. Accepting our feelings does not mean acting as you want and creating dramas based on unnecessary resentments that can cause you to mess with people. Unnecessary dramas wear down you and your relationships. Click for a drama-free relationship.

Of course, not every environment allows us to express our feelings. Or it may not be appropriate to share our feelings with everyone. But in such situations, we should at least always be honest about our feelings because suppressed emotions have a habit of coming out eventually. Emotions try to make their voices heard in one way or another, sometimes with a physical symptom or a behavioral reaction. They whisper, “I am here; see me now.” Yes, emotions want to be seen, understood, and expressed. What they dislike most is being suppressed.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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