To Avoid Nightmares Try The World’s Simplest Solution

nightmare beast

Want to avoid your nightmares? We live busy and tiring lives. We eat unhealthily and we don’t get enough sleep. Every day we have to face endless stress. In the past, our ancestors experienced stress while fleeing from the lion, but this was not like ours. Their stress was temporary. When they managed to escape from the lion, their stress was over. The artificial stresses we experience continue to increase constantly.

You are having nightmares and it may be affecting your life deeply. Although this sounds scary, it can be solved with a simple exercise for a more peaceful sleep. To some of us, it may seem crazy to follow our dreams, but the real crazy thing for us is not to hear the voice of the sage from within.

dream bear avoid nightmare

During the day, we can experience mental fatigue so much that we do not realize how much confusion we are in, or even what we are upset about or angry about. Most of us find ourselves in a different way of thinking, either at work or at home, or because our minds are on a completely different subject, we forget where we put the glass and where we left our glasses.

If You Want to Avoid Nightmares, You Have to Make an Effort for Yourself

avoid nightmare

When you sit back, take deep breaths through your nose, and calm your mind a little, you can realize how confused you spend your time. No living species deserves this rush, to be a prisoner of this robotized life. That’s exactly why, don’t you think it’s very important that the sleep process we spend by putting all these games aside and getting rid of our ego, fears, and worries is of good quality and that it is completed healthily?

moon avoid nightmare

A quality sleep process is essential to have healthy dreams and to receive messages that are free from the games of our minds. But most of us either live or hear that problems such as not being able to fall asleep, sleep apnea, and excessive desire to sleep are experienced intensely in our environment or ourselves. In addition to the treatment, it is also very important to heal by making an effort for ourselves in terms of supporting the treatment.

Make The Transition To A Regular and Healthy Sleep

avoid nightmares

The most common dreams of those who experience such complaints are nightmares. Nightmares can make it harder for them to sleep, either because they can’t go to regular and healthy sleep, because they can’t find themselves in the soft messages of dreams, and sometimes because of childhood traumas. Nightmares are considered one of the most dualistic dreams, they are very clear because of the emotion they carry. The person who turns the dream into a nightmare is the place and time determinant. Our fear, anxiety, and trauma manifest themselves clearly without the need to pursue different symbols.

Reduce Consumption of Heavy Meals

biggest hamburger nightmare

Another very important reason for having nightmares is that you consume heavy meals in the late hours. This mistake is the biggest reason for your nightmares. Although it is a big reason, it is also a simple and easily solved problem. Try not to eat anything after 7 pm and try to sleep by 11 pm if possible. It will be great to be selective and to consume foods suitable for your brain while making your daytime diet. If you want to learn in detail how often and with which foods you should be fed for your brain and body health, you can take a look at our article “Ten Simple Nutrition Tips For Boosting Your Brain-1”. If you want to reach directly to the diets that we offer for you that increase your brain and body health, you can take a look at our article “Ten Simple Nutrition Tips For Boosting Your Brain-2”.

Avoid Nightmares by Meditating with Breathing Exercises Before Sleeping


If there is a nightmare, there is a solution. That’s why we should first focus on making our sleep healthy with proper breathing exercises. We recommend deep meditation to avoid nightmares. Meditation before sleep also relaxes the body… Your mind, which you slowed down with breathing exercises, is now ready to convey the right messages.


The preparation you will make before sleep will significantly support the treatment of the trouble you experience with sleep disorders. Afterward, taking note of your nightmares on a clean agenda and listening to their voice that tells you what fear, anxiety, or trauma you need to heal will open your way. Wishing you dreams with lots of awareness, see you in our next article…


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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