The Positive Effect of Stress Can Make Your Life Easier

Positive Effect of Stress

A positive Effect of Stress is possible with a perspective you can bring into your life if you want. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal thought that stress was at risk of causing various ailments in people and warned her patients about this. But new research has caused him to change his mind. Stress can also have positive effects. Well, can stress positively affect your life? We, as the Brainusermanual team, have compiled 7 different studies that reveal this and the results of these studies for you.

Of course, the dose of stress is very, very important here. High levels of stress that make you panic and lose control of yourself are never good. What we call stress here is like your little scab. It doesn’t take up much space on your body and doesn’t make your life unbearable, but you still want it to heal and then have smooth skin. Like your little scab on your body, some short-term stress that doesn’t bother you much and has hope of recovery, in the end, can be good for you. It causes you to step out of your comfort zone and do something immediately.

1-Positive Effect of Stress: Stress Can Strengthen Memory

Memory Positive Effect of Stress

Researchers at the University of Buffalo are conducting a study using rats’ aversion to swimming. They make some of the mice float for 20 minutes. Another group of rats is waiting dryly without swimming. They then monitor how all the mice will perform in the maze. After all, The stressed rats did much better. In another study conducted at the University of New Mexico, students are given two tests. It is also observed that students get more successful results when they are in a stressful situation.

2-Positive Effect of Stress: Deepening in Instincts

Positive Effect of Stress instincts

There are several studies on how stress affects instincts. We won’t go into the details of this research here, but as a result, stressed students connected better with their instincts. Researchers at the University of Maine want to measure the effect of stress on performance. They run a series of tests on students, and as a result, they can produce more successful results when they feel most stressed.

3-Stress May Enhancing Neuron Production

Positive Effect of Stress neuron

The Positive Effect of Stress can act as a performance enhancer. A 2013 study by Daniela Kaufer and Elizabeth Kirby at the University of California, Berkeley, claims that pressure drives people forward and gives them the will to fight. Kaufer and Kirby release the mice into a stressful environment. They keep the mice motionless in their cages, which increases their stress. New neurons are produced in the brains of mice that remain in a stressful environment. Two weeks later, these enhanced neurons allowed the mice to do better on learning tests. According to Kaufer, some stress can drive a person to an optimal behavioural and cognitive performance level. In addition, Kaufer states that stressful events that will occur from time to time will alert the brain, and therefore the person will perform better.

4-Positive Effect of Stress: It Can Strengthen the Immune System

immune system

According to a study by Firdaus Dhabhar at Stanford University, short-term stress claims that the adrenal gland releases hormones and these hormones specifically activate the immune system. Thus, the immune system can remain constantly ready even without an infection. The Positive Effect of Stress can make people socialize.

5-The Effects of Stress Can Change According to People’s Perspectives


Based on a study done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, McGonigal claims that stress can positively affect people’s bodies and minds. A 1998 survey asked people about their stress levels, stress control, and the effects of stress on their health. Researchers reveal a new study based on this survey. They look at their mortality in 2006, based on a sample of 29,000 subjects. Finally, people who think they have too much stress and believe that stress negatively affects their health have a higher risk. It is determined that these people have a 43 per cent premature death rate. However, it has been determined that the danger rates of people who have stress and think that stress did not affect their lives negatively in 2006 have decreased significantly, even though they have no pressure.

6-Positive Effect of Stress Can Increase Learning


According to a study published in the Naturwissenschaften, bowerbirds can learn new sounds better under stress. However, this is not just for birds. Another study conducted in 2007 showed that men under pressure could easily pass some tests given to them.

7-Positive Effect of Stress Can Make You Social


According to a 2012 University of Freiburg study, the Positive Effect of Stress can make people make friends. For this study, 72 male students are divided into focus and controlled states. In principle, students are forced to pass a tough exam. While this challenging exam is applied, people are forced to play some games in pairs. These games are selected from the games that emphasize common risk sharing. Eventually, the researchers found that people exhibit more social behaviour during games because of stress. In other words, they trust their partners more and are more willing to share when stressed.


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