Humans Are Made To Move 13 Scientific Facts That Will Keep You Move


Move and be healthy! We are the descendants of a two million-year-old human being; there is no significant difference between the genes they carry and ours. Humanity has come to this day by moving, walking and running. And when he wanted to rest, he squatted, cross-legged, or lay down. The body and genes have also evolved according to this movement. But especially after the industrial revolution, with the introduction of vehicles and workplaces into our lives, we started to sit and sit more.


We always sit while having breakfast, on the road (in the car, on public transport), at work, at school, at lunch, in front of the TV and screen, at dinner, at the cinema, at a concert (most of it). Even if we don’t sit, we use escalators and elevators. Sitting invites many diseases. We were sitting all the time, sitting for a long time. It is harmful to our health in the long run, even deadly! Here are 13 scientific facts that will turn you off from sitting still.

1-Move and Be Healthy You Don’t Get Diabetes

You Get Diabetes

Sitting first causes insulin resistance. Then you continue to sit without reducing sugar consumption and refined carbohydrates, first hidden sugar. Then you develop diabetes.

2-Move and Be Healthy You Don’t Get Fat

You Get Fat

When you sit, your metabolic rate drops, especially if you sit for more than half an hour. As your leg muscles weaken over time, your energy will decrease, and everything you eat and drink is used to form fatty tissue before it can be spent. Sitting also prevents the breakdown of fatty tissue from obtaining energy, so the formed adipose tissue grows and grows.

3-Move and Be Healthy and Don’t Get Cancer

Getting Cancer Move and be healthy

It has been shown that the risk of lung, bowel, breast, prostate and uterine cancer increases by more than 30% in people who sit for long periods (6 hours a day) and very long periods (8 hours a day).

4-Central Muscles Weakness

Muscles Weak Move and be healthy

Sitting for long periods weakens the back muscles that keep you upright and your abdominal muscles. Take a look around. Everyone sits on their sofas or chairs, hunched like uncles sitting in a coffee shop!

5-Move and Be Healthy You Don’t Get Heart Disease

Heart Disease Move and be healthy

Sitting slows down all circulation. Since the legs, which have the largest muscle groups, do not move very little, the circulation of the whole body slows down, making you vulnerable to atherosclerosis and heart diseases with the rise of harmful cholesterol levels.

6-Move, and Your Leg Veins Are Not Damaged

Veins Are Damaged Move and be healthy

Sitting and reduced circulation in the leg veins has been shown to damage the endothelial cells lining the leg veins. This situation can cause varicose veins or even deep vein thrombosis (vein occlusion) in your legs, especially if you sit for a long time.

7-Move and Your Brain Doesn’t Get Sick

Brain Gets Sick Move and be healthy

Moving also takes away your brain ailments. Move and be healthy. Sitting negatively affects the brain, making it prone to Alzheimer’s dementia in the long run. While inactivity slows down your brain by reducing blood circulation, it hinders the production of the brain’s growth and development factor BDNF, making you both slower and prone to depression in the short term and Alzheimer’s type dementia in the long term.

8-Healthy Back

Backaches Move and be healthy

Sitting puts a load on your spine, especially your lumbar vertebrae, on the vertical axis they were not programmed to lift, and it also unbalances your pelvis as it shortens your groin muscles. In addition, especially in the last two lumbar vertebrae, the disc between the L4 and L5 vertebrae gets compressed, and a reverse movement at the end of a long sitting day may return to you as a hernia. Moving also reduces your back pain. Move and be healthy to get a healthy body.

9-Move and Healthy Neck

Neck Hurts Move and be healthy

When the significant muscles weaken, we slouch. Due to the hunched spine, the head goes forward, and the shoulders drop inward. Our neck, shoulder and back muscles, which are already damaged by looking at phones and screens, contract and stiffen; neck and back pain becomes an integral part of our lives.

10-. If You Move, You Will Fall Asleep


The inactive body cannot regulate serotonin and dopamine metabolisms. As a result, melatonin secretion is impaired; You can’t fall asleep, sleep poorly at night and wake up like a pickle in the morning. If you move, you will fall asleep. Move and be healthy to get a good night’s sleep

11-If You Move, You Don’t Die Early

early die Move and be healthy

Unfortunately, the longer you sit, the shorter the life you live. It’s also partly related to cardiovascular disease and insulin levels, but even people with no risk factors but more than 6 hours a day have been shown to live at least two years less than expected. So it would help if you moved at least 2-3 minutes, 5 minutes every half hour during the day. Move and be healthy or not move and die early. The choice is yours.

12-If You Not Move, Your Intestines Don’t Work

intestine Move and be healthy

Sitting for long periods reduces the blood flow to the intestines and disrupts your intestines, causing gas, indigestion, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms to appear or worsen. On the other hand, it compresses all your organs in the abdominal cavity and damages them.

13-If You Not Move, Your Cholesterol Levels Increase

LDL Move and be healthy

Since sitting means inactivity, your harmful cholesterol levels increase, and your good cholesterol levels decrease in the long run.

To avoid getting sick, not getting cancer, not getting dementia and not dying early, we need to act constantly. In other words, some people always sit during the day, do sports for a couple of hours a week, move and be healthy. Of course, it’s better than not moving, but it’s not enough. You should move at least 2-3 minutes, 5 minutes every half hour during the day. Get up, stretch, and take 5-10 steps to get something off the shelf. Also, to bring your weakened back and abdominal muscles back to life and regain your body health, stand up straight, sit up straight, and walk upright. Do yoga. Take Pilates classes. Walk outside for at least half an hour every day. The goal is to push 10,000 steps every day.


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