A Fast and Aware Mind for a Productive and Enjoyable Life

production Meditation

Is it possible to act both quickly and with deep awareness? Can awareness be increased with techniques such as meditation? We cannot activate our brain’s Diffuse thinking mode because we live in Focus thinking mode. Diffuse thinking can give such a great gift that you can’t imagine.

Solving problems at the speed of light, generating extraordinary thoughts in seconds, reading dozens of books in a month… These are all great skills, aren’t they? The enormous abilities of a fast-working mind… But does being fast always mean that it is wise and productive?

Our education system rewards the minds that solve the problem the fastest because fewer people need to do more work in business life, and employees are expected to complete their work faster. Modern life exists within an immediate consumption network. Are you aware that we are starting to go off the rails with our minds that are getting faster and faster as we try to live through all this? Too much speed and quantity can hurt your awareness if you don’t stop and slow down in between. Worse, this is reflected in your behaviour, and you do some practices wrong by not comprehending what you think you have read and understood for so many years.

speed Meditation

Yes, a quick mindset indicates strong thinking and problem-solving abilities. This is very valuable and vital. With a fast-working mind, you do more in less time. But if you are not highly aware, such a mind will drastically reduce your quality of life.

One of the biggest problems of our age is minds that work fast but lack awareness! In this article, we share important tips that will make our minds productive for those tired of going off the rails and wanting to take control of their lives.

Of course, we must first understand the distinction between the conscious and the unaware mind… The characteristic features of a mind that works fast but is not aware of it:

1-Listening Capacity is Low

voice Awareness

Being a good listener is primarily the ability to absorb outside information as it is without filtering, judging, analyzing or trying to change it.

If your mind is working very fast, but its awareness is not developed, it will constantly generate thoughts instead of listening. The reason is that they cannot attend and produce ideas simultaneously. When he starts to think, he will stop listening. Listening enriches you in different ways. An aware mind is rich. It’s not like reading a book. Your brain works differently because you do it with the other person. And make sure that it is not just that person’s voice that reaches your brain from the person in front of you.

2-He’s/She’s Always Right

allways right Meditation Awareness

A fast-working mind always finds a way to be right because to move beyond the right-wrong dilemma; it is necessary to look from a non-judgmental and neutral point of view. For this we need space. To create this space, you must activate awareness. Only then will it be possible to take things as they are with a curious attitude; in this way, you can see the event from different angles. Freedom is beyond the just and the unjust. An aware mind is free.

3-Has Difficulty Receiving New Information

don't know Awareness

When your mind works fast, you often approach life with an “I already know” attitude. Even if you face a brand new experience, the reason will quickly match what it sees with what it knows and answer you, “There is nothing new here”. If your awareness does not kick in, you will believe there is nothing new. This will prevent new knowledge and experiences from penetrating your mind. Life does not repeat itself, even for a moment. It is always fresh. The unknown is vital.

4-It’s So Easy to Fool Yourself

fool yourself Meditation

If you don’t awaken your awareness, the mind that quickly conceptualizes life can convince you that something wrong is “absolutely right”. You may believe it true for days and months and even defend it for weeks in your circle of friends. When you stop your fast-paced mind and shed light on the subject with awareness, you may realize that it is not as true as you claim and may even have wrong sides. However, your quick-judgmental mind has already taken over you and has dragged you down this path for perhaps weeks. Life is fluid; it wants to penetrate.

Emotional Awareness

An aware mind is flexible. The characteristic features of a conscious mind are that it is organized and clean, can work effectively at the moment, and has a high capacity for learning and listening. A fast-working brain is a gift. However, it can cause you problems when its awareness is low.

Having a fast-paced and conscious mind is like having a Ferrari. You can travel miles quickly and comfortably and easily achieve your life goals. To enjoy life, we need an active and aware mind, not more reading, more work, more diplomas or greater titles. Then you can enjoy being smart even more!

How will It be to Increase My Awareness with Meditation?


The answer is very simple. You can improve your mental awareness with just regular meditation. Can anyone meditate? Yes! However, you should know that meditation can improve with common practice, just like building muscle. Why can’t I meditate? Some people fear being drawn into a light, are lost in meditation and don’t even want to try meditation. Some people try to stay thoughtless when they sit down to meditate. Meditation is not about disappearing or being thoughtless. Meditation is sitting in a corner, watching and listening curiously, without trying to change what is happening. As your technique improves, so does your way of meditating.

meditation Awareness

In time, you can meditate without sitting in a corner. The most mundane life activities, such as chatting with friends, washing the dishes, and eating, become a meditation. Thus, your quality of life will increase daily, and you can cope more easily with your difficulties. Life doesn’t get easier; we get stronger.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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