13 Ways to Increase Your Serotonin Levels (Without Socializing)

brain Increase Your Serotonin

Have you been told before that you need to increase your serotonin? Increase your serotonin level, and be happier. The equation is that simple. Serotonin is a chemical produced by our nerves that connects us to life, makes us happy, cheers us up, and adds light to our grey and depressing lives. It is found in abundance in the brain. Partly in your intestines and partly in your platelets.

brain hormone serotonin

Life without a lover is unpleasant; life without serotonin is an unhappy life. Serotonin hormone levels drop, appetite increases, pain begins, migraines do not go away, and we feel bad no matter what we do. Contrary to this, Healthy people with high serotonin levels can be seen from 100 meters away. You can immediately recognize them by their straight backbones, gushing happiness, and energy. Doing things that help release serotonin is openly accepting happiness.

What is Serotonin?

Increase Your Serotonin dopamin

Serotonin is obtained in the intestines from the amino acid tryptophan. The factor that most affects the production of cells in the intestine is the number and ratio of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Although the serotonin hormone produced in the gut cannot pass directly to the brain, it affects the brain with the help of the vagus nerve and other peripheral nerves.

serotonin dopamin

Here’s another one for Brainusermanual owners: 13 Ways to Increase Your Serotonin Levels (Without Socializing)

Since our sleep hormone melatonin is synthesized directly from serotonin in the brain, our sleep improves when we increase our serotonin levels; We would be one league away from depression and unhappiness. Because it is an essential molecule for human life, our creator helps us in many ways to increase serotonin levels. Here’s a brain user’s manual to boosting serotonin levels in 13 steps

1- Eat Protein Foods and Increase Your Serotonin

Protein Foods Increase Your Serotonin

Consume animal or vegetable protein at every meal; ensure you get enough tryptophan, the raw serotonin material. Increasing your serotonin levels is rooted in protein. So if your protein intake is low, no matter what you do, you cannot increase your serotonin levels because you can’t produce serotonin. Protein and fat, and carbohydrates are all essential. All of them should be in your daily diet for balanced brain nutrition. You can click to browse quality protein sources.

2- Try To Get Tryptophan Amino Acid

Tryptophan Amino Acid Increase Your Serotonin

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that we get from the proteins we eat. In other words, it is a building block that we can only get from outside and that our body cannot synthesize. If there is no tryptophan, there is no serotonin, and many symptoms, such as insomnia and depression, occur. Tryptophan is abundant in animal products; red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, dairy products, and bone broth. In plant foods, pumpkin seeds are present in all nuts and chickpeas in all legumes.

3- Feed Your Good Gut Bacteria and Increase Your Serotonin

oat Increase Your Serotonin

You need to eat fibrous foods to feed your gut bacteria. Be sure to consume animal or vegetable protein at every meal! The gut bacteria’s favorite food is a fiber that we can’t digest; These indigestible fibers are called prebiotics. The more fiber you eat, the more your gut bacteria will grow, multiply and be healthy. Oats are extremely rich in fiber. You can click to reach other foods that benefit your brain.

4- Benefit from the Sun

Sun Increase Your Serotonin

Since our hunter ancestors spent most of their days in the sun, it is necessary to continue to feed from the sun in summer; Of course, you should avoid excessive burning. Another benefit of spending time outdoors is being surrounded by beneficial bacteria, especially on the grass or among the trees in the woods. As I mentioned, bacteria are the essential supporting power of serotonin production. At the seaside, selenium, and iodine in the air make you happy while at the same time adding vitality.

Even if you sit in the sun doing nothing, your serotonin hormone levels rise thanks to the sun and the vitamin D it provides. The reason for the increase in depressive symptoms and more depression in northern countries during the winter months is that they do not receive enough sunlight. That’s why it’s essential for those working in plazas and closed buildings to sunbathe a little every time they see the sun, especially in winter.

5- Exercising Increases Your Serotonin

Exercise Increase Your Serotonin

You have experienced before that this makes you happy. Interestingly, as you continue to exercise, your serotonin level continues to increase continuously. All activities that work for large muscle groups and slightly speed up your heart increase the production of the hormone serotonin. You can write all the sports you can think of here. Our favorite is walking, as it puts less strain on the joints and is the natural movement of human beings. When the weather is nice, take a walk outside to take advantage of the serotonin-boosting effect of the sun. The second is dancing. Besides moving, dancing increases your dopamine levels, making you happier, more positive, and less depressed.

6- Walk and Increase Your Serotonin

Walk Increase Your Serotonin

Going for a walk can be much more rewarding than you think. Going for a short walk can be very effective if you cannot exercise or dance. You are feeling much better after a brisk 25-30 minute walk is perfectly normal. With the increased oxygen level, your brain is refreshed, and your serotonin level rises.

7- Taking Vitamin B6 Increase Your Serotonin

Take Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is the cornerstone of serotonin metabolism. When B6 levels drop, serotonin levels drop, and serotonin levels drop, we become depressed, cranky, and aching. Therefore, women who use birth control pills should be careful to consume more foods containing vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is present in all foods containing animal protein and tryptophan; vegetarians or vegans can also support their serotonin metabolism by consuming skinned potatoes, bananas, legumes, carrots, spinach, and whole grain foods. You can click to find fruit salad recipes that are beneficial for your brain and contain plenty of Vitamin B and other vitamins.

8- Reducing Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption Increase Your Serotonin

Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption

Alcohol and smoking; Without reducing serotonin levels affect you by decreasing the sensitivity of serotonin receptors, and you suffer from a lack of serotonin. So you are in many factors that cause you to release serotonin, and your brain releases a lot of serotonin. But unfortunately, you cannot be happy even in the abundance of serotonin, as Alcohol and Cigarettes block your receptors.

9- Drinking Tea Increase Your Serotonin

Drink Tea Increase Your Serotonin

Green Tea is especially rich in antioxidants. It is also ideal for getting rid of toxins in your body. Those who drink green Tea lose weight quickly for this reason. In addition, Drinking Green Tea increase your serotonin levels significantly more than any other tea.

10- Do Not Consume Msg and Aspartame for Increase Your Serotonin

Do Not Consume Msg

Try to avoid sweeteners. Aspartame and its phenylalanine can make you more depressed by lowering the levels of tryptophan, which the brain uses to make the hormone serotonin. Also, Msg (Monosodium glutamate), which is abundant in products such as chips, instant soup, and bouillon, is something you should stay away from.

11- Eating Pickles Increase Your Serotonin

Eat Pickles Increase Your Serotonin

Eat fermented foods such as pickles, yogurt, kefir, and fermented, salty sauerkraut. The common feature of this type of food is that they are rich in probiotic and beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria directly stimulate the production of serotonin in the intestines, increasing serotonin levels in the blood and brain.

12- Take Care of Your Plants

 Care of Your Garden

Dealing with the earth is one of the best ways to move and meditate. There is plenty of bacteria in the soil. I have already mentioned the effects of bacteria on serotonin. There are two other benefits of dealing with the earth: it is an aerobic activity that puts you in unfamiliar poses and gives you a meditation experience by keeping you at the moment as you work with all your attention.

13-With Yoga Increase Your Serotonin

Do Yoga

With yoga, you choose to live a healthy and long life. The secret is in the stretching of your spine and joints. As a result, your dopamine and serotonin levels stay high, as your spine is healthy and your joints can move quickly. Doing yoga also increase serotonin levels as it is an aerobic activity. Along with meditation and breathing exercises, it activates the vagus nerve and parasympathetic system and fires the metabolism of serotonin.

Socializing is an effective way to increase your serotonin. But in this article, we looked at ways to increase your serotonin without socializing.


We present to you the user manual of your brain. As you use your brain with this guide, you'll be amazed at how simple all the challenging problems are.

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