21 Ways to Get Rid of Fatigue and Reluctance by Raising Your Dopamine Levels

Bugs Dopamine Levels

Dopamine Levels change based on what you do. You will take the right steps by using only your mind. Brainusermanual owners use their minds and get the most out of their dopamine levels, thus making the most of the future. Everyone is tired, everyone is reluctant, and everyone is without energy. Could we be without dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a tiny chemical molecule that allows communication between brain cells. Like all neurotransmitters, it’s small, but its work is extensive. Dopamine; takes part in many bodily functions, from our physical performance to our mental health, from feeling good to the proper functioning of our mind. So what does dopamine do in our bodies and brains? Everyone is tired, everyone is reluctant, and everyone is crawling on the floor. Could we be without dopamine?

What Happens When Dopamine Works Optimally?


We can concentrate more easily. Since we are not distracted, we do not leave unfinished work that we start. We finish it. We cope better with stress. We keep our cool under pressure and do not act reactive. We wake up full of energy, like harpoons in the morning. We learn much more quickly. What we know becomes more permanent. We remember what we have learned. We can learn from what we have learned and plan. As a result, we truly enjoy life. It is not wrong to say that dopamine is the key to a lively, exciting, vibrant and fulfilling life.


When dopamine levels are low, everything turns upside down, greyed out, and stagnant. We become reluctant, aimless, forgetful, depressed, stressed, not enjoying life, leaving work unfinished, unable to concentrate, sex life is over, tired, aching all over, and headaches do not go away. Since our reason for coming to this world is not to live this dull and lifeless life, It would be appropriate to increase our dopamine levels within the framework of the rules of life without exceeding our limits.

As the Brainusermanual team, we have 21 suggestions for improving dopamine levels. The more suggestions you follow, the better. Too much dopamine can also cause addictions (eating disorders, shopping, sex, gambling, drug and substance addictions), so we must do everything we do judiciously and in moderation. Are you ready? Then let’s get started.

1-Get Pets and Raise Dopamine Levels

Get Pets

These cute little ones are a great reason to feel good. Spending time with your little friends, petting them and caressing them naturally and lovingly raises your dopamine levels.

2-Finish What You Start, Keep Your Goals Measured

Your Goals Measured

Nothing increases dopamine levels more than finishing what has been started. This applies to everything; walking 10 minutes a day, walking every day, going to the gym, tidying your room, clearing your credit card debt, completing projects, writing articles, completing knitted sweaters, cleaning the trunk of the car… Also, if you write down what’s on your mind, you’ll get an extra dopamine bonus by crossing it out.

3-Donot Eat Sugar and Refined Carbs

Refined Carbs Dopamine Levels

Dopamine takes part in many bodily functions, from physical performance to mental health, from feeling good to properly functioning our mind. All processed (refined) carbohydrates are reduced to simple sugars as they are absorbed in the intestines. So there is no difference at the molecular level between eating sugar or white bread. After the sugar molecules are absorbed from the gut, they make you feel good by stimulating the pleasure centres in the brain quickly. However, this effect is very short-lived.

Another problem is that just as the human brain becomes desensitized to repetitive stimuli, the pleasure centres of the brain begin to become desensitized. So you increase the sugar and carbohydrates you eat to achieve the same effect. But, over time, the product is completely erased, and your dopamine levels decrease in the long run.

4-Do Not Consume Aspartame Drinks

Aspartame Drinks Dopamine Levels

Aspartame affects dopamine synthesis in the brain and lowers its levels. Therefore, avoid diet products and sweeteners.

5-Sparse Your Alcohol Consumption and Raise Dopamine Levels

Alcohol Consumption Dopamine Levels

Alcoholic beverages, like sugar, desensitize dopamine receptors, and levels drop in the long run. This is because many alcoholic drinks contain added sugar, and alcohol is sugar.

6-Reduce Your Caffeine Consumption and Raise Dopamine Levels

Caffeine Consumption Dopamine Levels

Consuming more than 200mg (2 cups, one mug of coffee) caffeine a day frequently can desensitize dopamine receptors, making you tired, exhausted and reluctant in the long run.

7-Consume Tea and Raise Dopamine Levels

Consume Tea Dopamine Levels

L-Theanine in Tea increases dopamine synthesis. According to studies, black tea contributes positively to heart health. Thanks to the flanovids in black tea, cardiovascular risks are 68 percent lower. In addition, the catechins and theaflavins in tea inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells without inhibiting normal cell growth. Tea and tea polyphenols support a strong immune system thanks to their bactericidal and bacterial growth inhibitory properties.

8-Consume Quality Protein and Raise Dopamine Levels

Quality Protein

Quality proteins contain:

  • Tyrosine.
  • The building block of dopamine.
  • Iron and copper are necessary for its metabolism.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to consume quality protein products daily. The easiest and cheapest way to do this is to eat eggs. Other options are red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. If you prefer a vegan diet, you can consume legumes and their products, especially soybeans and broad beans.

9-Restrict Your Consumption of Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Dopamine Levels

Consuming foods rich in saturated fats lowers dopamine levels in the long run. So try to use unsaturated fats, especially olive oil, whenever possible.

10-Exercise and Boost Your Dopamine Levels


The human body was created to move and has come to this day by moving. Your cells do not know whether you live at home or work in the plaza. The fact that your car is the latest model is also not their area of ​​interest. He wants you to move. If you don’t move, you get sick; it’s that simple. One of the reasons for this is a lack of dopamine. The more you exercise, the more dopamine is released over time, making you want to exercise naturally. But exercising for long hours without paying attention to your diet and sleep can lower dopamine levels. That’s why exercising without exaggerating and gradually increasing your level of effort is essential.

11-Do Yoga and Meditation and Raise Dopamine Levels

Yoga and Meditation Dopamine Levels

As you know, yoga is an aerobic exercise. Doing yoga is not just a set of movements. Of course, there are also meditation and breathing exercises. Meditation alone increases dopamine levels in the long run, calming the brain while increasing the activity of reward centres. When movement and meditation combine, the result is bonus dopamine.

12-Consume Probiotic-Rich Foods

Probiotic-Rich Foods Dopamine Levels

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a tiny chemical molecule that enables the communication between brain cells. Probiotic bacteria increase dopamine synthesis in the intestines, stimulating dopamine metabolism in your brain via the vagus nerve. In addition, it reduces the amount of bacterial toxin that enters the blood by decreasing the increased intestinal permeability and increasing dopamine receptors’ sensitivity.

13-Raise Your Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D Dopamine Levels

It is essential for everyone working in closed areas, especially during the winter months, to spend time under the sun as they see it. But more is needed. If you haven’t, definitely have your vitamin D levels checked. Vitamin D is critical in many physiological reactions, from bone health to brain health, from serotonin to dopamine levels. Consume foods with high vitamin D levels, especially eggs, with the sun.

14-Eat Foods High in Tyrosine

High in Tyrosine Dopamine Levels

Apart from quality proteins, foods containing tyrosine, the cornerstone of dopamine, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, avocado, banana, watermelon and seaweeds. However, foods with high dopamine can be good for intestinal functions; potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, and brussels sprouts.

15-Record What You Do

Record What You Do

Exercise or whatever you repeat daily, weekly. You attend a yoga class, go to the forest, eat fish regularly, and socialize. If you put these on the calendar, seeing the order on paper will return extra dopamine as you will see the work you have completed.

16-Sleep at least 7 Hours Every Night, 8 hours if Possible

Sleep at least 7 hours Dopamine Levels

Teens and children should get at least 9-10 hours of sleep. Low dopamine levels are one of the reasons we go around like zombies with insomnia. So sleep. Your rest is more valuable and necessary than the knees on TV.

17-Get a Massage and Raise Dopamine Levels

Get a Massage Dopamine Levels

Any touch a person likes increases dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels. Thus, you will be happy and filled with life energy.

18-Get Hobbies and Raise Dopamine Levels

Get Hobbies Dopamine Levels

Photography, painting, pencil drawing, knitting, wood carving, ceramics, tile painting… Whatever you can think of. It meditatively affects you because you focus while working, and increases your dopamine levels because you complete things by creating.

19-Do not Spend too Much Time with Your Phone, Do not Keep Them in Your Bedroom

Do not Spend too Much Time with Your Phone

Yes, there is a study done on this subject. Electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic devices have been shown to reduce dopamine synthesis in rats.

20-Consume Turmeric and Raise Dopamine Levels

Consume Turmeric Dopamine Levels

Curcumin, which contains turmeric, increases dopamine synthesis by increasing dopamine levels. Curcumin, found in turmeric, is a natural anti-inflammatory. In this way, it accelerates the healing of diseases and facilitates the treatment process of chronic inflammatory diseases. Containing antioxidant components, turmeric protects the body against cardiovascular diseases, cancer and metabolic syndrome. In existing patients, supporting the treatment process reduces the risk of acute complications and slows the progression of the disease. It has been determined that the components in the structure of turmeric increase the blood levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a type of growth hormone that supports the repair and proliferation of neurons in the brain. This indicates that turmeric protects against many psychiatric and neurological diseases, such as depression and Alzheimer’s.

21-Get Social and Raise Dopamine Levels

Dopamine Levels social

Socializing, talking with friends, and chatting; make you feel good by increasing your serotonin and dopamine levels.


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