Cats are good for Brain and Body Health


Did you know you can get rid of your diseases with cat therapy? Brainusermanual users know that cats are extraordinary creatures. Using their minds, they take precautions with cat therapy before many problems occur. With cat therapy, your life can change completely. You can eliminate many situations that make you suffocate and upset with cat therapy and be like the happy people you envy. Investigating the bond between humans and animals has discovered that owning a cat has some health benefits. Here are 12 benefits of owning a cat: According to studies, feeding cats has various benefits for human health.

1- Cat Therapy Helps Your Heart and Circulatory System

Circulatory System

According to studies conducted at the University of Minnesota, those who do not own cats are 30 to 40 percent more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than those with cats at home. Also, cat owners are less likely to die of a sudden heart attack. Another study reveals that pet owners are more likely to survive a heart attack of any severity than those who have never had a pet.

2- Cat Therapy Helps Your Immune System

Immune System

Living with a cat at home; causes increased social communication, decreased depression, laughing more, playing, and exercising. All of these make your immune system work better. Also, cats understand when you’re not feeling well and try to make you feel better by comforting you.

3- Keeps Away From Allergies and Respiratory Ailments

Respiratory Ailments cat therapy

Children who grow up with cats or dogs around them develop their immune systems against allergens at a young age. They are also less likely to develop respiratory ailments for children who are introduced to cats at an early age. In addition, children who grow up with pets develop their empathy skills better and become more successful in communicating with people. Finally, children who meet pets at a young age build immunity to allergens and respiratory ailments.

4- Cat Therapy Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

Pets have a calming and blood pressure-lowering effect. Research conducted at New York University at Buffalo revealed that pet owners have a lower blood pressure than others.

5- Cat Therapy Reduces Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Cholesterol and Triglycerides cat therapy

The importance of diet and exercise in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels is excellent. But so is owning a cat. According to a Canadian study in 2006, holding a cat has a better effect than some medications.

6- Cat TherapyReduces the Risk of Stroke

Risk of Stroke cat therapy

A University of Minnesota study says feeding cats reduces the risk of stroke by up to one-third.

7- Heals Bones and Muscles

Bones and Muscles cat therapy

Cats purr between 20 and 140 Hz, which is known to have healing effects. Their bones heal best in the frequency range of 25 to 50 Hz and 100 to 200 Hz. Softer tissues, such as muscle, tendon, and connective tissue, also heal faster at these frequencies. Inflammation and swelling also heal in this frequency range. You may be interested in The hidden power of pets.

8- Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and Stress cat therapy

Considering today’s fast-paced lifestyle with more work and less socializing, communicating with a pet can bring creativity back into your life. Taking care of and hugging your cat will keep your mind off general worries and reduce your stress and worries. Taking care of your cat will reduce your stress and anxiety.

9- Improves Your Mood, Reduces Depression

reduces Depression cat therapy

Although cats are known as asocial animals that do not like to communicate, cat owners know that this is not the case. The love and company of a cat will make you feel better and reduce depression.

10- It Reduces Loneliness

Reduces Loneliness

The bond between cats and humans is a form of social communication. If your group of friends is small, or your friends live far away, your cat will be essential in reducing the loneliness you experience. When you come home at the end of the day, spending time with your cat will lift your spirits.

11- Therapy

Therapy cat therapy

Animals reduce hospital costs People with cats go to the doctor less often. They are discharged earlier when they go to the hospital. So the hospital expenses are less. Therapy dogs are common in nursing homes and special education schools. But just like therapy dogs, therapy cats are also available.

12- Exercise

Exercise cat therapy

Although cats don’t need as much exercise as dogs, they love to play. So make your cat your exercise buddy and have him play around with a toy mouse. Yawn with him while watching him.


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