Boost Your Performance and Creativity with Power Nap

sleeping beautiful woman

Power nap is an effortless and amazing brain development method that takes a concise time but has a huge impact. The most precious time of the day to sleep is at noon when the sun is directly overhead. Sleep during these hours is 3-4 times more valuable than night sleep. In other words, a half-hour power nap can rest you as if you slept for 1.5 – 2 hours. As users of Brainusermanual, your brain works better. According to science, you can increase your performance and creativity with a power nap.

sleeping beautiful woman white sheets

Some large companies that value employee happiness and promote creativity, such as Google, offer their employees the appropriate physical conditions to lie down and rest during the day because they consider the scientifically proven benefits of taking a power nap during work hours. Contrary to standard views and practices, sleeping for a short time, especially at noon, can lead to a visible increase in the creativity and productivity of individuals. Here are the reasons for this:

1- Power Nap in the Middle of the Day Improves Your Creativity

Creativity Bulbs

Studies confirm that REM sleep increases creativity by about 40%. Sleeping in the middle of the day was also a way for Salvador Dali to prepare for work. Dennis Drabelle, another Washington Post columnist, said lunch was one of the driving forces behind Dali’s surreal paintings, his melting clocks or flying chairs that oscillate between madness and genius. Dali would sit in a chair, holding a key between his thumb and forefinger. The key slipped through his limp fingers when he fell asleep in the chair. Dali would wake up to the noise and create his paintings with solid inspirations for the first few minutes of a power nap.

2-Power Nap is More Effective than Coffee

Power Nap is More Effective than Coffee

We pay hundreds of dollars for the coffee we drink throughout the year to stay awake. We need caffeine to stay awake. However, caffeine has many harmful effects on the body. Sleep expert Professor Sara C. Mednick underlines the following point: “Although caffeine keeps us awake when we are sleepless, complex cognitive activities fail in this process. Studies show that caffeine weakens verbal and motor abilities, but power nap during the day strengthen both visual and verbal and motor abilities.

3- Sleeping During the Day Has a Life-Prolonging Effect

Old People Bicycle Power Nap

A 2007 study showed that individuals who power nap at noon are 30% less likely to die from heart disease. In addition, these individuals have a lower blood pressure than those who do not sleep at lunch.

4- Taking a Nap at Noon Increases Productivity

Nap at Noon Increases Productivity

Research confirms that lying down and taking a power nap for a while refreshes the whole body, sharpens attention and improves mood. But on the other hand, fatigue brings a massive loss of productivity. Moreover, the tired employee is at greater risk of accidents in traffic on the way home. Therefore, this situation is in the common interest of both the employer and the employee.

5- Power Nap is Accepted in Developed Countries

Developed Countries Sleeping

Let’s take Japan. Most of us fear that the image of the employee napping in the office will settle on us, but the Japanese have outgrown it. “When we see people taking a power nap at noon, we think they’re ready to work at 100% efficiency for the afternoon,” says Paul Nolasco, spokesperson for Toyota in Tokyo. “No one here is ashamed of that; no one hesitates to take a power nap for a few hours.”

6- The Most Powerful People in History Take Power Nap

Leonardo Da vinci Power Nap

If Churchill wasn’t a good enough example for you, let’s try Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Napoleon or Albert Einstein. They are all known as midday sleepers.

7- Power Nap in the Middle of the Day is a Natural Behaviour

Cat is sleeping on the back Power Nap

The vast majority of mammals sleep in short intervals in power. People usually get tired at noon. Their focus is weakened, and their need for sleep increases. Despite this, our society offers us only one sleep period: Night. According to William Dement, America’s leading sleep researcher, “Adult people by nature should power nap in the middle of the day.”

beautiful woman waking up from nap

It can be difficult to sleep during the day, especially when the sun is at its peak. But if you wake up as early as possible, this problem will disappear completely. Try not to sleep much after the sun comes up. That’s if you have something to do with enthusiasm. If you don’t have a project business you are developing, immediately find a job that you love and is easy. Sometimes when you need more rest, a Power nap just won’t be enough. Switch to deep rest when you need to charge longer. Click for Deep Rest.


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