5 Tips to Recharge Yourself with Deep Rest

Recharge Yourself

When was the last time you rested? All the work you have to do aside, and a state of complete deep rest. Most of us see rest as laziness and do not allow ourselves to rest. Again, most of us do not know what to do to relax. For example, we see watching violent TV series and movies or surfing Instagram on weekends as activities for relaxation.

Recharge Yourself long Deep Rest

Make a change today and create appropriate moments during the day and take time to rest. How about we should pay attention to charging ourselves as well as charging our phones? Here are Brainusermanual suggestions on how you can spend this deep rest day:

1- Intend to Deep Rest

Intend to Deep Rest

From the moment you start the day, intend to rest mindfully. Today is your day of mental, physical, and spiritual rest. Try to spend your day in awareness. For example, while taking a shower, pay attention to the water flowing over you, and while having breakfast, stay in the moment and thoroughly enjoy the tea or coffee you drink and the food you eat.

2-Make Guided Imagery

 Guided Imagery Deep Rest

With this technique, we can take our minds on a beautiful vacation. Imagery is a method that has been used since ancient times. Today, some psychological names have developed new applications and approaches to Imagery. Guided Imagery is a method that seeks to improve both our physical and mental health with the images we visualize in our minds. We cannot feel fully rested if we cannot rest our minds. In that case, we should give importance to our mental rest as much as physical listening. We should devote at least one day a week to deep rest and recharge ourselves.

3-Move Your Body to Deep Rest

Move Your Body

Although moving and resting seem to be contradictory concepts, it is an indisputable fact that doing sports and driving are perfect for the soul, body, and mind trio and rests us. Make sure to dedicate a part of your deep rest day to doing sports. Get your body moving by walking outside or experiencing a relaxing form of yoga like Yin Yoga.

4- Don’t Use Social Media

Don't Use Social Media

No using social media on your deep rest day, either. Social media has its good sides. However, we all know that social media, where everyone shares what they eat, drink, and visit, has a tiring side for our minds. Therefore, it is best not to use social media during our deep rest days and to provide our minds with a well-deserved rest.

5- Stay Away From the News

Stay Away From the News

Yes, there is no room for news in our day of deep rest. However, one of the pioneers of holistic medicine in America and one of our favorite medical doctors, Dr. The “news detox” Andrew Weil often recommends in his articles, will do us all good. Do not open any news channel all day and protect yourself from the stressful effects of the news.


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