Personality types 0

Personality Types and Traits

What Personality Type Do You Have, and What Does It Mean? Personality types have been discussed in psychology for years, and there are different approaches. Although some scientists argue that personality cannot be divided into classes and that the degree to which people have the same personality traits should be judged, many agree that there are different personality types and that each individual has some behavioural and emotional characteristics in common. The Myers-Briggs approach is a personality theory developed to enable women to choose the most suitable and productive area for themselves after they entered business life in industrial areas...

preoccupations 0

Find Occupations That Make Your Life Meaningful

Being busy is a great feeling. Of course, everything you develop feels good in any of your preoccupations. When we are not dealing with a job, we often experience the feeling of being overwhelmed by the walls. Any Occupation is enough to prevent this. I’m not talking about ordinary busyness here. If you truly do business in an area where your potential is unleashed, you are experiencing the most amazing feelings in this lifetime. Do you have the same feeling? The feeling that time is not enough even though Even if you sleep for 6 hours. Even though we have...

complex thinking 0

What is Complex Thinking Capacity and How Can It Be Developed?

Complex thinking is not as complex as you might think. We have made incredible discoveries to make visible the universe that we see with the naked eye but cannot understand or witness from the very beginning. Our naked eyes are unfortunately not the most reliable guides for this world. If we just believed our eyes, we might conclude that a louse is the smallest thing in the world. Still, at least we became aware of these sensory limitations and found microscopes that can even document the presence of microbes such as bacteria. Our view of the universe with telescopes has...

limits 0

Boundaries: Why is it Important to Set Boundaries in Interpersonal Relationships?

Personal boundaries we set for ourselves in interpersonal communication and family, friendship, romantic or professional relationships are the guidelines, rules, or personal boundaries for other people’s safe, and permissible behavior and attitudes toward us. Being aware of our limits also sets the limits for our reactions when someone crosses them and for the actions of others that concern us. Our personal boundaries are built by our beliefs, values, and attitudes, by the reactions we receive to our behavior in the relationships we have established throughout our lives. Where boundaries begin and end in relationships may differ depending on the person’s...

Dating Questions 0

Dating Questions are Questions to Ask to Get to Know the Person in Front of You

Recognition is something deeper than socializing. Use essential questions for this depth. Dating and conversing with those around you is often as simple as a “hello.” However, the situation gets a little difficult when getting to know the person in front of you. Here are the questions to be asked to get to know the person in front of you… You can also create a question-and-answer game with these fun questions. As the Brainusermanual team, we’ve put together a fun and personal questions to ask someone you just met that will help you get to know the people you meet...

Motivation ant 0

Motivation is a Real Miracle: Discover the Energy That Makes Everything Possible

You don’t have to watch the person’s work to see if it suits his talent. It’s enough if you look into their eyes. A cook is making gravy; a surgeon is making the incision and a clerk is filling a bill of lading. The same ecstasy on their faces… They forget themselves while working. How beautiful is that look that ignores itself and dives into the object!” W.H. Auden Let’s say we’re starting a business. Our first step is the hardest. Sometimes the things we do seem big to us. We delay. We delay again. We say, “I’ll do it...

talent 0

Find Your Hidden Talent in 7 Simple Steps

Everyone has a hidden talent. It can be not just one, but more than one. For this, you have to discover yourself. Almost all of the resources we found at Brainusermanual to study human power and happiness said the same thing. This happiness and power are hidden inside you, it is not something you can find outside! One of them was our natural abilities. Even the one who says, “I have no talent for anything,” has a talent that he has not yet realized. You may not have the best voice or be the fastest runner, but it is possible...

thinking 0

Recognize 5 Thinking Traps

To be successful, and truly happy, you must not fall into the thinking trap. As long as you are reasonable and prudent, you will be protected. There is a fundamental rule to remember when trying to regulate our happiness or well-being: “Our thoughts or how we think affects our emotions, behavior, and physiology.” Our thinking habits guide the way we interpret current situations. If we have highly rigid thinking patterns that I will talk about in this article, our effectiveness in daily life may decrease, and we may misinterpret the situations that happen to us because we see problems not...

Stress 0

4 Exercises to Start the Morning Stress-Free

“No way, today will be a nightmare.” Have you ever thought about this before you turn off your morning alarm? Even when we’re half asleep, relaxed, and safe under the sheets, we can begin to imagine the disasters the day can bring. On the one hand, we may feel productive and think, “I am preparing myself for worst-case scenarios”. However, according to new research, we inevitably create a difficult day for ourselves when we plan our days before the event starts. A study shows that predicting stress can prepare us to experience daily stress. As the researchers recruited 240 adults...

Negative Thoughts 0

9 Negative Thoughts You Should Leave Behind

Negative Thoughts have never benefited you. As we leave behind a whole year of good and evil, it is a matter of curiosity for us to see what kind of surprises the year 2023 will come with. It is an inevitable fact that most of us will face this year with anxiety as we continue to feel the impact of the difficulties that came with the pandemic and have difficulty maintaining our hope and optimism due to the uncertain environment. However, before saying ‘hello’ to a new year with new beginnings, review what the year 2022 has taught you, brought...