2023 Roadmap for Companies-5 Tips for Success

unique for Companies

When it comes to success for companies, it is necessary to consider many factors simultaneously. The world, which has changed with the rapid development of technology, has turned its direction entirely differently with the emergence of the pandemic. In the new world, economic models and ways of doing business have changed like never before. With all these winds of change, it becomes inevitable for companies to consider completely different strategies for the future.


We state that the new world presents every crisis as an excellent opportunity for all traditional organisations that have not yet internalised new business methods. “Understanding the new generations requires confrontation before taking action; It takes courage to face it. I wish all business people who want to read the Z generation more accurately in 2023 to adopt communication and transparency away from nonsense.” As the brain user manual team, we list the following five suggestions.

1-Diversity and Inclusion for Companies

inclusion for Companies

In today’s business world, we are in an adventure where organisations should recognise differences and bring their stakeholders together with a spirit of alliance and ensure that all components have a field of expression at every step of the decision-making process. We must better understand the demographic experience that makes us unique and maintain our curiosity and empathic interest for a fair organisational culture for Companies.

2-The Importance of a Flexible Workforce

Flexible Workforce for Companies

We operate with extreme flexibility we could not have imagined a few years ago. To accurately read the new workforce, such as freelancers and gig workers, we need a realistic point of view free from bias. Let’s assume that the winner of the battle for Talent is talent itself. Let’s be initiative leaders for autonomous workers. I hope 2023 will be a year in which we focus more on the result and the value created, not overtime.

3-Reverse Mentoring for Companies

mentoring for Companies

I think reverse mentoring is a very appropriate tool for us to develop an innovative perspective that is indispensable for the targeted future. Bringing dissimilar together and allowing them to touch each other will strengthen our innovation muscle and make it easier for us to establish new areas of discourse and struggle against age, generation, gender and class discrimination for Companies.

4-Redefining Talent for Companies

Redefining Talent for Companies

According to Manpower’s Talent Shortage report in 2022, I think that the talent shortage, which is 69% globally and 83% in the USA, will reach much more serious dimensions in 2023. Redefining Talent in such a context is critical. Organisations should better read the messages of the new generation to leaders and institutions. Instead of embarking on an adventure with conventional strategies in human management, original and authentic practices should be put forward that are grounded and prioritise culture.

5-Time to Meet the Juggler Generation

Juggler Generation for Companies

It’s time to meet the slash generation, which brings a new perspective to the career with its definition that changes every ten years – we think it’s time to complete the juggler generation with a report that will make it easier to understand in our language. The juggler generation, which we believe will be much more visible in 2023 – that is, the generation that can spin several balls in the air at the same time – is the multi-career of the new age that does not only adopt a career path that can be a psychologist but also a coach for Companies, who can be an architect at the same time as a journalist a term used for generation. Instead of boasting about vertical career paths and titles that are quickly distributed, we should pave the way for genuine assignments and significant responsibilities for Companies.


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